NRA Gains 500,000 Members

> NRA Gains 500,000 Members

> NRA gets over $10,000,000 in revenue

> NRA raises more money in 1 month than the DNC ever could

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Winning big league!



Delete this.

>500k bigots
We need more drones...

Liberals and Jews.
The absolute masters of unintentional reverse psychology.

Shut the fuck up goy.

Funny how little press this is getting, compared to random rental car companies and hotels dropping discounts for NRA membership. Almost as if media outlets are trying to push a narrative of widespread public opposition to the gun rights. Like they have some goal of making people believe a consensus has been reached when it hasn't.


NRA membership up big league
AR 15s flying off the shelfs at 2009 levels
Did Hogg start the fire?

NRA soon to be listed as a terrorist organization. Disbanded, Investigated and Imprisoned. The Hoggfather commands it!

I would estimate the revenue they have raised is closer to $60 million. (((They))) are digging their own graves by continuing to double down.

We will get all of you for terrorism the moment we get back in power. Every white supremacist will be executed and their families jailed.
Stupid goyim.

Link to stats or GTFO

Then the NRA's handlers hand it over to another wing of the government, yes goyim keep giving money to these ambiguous organizations.


This is what we will do to stop these racists.
anti-Semitism isn't cool.

you forgot to take off your larp flag

It was disclosed by Delta that a total of 15 people have ever used their NRA discount. But dropping that gets a headline.

Scared? It will take another 100 years for you guys to even dream about getting back in control and you will fuck it up all again. History repeats itself.

It is glorious that they dropped the Discount that only 15 people used and lost a 40 Million Tax incentive. Shoot yourself in the foot much?

can one of you cunts just shoot this faggot already

Praise Trump.

Those probably aren't new converts. Just people who passively supported the NRA before and decided to become full supporters.

Literally learned nothing from their past fuckups
Absolutely amazing


Who's Rebecca?

You forgot to change your flag.
If you're going to troll pole for fun at least make sure you're not using a mean flag that contradicts your shitposting.

Its probably his first day on the job
>wait theres a nazi flag, maybe i should use it and theyll think im one of them

DNC couldn't even raise 10 million?

Source on those numbers? I've seen them cited here but never verified anywhere.

Fuck Hogg! He caused a god damn panic buy in my city that lost me the Daniel defense I was trying to get on sale. There isn’t a single Semi auto rifle left. They even sold faggoty pink mini 14s for girls they were pushing.

Looks like the jew forgot to change his flag. We will keep our guns, fuck off.

I sometimes have difficulty telling weather liberal poster is a shill, homegrown troll or a Reddit niggers who just wondered in.

so substantial growth in political power for the group. I wonder if Trump will realize he's under minding his own platform by entertaining the idea of more gun control.

B-but, you're not getting discounts on car rentals at Enterprise anymore... NRA BTFO!

Is post ironical shilling using proxies and alternate accounts in Reddit

But in the end all of us are trolls

H O G - H U G G E D

>when you realize Hogg and La Creatura aren't CIAniggers, they're NRA agents sent to sabotage gun control efforts from within and boost NRA membership

i have no idea

Wa-wait a second, so they are double agnets?!

I joined the NRA and bought an ar15 because of that Hogg faggot.

seems these days when the TV tells people to do something, they do the opposite.

If anything, I’ve seen an increase in gun right advocacy from normies recently. A lot more people see through these liberal’s bullshit than you might think

30$+ per membership

lol, Trump gave a big fat gift to the NRA and fun makers with no intention to do anything right before election election time.

Trump saves face as someone who is trying to do something while providing funding for republicans and forcing Dems to overplay the unpopular gun control hand. He appeals stronger to the center and net action is positive for Republican funding.

For awhile I was shocked, but goddamn it, every time I lose faith in the guy I end up kicking myself.

>But in the end all of us are trolls
I own ironically try to have serious discussion on Sup Forums.
Then again, I have deliberately said intentionally stupid things to solicit angry responses on a few occasions.
Sometimes I wonder if Sup Forums would be as much fun without the shills and liberal faggots from other websites. I know 8 Sup Forums got old after a while because of that.

have a picture of some user's cat


Can non Americans join the NRA?

LOL, this kid should just shut his disgusting mouth and do some jaw exercises.

Sup Forums on Sup Forums is good because of diversity of opinion that ultimately gets distilled. Shills and trolls are part of that as they challenge and harden beliefs.

What's the NRA? I hear gun grab faggots on Twitter talking about it all the time now

Absolutely, but the discounts will be much lower and you'll have to pay shipping fees for anything you wish to buy.

I just want to join so the numbers go up the American media gets even more BTFO.

