right-leaning libertarian here. explain to me how this is not literally horseshoe theory? meme or not, you are literally right wing SJWs. you need to start making some real arguments instead of blaming everything on your boogeyman if you wish to win people over
We will slaughter the Jews in their homes and synagogues. Wut OP?
not an argument
You sound chapped. Sargon's a cuck and I suspect you are as well.
not an argument
>explain to me how this is not literally horseshoe theory?
Because it's the truth. Investigate why things are so screwed up and you'll come to the same conclusion. It doesn't have to be every Jew for it to still be a Jew problem.
Wasn't mean to be one, but here's some advice - lay off the soy.
Individualism will lead to the death of the white race. Jews or not, national pride is our only hope.
>you are literally right wing SJWs
We're SJWs who realized it's The Jews
You cannot deny that their is a heavy over representation of jewish people within mass media. To deny it is to deny reality
correlation does not equal causation
never has, never will
>we're SJWs but from a different perspective
Thanks for admitting it.
Doesnt it seem odd that the USA needs a foreign lobby for a foreign country within its own government?
Why do we even have an Israel lobby in the US?
how does this prove that there is a mass conspiracy to overthrow the goyim
You didnt answer the question. Why does the USA have a lobby for a foreign nation?
foreign policy is a complicated thing
it’s also irrelevant to this discussion
>a jewish ethnostate is irrelevant in the discussion of jewish control of the USA
Okay, because our politicians serve Israel. That better? Now how does this prove a mass conspiracy to convert the goyim into mixed race slaves?
>event happens
>look at who's involved
>It's a Jew
>repeat ad infinitum
Pure coincidence.
Like this?
>correlation equals causation when it aligns with my worldview
It's the truth, not an argument.
cherry picked commercials? you’re going to have to do better than that I’m sorry
Correlation does not always mean causation, but it does very heavily suggest it, with that increasing more the more correlation there is.
>migration equals racemixing
It's just that they are doing it.
It's obvious and they also say it amongst themselves.
Also it would be funny to kill them so we are gonna do it.
Not every reason for doing something is rational.
But in this case it actually is the Jews lol
t. scared jew
congratulations, you’ve proven nothing
Actually yes, when laws and propaganda are taken as a whole it appears to be heavily promoted mostly by Jewish groups.
And this
And this
So no matter how many times a yid does something evil your gonna ignore it.
Good to know
That is a plan by the UN to replace us via mass immigration from the third world. What would you call that, genius?
why do people draw their fatass soyboy idols like this? can't you accept that all of the people you look up to are weenies and fatass neckbeards?
Holy fuck that is the worst thing I've ever seen.
Made me fucking vomit
And here is this little jem my skeptic friend
>we're SJWs but from a different perspective
And Libertarianism too
Welcome to the team, kid
>Mixedfags getting together and making a shitty music video out of liberal guilt pride
>Zionist conspiracy
So if a mutt made a song about something, is it jewish controlled automatically?
No really, it's the Jews.
So according to your logic, no matter how often you are caught with your hand in the cookie jar, this is never evidence of you being a cookie thief because correlation never equals causation.
What isn't the Jews?
We are advocating in our own best interest just like everyone else.
It doesn't matter because we don't need you.
right-leaning libertarian here, it literally is the jews man
This. There is no argument. Just Death.
It's the Jews over in Europe, too.
We tried to talk to the left for decades.
Now it's just time to marginalize and remove them.
It's Jews
Marxism->cultural marxism, Marx was a Jew from family of Rabbis with many generation traditions, communism was a jewish tool to get rid of christianity and jews are way overrepresented among commies. Add to it usury and overrepresentation in media, politics, law, education which noone talks about even though they constantly do so about white christians
and more Jews
left-leaning libertarian here.
i agree.
Time to exterminate them.
Jews there
Absolut ausrottung!
Jews here
Dude I'm hella skeptical on the JQ myself but drop this "horseshoe theory" bullshit it just makes you sound retarded and in love with the smell of your own asshole
take a break from the discourse, stop taking youtubers seriously and go read some moldbug
its the jews
what boomer?
Only stormfags are right-wing SJW's. White nationalists like Jared Taylor admit militant Zionism is a problem but ultimately blace the blame on whites for letting ourselves be cucked by Jewish lies. They focus on improving ourselves before we try to focus on others.
>correlation does not equal causation
R*ddit argument.
its still the jews
It's getting to the point where anyone who denies it has to be looked on as a closet Jew.
>if you wish to win people over
Once again the eternal kike presumes to know what someone else wishes.
Perhaps you'd like to 'help' for a low low interest rate right?
stealing cookies makes you a cookie thief. that’s not what correlation means, dipshit
We should be doing both.
Part of the process of building a healthy life is removing those from your life who are a toxic influence.
