How long would the planet take to turn to shit if everyone except for niggers died tomorrow? What would the Earth look like three years later?
How long would the planet take to turn to shit if everyone except for niggers died tomorrow...
Did she break her neck at the end there???
I often wonder how nice the world would be if there were no niggers, no nigger culture infecting white culture, no nigger crime, no nigger poverty and nigger gibs. What could we accomplish? What could we be?
Three years? Give it three hours. Half of them would be dead.
No, you can see over the guy's shoulder that she jumps up at 0:09.
Have you ever seen the opening scene to 2001 A Space Odyssey?
Wait, are we talking about blacks or niggers? I believe blacks, not Nogs, could carry on some sort of civilization.
There wouldn't be Earth in three years.
Once third worlders get access to nuclear tech (which would honestly take less than 6months), the world is over
the problem is that for every black there is 10 nogs, and they have a strong crabs in a bucket mentality. It would take sub 1 day to revert to a shit hole.
I think they made a movie about that.
The effect would absolutely be immediate
But the answer is probably a few weeks. They would starve to death after a few weeks.
pic related
This one never gets old lmao
>black there is 10 nogs
blacks ARE nogs, you dumb fuck
Why do you think that?
How many black civilizations have been even remotely successful?
WTF is happening in that?
>implying they’d even know how to use it
That's my point. They wouldn't know what to do with it or how to maintain it and would end up fucking killing everyone and everything after fucking with it for a few weeks
another intelligent species like dolphins or pigs or elephants would take over the planet after niggers die of starvation because they can't figure out farming or hunting
Not all blacks are Nogs, most are though.
I'm not sure if it's racial or cultural.
It's a rodeo.
By blacks you mean an instagram whore in a wig? Aight buddy.
4.5 seconds . none of them can work the nuclear power plants and they know it. so they start blaming each other for being dumb niggers that "dun noe nuffin an dun hab a gewd ejewkashun" and the women start heckling the men saying "theiy aint noe gewd men noe moar and you niggers are gewd fo nuffin". then they start fighting like they are in chucky cheese with their kids
niggergedon. in the streets black people just punching each other for no reason. nobody going to work. nobody online its. just people yelling "wurl sta" until they are all dead from blunt force trauma or starvation
Fbpb. Detroit with less infrastructure
I don’t think they’d ever learn how to launch them. Things would just end up tribal and the worst weapons after the bullets are all used up and the knives go full would be spears again.
If all white people suddenly disappeared, niggers would start looting everything they ever owned. It would be the biggest chimpout ever. Fuck, they would even be at the airport trying to steal the airplanes.
Also most of them would die very fast outside of Latin America/Africa, the climate would get to them after they destroy all the winter clothes.
Not just nuclear weapons tech, but nuclear power as well.
If you don't maintain that shit properly, shit gets fucked up. Look at Chernobyl where they turned off a couple systems for like five minutes or whatever, now that whole region is inhospitable.
How many days worth of food in the supermarket?
Nigs would end up mostly back in Africa without white caretakers. Mestizos would run a society that never progresses past the 1100s
>t. la creatura tenebrosa
Fuck here is what would happen if all but nogs where around tomorrow. No one would have a clue how to keep all the nuclear reactors from overheating and going Fukashmai.
The worlds aprox 450 nuke reactors would all melt down within a few hours, everything on the planet would be totally fucked.
There is no difference black are black, subhuman with 70 iq
white women are trash
it's not even the groids action that gets to me, it's the giggling white women watching.
As far as I know there are some safety protocols at place that are meant to activate themselves in case a nuclear plant in abandoned. Don't know how true that is though.
Roleplaying sex is not dancing.
Try living next to them and tell me that
There are like 2 white people in this crowd, the rest of them are various mulattos and mestizos.
White women and niggers are genuinely meant for eachother.
Both low IQ, degenerate aggressive useless animals.
Just like white men and asian women are meant for eachother.
Both high IQ, civilized, beautiful, non-degenerate and sophisticated.
