Give it to me straight, pol. Does this make me a nigger?
Got my 23&me results back today
>99% white
given the tolerancies of this test no
>giving a corporation your genetic data
One of your parents is 2% nigger
Nah you're black bro. One drop rule. Admire my 100% pure european results.
>>giving a corporation your genetic data
Who not only will give it to the government if asked and never tell you about, they can also sell it (it's in the agreement) to whomever they want.
Yes you have nigger DNA
Yes, you might as well be Tyrone Jamal.
Maybe you can become a rapper or sports nigger.
>random 1% white
you just got jew'd. should have listen to everyone warning you not to do it since they put that shit in there on purpose.
>100% European
kek, I love this meme
They purposely add nigger and jew DNA to make you not a racist, the chances of you being a nigger are super low.
>Ashkenazi Jew
lmao nigger you're a semite sand dweller nomad merchant.
semites aren't white, you're an arabnigger.
>blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, genetically 100% european
Try again amerimutt.
You keep repeating european, but ashkenazi isn't a native european race. They're mongrels that are predominantly sandpeople. Your average palestinian? That's a jew, disregarding the conversion to islam. Those palestinians are your forefathers, lmao.
You're the biggest mutt out there, kikel.
Whatever Tyrone Jamal, you just have to face the fact that you're a nigger boy.
Using 23&me is a guaranteed Ashkenazi positive
Pic related is you.
Ashkenazim are boatniggers like Sicilians and Greeks.
r8 me m8s
>green ish eyes
el ogro...
They had a small percentage to trigger people
It’s just to bust your balls
At least you are not literally 56%.
You’re part French so that’s where the African comes from
That's what I was thinking.
they are putting nigger genes in all white man tests to make you feel weak
Abo-nigger confirmed!
Surprised you're even able to learn a written language.
>born in London
pick one.
why does the anglo have so many genes
so powerful....
Are these the Bloods or the Crips?
>1% nigger
I feel obliged to say yes but (((23andme))) is probably reporting that there is nigger blood in many genetic profiles to somehow prove that we are all the same
I didn't realize you're from a Muslim country.
Regardless, ethnically, I'd say you're either nigger-faggot or faggot-nigger.
Mmmmm Janice.
>t. Nigger who found out he descended from MLK
not sure
I think there was an article where they flat out admitted that was exactly what they were doing
No. 23&me admitted adding nog results to, and I quote "screw with racists". If you only have 1% it's definitely a troll.
Picture or you're full of shit sand nigger.
I've seen belizean results much more colourful than that. They descend from all seven corners of the earth.
They have south asian (indian), east asian (chinese), southern european (iberian), native american, and west african.
Your mother has fucked a nigger
>Your mother is a whore
They always put in 1% of black to "mess with racists".
>Only 53.3% white
>Got my 23&me results back today.
Congratulations for being an organ donor for the elite. They have your info now, so if they're ever nearby and need your organs, an extraction team will be dispatched to harvest you.
>when the joke goes so far over your head it ends up in outer space
You are offspring of niggers
Your family tree was recently tainted
Americans are all nigger mutts
I see that 1% tho....
Good try ElChupaCabra
CEO of 23&me is a jew Anne Wojcicki, sister of Susane Wojcicki from google/youtube.
Congratulations, jews now have your DNA
>Exactly 1% afrockan
They do this to absolutely everyone. A straight 1% is not only impossible, it proves they're lying.
literally my results u stupid leaf
top kek
Don't join my server
Actual whites welcome though