Enough with the pictures, here is a little video from everyones favorite jewess
There also obviously behind 60 minutes I was just watching heard Steve Croft talking about some AIDS infected Nager criminal in an African prison and the whole reason we are supposed to care about these people is because Anderson Cooper was over there and boy do those guys sing in this crowded miserable prison even though they have aids are they so special
Your already btfo
As a tribe, Jews are pushing for open borders and white genocide.
I love how these threads just turns into redpill threads for normie lurkers to find.
Great job, OP, you played yourself.
And Jews Jewing makes you an oven dodger.
>logic is now reddit
>calling something reddit is an actual argument not an ad hom
you’re parodies of yourselves
Non-whites engage in identity politics. Non-whites vote majority democrat with literally every single age, class, and gender group in the United States. You will not achieve a libertarian paradise with non-whites in your country. They will vote against you, and when things get bad enough, they will literally kill you (see: south africa). Africans vote for gibs, asians vote for big government, and hispanics vote for both.
It means you cant keep denying that a certain group of people always seem to be cropping up time and time again and always say that is a pure coincidence
Exterminate the Jews and there will be no issue.
The biggest issue with Jews is that they'll always see themselves as a minority and will politically involve themselves as a minority, they invented a political philosophy to help export their views.
Using Marxism they will always be at odds with the majority. Marxism isn't simply a different economic principle, it's the philosophical intellectualization of being a minority.
Marxism was originally workers versus factory owners, then it became women versus the family, race versus the nation and now it's gender minorityism and the other perversions today (illegal immigrants versus native citizens).
The goal of Marxism is never to complete or connect a community it is to divide and Marxism in a majority underprivileged nation will still be divided up further into weird perversions because Marxism as a philosophy doesn't end. The base goal of it is to "get rid of the institutions holding back humanity", which ends up making more institutions.
Also, Marxism isn't epistemologically based, so it doesn't matter whether something being split up makes sense or not (gender) it just matters that there is something counteracting what already exists.
You're never going to find a complete Marxist nation which is why they fail all the time or they turn towards race and nationalism (ussr, china, nkorea).
The roots of Neo-Marxism through the Frankfurt School: imgur.com
or did I?
Not a race
Low iq detected
Why should non mestizo mexicans be blamed for mestizo mexicans
Kike detected
You blame aztec crimes on iberians
kike detected
who was behind communism and is now behind the anti white narrative?
Somebody post that huge collage of various high-ranking Jews promoting race-mixing and globalism, and saying white people need to die out.
at least they share their fantasies.
No one is interested in your attempts to turn us into optics cucks, Jew. We see what is going on all over the Western world, and there is always a Jew behind it. Even where there is a Shabbos goy, there are Jews.
You did schlomo
correlation does not equal causation, but it is not the absence of causation either, sometimes the correlation IS the causation just with absence of evidence
Jews undermine every country they are in. Here's Australia
And Jews undermine Hungary. Name an open border Hungarian politician? There are none, there are only Hungarian Jew politicians pushing the concept.
Holy shit is that king merchant?
They've been kicked out of every country they've inhabited through all of history by every group of people for pulling the same tricks they do today. Look at who is behind every call for mass immigration, every piece of anti white propaganda, and demoralization psyop and you will find a jew every single time. They even admit it openly because they know goyim are so well trained at this point they don't even have to hide. We didn't pull blaming jews out of thin air.
OP, your pic is literal eye cancer. Now that that's out of the way, the Jews are heavily overrepresented in all American (and Western) institutions besides the Military and in far-left movements throughout history. Personally, I don't blame all my own misfortunes on the Jew, but it is a FACT that I (and you assuming you are American) would be better off if Jews did not ruin the character of America through the redefinition of our country as a "proposition Nation" and the peddling of all manner of smut and filth in media and hollywood and their utilization of the Justice system to legislate instead of interpret law as was its original intent. I'm not going to give you statistics or factsheets because you can find those on your own. I will tell you that you should understand that this many people saying the same thing about the same people facelessly and anonymously, against all taboos, probably means that there's something to what we're saying. That is the only logical conclusion. (The point about "facelessly and anonymously" is to disprove any idea of a "mass delusion", the point about "against all taboos" is to illustrate that saying what we say about the Jews can ruin your life yet people still say it. This would imply that the people saying it either have nothing to lose, are right, or both)
He's the final boss after you gas all of the jews
the horseshoe theory is that as both left and right wing people gather information about the state of the world they inevitably come to the same conclusion. the more someone is an active the more they see it, and the more someone is comfortable and wants to maintain, the more they ignore it
Here's a Jew trying to undermine Japan. Freaking Japan. What business could a Jew possibly have in the internal policy of Japan? Jews cannot help themselves. They have to undermine every single country on earth. It is their greedy and malevolent nature. This is why they have been pogromed from 109 countries. 109. They never look in the mirror to ask why.
CBC is owned by the Canadian govt. partially, so it's safe to assume that it's very heavily ZOG'd.
>explain to me how this is not literally horseshoe theory?
pic related and QED, bitch.
thus it has been shown and proven to be true.