Black are black, subhuman
the mixed race blacks would become hitler loving proto nazis and kill the pure blacks
Name one.
Sounds like a funny movie title
Nothin makes you hate them quicker than proximity
Maybe, but that doesn't mean that an intelligent individual can redeem an entire race of failure and self-destruction. Niggers should be confined in a single quasi-autonomous, walled around nation-state where they can ooga-booga all they want and stay out of European affairs.
I am sure there are safety protocols, how effective they would be in the long term if very questionable?
Kinda along the lines of what this user says >>If you don't maintain that shit properly, shit gets fucked up. Look at Chernobyl where they turned off a couple systems for like five minutes or whatever, now that whole region is inhospitable.
>Just like white men and asian women are meant for eachother
Thank jew, I will go now and have non-white chinese babies while Jamal fucks white women and the white race slowly disappears as a thing of the past.
Things will crash land on the first day.
Chernobyl didn't happen because they turned off some systems. They were already having some issues that needed fixing but the chief of the power plant was afraid to report it to his supervisors because he would most likely be sent to a gulag, so he took his chances and overloaded the plant during testing.
I have.
Most are niggers but you get the exception every now and then.
I knew a black girl raised in Germany who was as civilized as any white person. Morseo than some whites.
Take what you want from it.
White men hate white women.
If youre shilling for white roasties, you ARE a white roastie.
This is a new rule.
Post hand with timestamp to prove youre a man, or you are a subhuman stacy.
>White men hate white women.
And the jew keeps pushing, and pushing, and pushing his agenda... White women belong to white men.
>overloaded the plant
I don't know it's just because I grew up with twenty minutes of a nuclear power plant, but we were taught how nuclear reactors are basically constructed in grade school. They don't "overload". I hope this is just lost in translation.
I don't really know how to translate it to English, but the thing is he set some values too high, that under normal conditions would work fine, but in face of the existing unreported problems caused the catastrophe.
Soy boy as expected.
Short fingers and small hand means youre a manlet too.
a month, tops
yes :)
White pussy stocks value is plummeting
Kek. Aight big man, say what you want, but pushing for destruction of your own race is not normal, whether you are weak too beta to find a white wife or are an asian fetishist, it's just plain fucking subversive to any pro-white movement.
see pic related.
>pro white
Have you ever even seen a white girl you fucking retard?
Why would any white man be "pro-white"?
If we all have to burn to death in firey demise to eliminate the white female, then so be it,
I will happily go down with the ship. Suck it up nancy and dont plug your nose.
Black people live in your heads rent free
Focus on betterment of your own
So, Flint.
I like how he keeps goin even after everyone has fled the room.
They're really animals.. it's not even racist
Hahahah holy shit, this
100% truth
I guess the regressive left and your kind don't differ that much at all. Conclusions draw themselves on their own...
Fuck you, Shlomo. I will always protect my white woman. Jews are NOT WHITE. kys
You're half correct. They botched the timing on a power loss experiment, people not briefed on it had to set up certain conditions in reactor output, things got fucky, they removed most control rods to boost power, things got really fucky, and a steam explosion made stopping the fission reaction impossible.
I could never have sex with a girl that looked like this.This girl is cute, I'll say that. But she's definitely not sexually attractive.
This shit is like the WWE kek
The leaping is hilarious, from the third rope!
If Africa is anything to go on a few years at best
All of the posters above are Jewish, non-white, or Canadian. They are attempting to subvert our race. Agreeing with these posts or failure to see through bait makes you a cuck.
Africa receives ~15 billion a year in aid, it would be long dead without it.
>I often wonder how nice the world would be if there were no niggers, no nigger culture infecting white culture, no nigger crime, no nigger poverty and nigger gibs. What could we accomplish? What could we be?
move to Taiwan and you'll know what it's like
but be warned they hate you white devil
A bunch of savage niggers is your race?
Hey rabbi, watcha doin'?
literally fucking SECONDS
He knows it's not alive....right?