Calls himself a millenial. Was born 4 years after the official cutoff for millenials

Calls himself a millenial. Was born 4 years after the official cutoff for millenials.

Other urls found in this thread:

he's an opportunist at every turn, disgusting slug.

He looks like Christian Bales illegitimate son

If he fucked that gay kid from Glee.

More like a caricature. His lower face is too small for the higher part.


Let it be so

Some him on bill maher tonight. He was embarrassing famalam

Great point. Perhaps he uses that word because he doesn’t know how his generation is called. Perhaps there’s no word for it yet because there on the cusp of adulthood. I don’t know what I am. Something between gen x and millennial. What’s the term?

post hogg's birth certificates and high school transcripts

This kid got cockslapped in the face one too many times as a baby.

>bill maher tonight
Also, fire is hot


Gen z Soy boy. Weak jaw manlette.

How old exactly?


Arent millenials young adults between like 25-35?


he looks bored and condescending on every single picture of his... narcissistic sociopath much?

Are you one of those Russian trolls they told me of?

Maher must have murdered a prostitute at some point
they must have some dirt on him to make him tank his own show and be such a little bitch

Should read they’re

No, he's a millenial. Facial recognition software puts his age at about 28

Why wouldn’t he invite Hogg on?

I am 30. Fuck you faggots.

There isn't an official cutoff though because millennial isn't a recognized generation. The cutoff dates range from 95 to 2004 btw

I know right?

He's an attention-seeking child who is being used as a political pawn but thinks he'll setting himself up for an all-star career at CNN or some shit. That faggot is retarded.

You mean there is an actual governing body for D&C tactics?

his jaw/chin look way too thin

No, it's all him. He's gone off the deep end, anti-Trump hysteria has made him go mad. Plus his show is now an endless feedback loop of echo chamber liberals who confirm what they want to believe over and over. Last week was unbearable though, those two Parkland kids were cringey as fuck. Genuinely makes me want to raise the voting age to 21 desu.

Millenials include anyone born between 1980 and 1999.

All these tryhard faggots born in the late 90's just desperately want to be part of LE BASED GEN Z because they're retarded.

This, and because the general public doesn't even know what gen z is. Pol just spergs over it because they think it equals "based fashy" while millenial equals "beta soyboy" most people think everyone under 40 is a millenial.

its a female to male transgender

If that’s the case they should really hold his feet to the proverbial fire. I’d hope an honest journalist wouldn’t softball him

He wasn't such a faggot back in the day, Politically Incorrect had its moments
>Genuinely makes me want to raise the voting age to 21 desu.

No, the Pew Center officially defined it as 1982-1996 just last week.

MTF is so much hotter


ONE hundred percent female dyke posing as a young boy right here, noooooo doubt about it, a transvestite, a sodomite in plain sight, mocking the masses with the made up bullshit shooting story, and ya fell for it, unfuckingbelievable. why'd you fall for this one?

Why do they get to do that?


Who the fuck cares?

t. BASED GEN Z faggot born in 1997 wanting to be part of the cool kids club.

The best part of this Florida shooting besides all the dead jewlets is its showcasing Gen Z for what they are. Mutts, dykes, freaks, soyboys, and even worse than millenials.

He looks like prepubescent christian bales with AIDS

muh timeline

Impressive. Very nice.

If his face matched he would be a 10, but sadly the lower half just isn't in porportion


>they should really hold his feet to the proverbial fire.
>they should

my 4th turning nigga

You didn't like my crzy 8s? you fuccboi faggit

He’s the hero nobody needs


those are the pre-crash dates. Goalposts were moved when (((they))) couldn't gather enough data to compile numbers for unemployment rates etc. They had to pull from the older gen.

Maybe if Christian Bale fucked an ayylmao

>Cold War
>era ends in 1964
What the fuck kind of timeline is this?

>aids and Berlin Wall
>era ends in 2008
Credibility is gone this is fucking retarded

I'd eat his ass and then hate-fuck it with the white hot intensity of 1000 suns

Anyone aged 40 and younger is called a millennial by retard boomers.


is this one of those photos thats gonna change every time I see it

>Everyone aged 40 and older is called a boomer by retard millennials.


>young adults


Kek be praised.

i focus on the generation timelines, not the shit on the opposite side of the arrow

this is the kind of shit you're attacking him over? fuck, Sup Forums you really are loosing to a bunch of teenagers.


I'm really excited for David's Before and After Trump's Presidency. I'm predicting the hairline goes by the time Trump is running for re-election. Testosterone hasn't even hit this faggot yet

What are you talking about OP? He was born in 1992. Well within millenial range