Why are leaves the least respected posters on Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cucks, pajeets and chinks
Consistently the lowest quality of posting
Everyone hates Muslims.
This is what happens when you replace white people in a country. You may as well call Canada China 2.0.
As said. Canadians are trained by birth for government gibs. Snow niggers in a sense.
It takes effort to see through the government bullshit here. So the default state is whiny faggots and shit posters.
Because we think independently and aren't mindless shills like the r*dditors.
>We need to maximize spaces and reduce the material workload.
We can't do everything. If you learn french we'll accept you when your shitty province goes down the shitter. Meanwhile, keep sending money.
I don't know. They are exactly like Americans. Their nation is like the USA. I've been there and seen it. They are massive hypocrite for shitting on the usa. Americans are stupid for making fun of them. We are the same, I've seen it with my own eyes.
Many reasons...
They have a long history of shitposting...
A long history of cuck behavior...
Then there's this faggot
Most of what I see in this thread thus far is burgers projecting their own issues. Canada never asked anything from you, never faltered on our alliance, most peaceful and longest border in the world. Just as big gun lovers as the US, without the need for second amendment. We have a lower population than you have niggers. We're not as fat and don't see hamplanets on scooters in Walmart.
Come see Quebec, you may want to move.
Coz they're fucking cucks. I've never seen so many beta males and leftist propaganda in the couple of months I've been here.
T. Saffer
Honestly I thought the Swedes were
Fuck Quebec
Yes fuck an ethnostate, you're pathetic. The only Natsoc place in the western world. But fuck it right?
You need a good roping
It's okay to be jealous. I would too if I was living in a country hellbent on financing its own destruction. A country devoid of any culture and history, filled with people that hate you.
Better wake up burger.
>financing its own destruction
How exactly do you finance your own destruction?
Because our government is cucked and our people boast multiculturalism like it’s a good thing
We all know why
Leaf/pol/ discord 9T5nKS
Canada is so fabulous...
the single most damaging event to Canadian posters was "plz be my ai gf"
not even Canadians respect Canada
I'd rather be part of the maritime union or the US
I dunno about that leaf. I think you have a lot more muslims than China. My company just opened a secondary call center in Quebec, and every damn request for a new account from that call center is for someone with a muslim arab sounding name.
Our shitty reputation is pretty undeserved, kept alive by r/the_Cuckold posters from plebbit. Every Germacuck post is absolutely abhorrent and they take the cake in terms of shittiness. Swedes aren't even that bad, this place was thoroughly ruined by nu-Sup Forums.
>hurr durr let's include a protectorate so it looks cooler
not sure, their president seems like he would command a lot of respect.
This. Nobody cared until we stole their digits
We really don't shitpost much more than any other flag, it's more just a meme at this point.
I wish there was more anti-Canadian banter then just le flag joke over and over again. At least burgers get some variety with the mutt memes.
Don't be silly. OP is an Australian, after all
You take that back, americlap
You guys are cucks
Make me, cunt
Why are leaves the least respected posters on Sup Forums?
>Consistently the lowest quality of posting
>Everyone hates Muslims
>long history of shitposting
>cuck behavior
>need a good roping
>beta male
>leftist propaganda
>Snow niggers
>Fuck Quebec
"B-but the G..." *burp* it's a thread made for you. Enjoy every singel reply.
half of republic is nowhere close to being what a prairie is
by having isreal as your greatest allly
South Park did it before it was cool.
Success breeds jealousy.
They use to make the most leftist posts on Sup Forums. They were notorious for shitting up threads.
maritime union, province of the European imperium when
people here cant handle our bants so they spurge out when we btfo of them on pol .
we are well known to be the most intellectual posters here by far I love watching people spaz to our arguments
>Why are leaves the least respected posters on Sup Forums?
because of their constant butthurt shitposting.
those are two stunning ladies :)
Because they have the audacity to think they are a legitimate country.
You can not control your faggotry for even one post.
Canadian: Unapologetic socialist metrosexual American
Its cause of the way light refracts thru liquid.
>Its cause of the way light refracts through gay frog shit
because we're stupid high faggots