Count you blessings burgers, whites in Canada are actively being disarmed. 10/22 is limited to 10 rounds thanks to Trudeau and he wants to bring the long gun registry back

Metaphorically speaking, the gas has been activated.

Thanks, gun grabbers!

And I knew this was going to happen in I thought about buying Ruger stock but didn’t

Might as well. I did even thought I don't own a single firearm.

LOL. Limiting magazine capacity in a .22. Man, that is some big league gun control. Chumps.

North American Trumpenreich when

>Sup Forums on Sup Forums is good because of diversity of opinion that ultimately gets distilled. Shills and trolls are part of that as they challenge and harden beliefs.
I think that's what went wrong with that other Sup Forums. it was moderated so tightly that became a National Socialist hug box in addition to lacking all the fun banter. I still think much of Sup Forums needs better moderation though. It's kind of endearing here but Sup Forums should not be assaulted by shells every time a consumerist toy gets released.

No better way to send a big FUCK YOU to our kike media.

could you try fucking making sense

>NRA raising more money than the Democrats
this is fake news

People are already forgetting.
Talk about gun laws will be dead by mid April.

what's the next step in his master plan?

Oh no a Jewish Nazi

crashing the hogg train with no survivors

at the rate far-right groups are growing, you have to worry about being thrown head-first into an oven.
I'm not sure if things are bode well for your nigger and taco golem pets either.

An AR-15 even looks like a BBC

Has the NRA even officially released their numbers for recent sign ups? I know I joined. I wonder how many people really did? I'm sure that they got a ton, but 500,000 would be a killer stat if we could verify it somehow.


>can one of you cunts just shoot this faggot already
that would martyr him retard

they sure are

pic related: protest in tel aviv to stop deporting african immigrants

That’s it!?! Million Mom march meme’d a million members in no time. Hurry up and catch up to them! For freedom!

>we have more than enough.
Nope. You don’t, Michael Bloomberg can buy more warm bodies whenever.

>party that vouches for freedom should be labelled a terrorist organisation because some beta virgin is scared of spooky black guns
yea thats never going to happen goldstein

just once in the throat with a .22. cmon, itd be fun

Since Hogg has been squealing, I've joined the NRA and purchased an ak-47. true story

That guy is mistaken, rimfire doesnt have a mag limit in canada - you can have a huge drum mags if u want.

the only good thing about shills

No, but he did pour some gas on it.

>Several sellers said they were on track to double their normal sales for a weekend. “It’s sad to say, but whenever there’s a shooting, business only goes up because people are afraid of losing their right to own a certain weapon,” said Quaidman Woody, who was running a booth with his father, a sales representative for CrossHeirs. “So even if they don’t need another AR, they’ll buy another AR or pieces of it.”
>All throughout history, leftist governments have grabbed guns with absolutely tragic results. After massive gun grabbing campaigns, millions perished in the Soviet Union, Red China and Nazi Germany. Yes, the Nazis were leftists. They were “national socialists” that believed that big government was the solution to everything.

I'll join soon but I have to buy more meme coin equipment this week. Well get that to a million by the end of the summer easy.

look at those swedes

>yes goyim, be very afraid of us democrats

No, you fools! If you shoot him you'll only strengthen his dark powers. The monster must be slain with steel.

He has been foretold!

Is the the real life or just a fanta sea?

NRA Membership Soars To Record High As Corporate Boycott Backfires

So the NRA made a false flag shooting, hired these kids to act and ultimately increase their members... Devilish.

did it ever ever ever occur to you that someone who disagrees with you may not be a shill?

how do you like that bowie? I found that one ages ago for cheap but never pulled the trigger to buy it. Do you like it?

The absolute state

This is awsome.


>tfw the NRA are the Jews and you faggots fell for it.

Based gun salesman Hogg. Parkland was an NRA false flag this whole time.

Oh, it's not mine, I pulled the picture off google. For what it's worth, though, I did a lot of research on Timber Rattler products because I thought they were aesthetic, and the consensus I found was that they were horrible. Once you get off amazon where the reviews are padded, and start checking knife forums, people complain they rust like junk cars. Decided not to purchase any.

VIEW FROM THE FRONT PORCH: ‘Thank You NRA’, the board game
>The goal of “Thank You NRA” is simple. Move your piece around the board acquiring the proper cards to help you build the profile to commit a mass murder that will generate sensational news coverage that helps your company’s stock price soar. At the end of the game, the player with the most coverage and highest stock price is declared the winner and shouts “Thank You NRA”.
>Perpetrators include; white teen boy, white man in his 20s, white retired male, a male from a country on the President’s travel ban list, any US minority male in his 20s, and any female of your choosing.