>Rise in white farm murders in last few years
>Afrikaner population is going to be displaced soon
>Talks of relocation to South Brazil, USA, or Eastern Europe
What's your general take and opinion
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South Africa Sup Forums [General Edition]
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Don't worry guys, Nhlanhla Nene has your back. He's going to fix the country by printing BILLIONS of dollars so he can give it to the poor and unemployed. You're in good hands. Nothing could possibly go wrong now.
>“South Africans continuing to be poor when we can print more money to ensure that everybody has it. Our people are poor because there is a shortage of money in the country. It’s not the shortage of jobs that makes people poor, it is the shortage of money. We have paper and ink, so we will print more money and give it to the poor, and make all of them billionaires if that is possible.” Nene said.
The Boers should relocate but unfortunately for them they won’t IMO. Nobody who loves their home, willingly leaves and considering how bad shit has been In SA since black “rule” began, any pragmatic whites would have fled long ago.
OP, listen to me very closely. Stop making these threads. You don't know what you are talking about, and you will only make it worse.
Sup Forums isn't going to do anything by talking about it, other than making it mainstream because (((they))) are watching. If some type of program is developed in order to help the Boere people, there will not be a conflict.
We want there to be a conflict.
There is a literal 6 million, white Christian Hornet's nest that just got a huge kick in the balls. We don't want the world police getting involved, do we? No. You and I both know who the "victims," will be.
This is the first place in the world with a chance for an explicit Christian ethno-state....stop bringing attention to it on here. If you want to do something...then do something. But stop posting about it on here.
you think so?
America is the world police last time I checked. Do you seriously see trump entering the conflict on the wrong side?
And if the world police sided with the blacks, then even if the whites won the civil conflict, the world police would then force whites out of power. Is my logic wrong?
Apartheid was the realization that you can't mix blacks and whites. It was a capitulation to the truth that blacks are incompatible with white civilization. It wasn't an attack, it was an inevitability. It was "each to their own", not "kill niggers". They just wanted to have the cities and farms they built, and the niggers could have their own, and it wasn't their fault niggers are incapable of making things on their own.
Where are they gonna go? Not all of them are rich - a lot of them are lower middle class/lower class farmers. Some of them live on farms their family started hundreds of years ago. A lot of them fought actual wars for their land. And they should just walk away?
Even better if whites could take back south africa and keep it. If israel can keep their little patch of land, then I'm sure whites should be able to keep south africa
south africa could even become a new white homeland, with whites all over the world acting as agents in its defense just as Jews all over the world act in Israel's interest in government and media
I'd be shocked if the UN even bothers to get involved, there's no way for the bureaucrats there to get rich off the situation. The UN is supposed to be the world police, not us. Where's the UN in all of this? Oh, that's right, they're too busy flying off to Global Warming symposiums in Lear jets, eating lobster, to get their hands dirty defending white people.
Idk, they may send peace keepers
The US is the big force in most "politically incorrect" conflicts in the world, not the UN. Look at the balkan wars, the iraq war, and various conflicts in latin america and africa. We disregard the UN all the time. If Trump can get behind white south africans, then we can intervene directly through our military or indirectly through the CIA or various other covert means.
White south african immigration to the USA is OK if no other option is available. Establishing a permanent white south african state is far better.
There's certainly money to be made in the natural resources left in South Africa. I know there is a reasonably sized diamond industry there as well as other mining productions.
Boers? More like Gayers. Lmao.
They want to be Zimbabwe and Venezuela AT THE SAME TIME!
The UN getting involved would be terrible. They were running sex rings out of countries they were supposed to be helping. Corrupt and disgusting organization.
Also think in the long-term for South Africa. Even if they win the conflict and take back their country, eventually liberals will infiltrate their government and media and push LGBTQ, multiculturalism, and everything else. The struggle is never over. You must always be fighting for your sovereignty or otherwise be subjected to endless cycles of bloody defeat and resurgence.
there is no "taking back the country"
Their only viable solution is breaking up the country and forming an ethnic zone.
Fuck off with your fake news kike shill
>people who love their homes don't relocate
All accurate desu
Platinum, gold, palladium are all bigger and more important than diamonds. China is going to be gobbling up mining contracts in exchange for good aid if shtf
Shit man why didn't we think of that
*food aid
why? Do you doubt the audacity boundless ambition of whites?
When it starts, any chance of forming something like the RLI?
*audacity AND boundless ambition. Seriously we're the most powerful race on earth. Also the most vulnerable, which is all the more reason to fight for what's ours
well shit
Because the black population is multiple extremely different tribes that hate each other banding together under eff agitation around hatred of whites. Farm murders are increasing and things are coming to a head with land appropriation and removal of whites from political positions (mayor of Mandela bay). Eff is a communist group using anti white populism as their major platform plank. They're behind the h&m jungle shirt chimp out and advocating hard for black nationalism.
Don't know if I agree 100% with plbro but he's said one of the few ideas on these threads that made sense and might work. If they really want whites out, give it to them.
>Talks of relocation to Brazil,
Why would anyone try to migrate to this shithole
>relocation to South Brazil
Well i'll be damned. I believe it would be good for my region, and there's a bit of leftover land around. Source please.
why don't the whites simply do what must be done and stop prolonging it?
Retaking South Africa would mean getting rid of all the blacks, which is impossible and would cause the US/NATO to intervene. Best to just carve out a Afrikaner ethnostate.
If you must leave come to USA, you'll just end up getting mutted up in Brazil
inb4 meme
Dream bigger.
What is happening to the whites of South Africa will be the future of all whites unless they get their shit together, learn some guerrilla tactics and stop being good goy muh democracy cucks.
Why not come to the Netherlands? You already speak like Dutch like retards over here speak it so you're already halfway there concerning language
Signed and have a bump
Spread this on youtube comments, twitter, facebook, everywhere
Apartheid worked for many years in south africa with whites owning all the territory, the only reason it stopped working was international pressure. Angry africans can be oppressed easily.
You don't need to get rid of all blacks, just reinstate apartheid. US will not intervene if we keep a right wing president. NATO is powerless without the US. NATO basically is a vessel for USA agenda.
>Sensationalism General
Will the boers take out a few of the ghouls before losing?
Basic education on current happenings
neck yourself faggot
Yes, but international pressure will prevent reinstatement of apartheid. Plus there's substantial quiet international/ leftist backing of eff. Follow the money and ideology to see who stands to benefit
The only international pressure that matters is American. As long as the US government continues to support apartheid, then south africa can continue to receive trade. There are so many leftists and countries against Israel, but it does little because the USA still backs them. This is why it is so important for us Americans to gradually take back our media and keep our leaders right wing.
>As long as the US government continues to support apartheid
Do you really this will happen. Use some logic, in a day when the left can't stop screaming racist at anyone for anything how do you thing the media will use it?
Call your congressmen and senators, sign and spread the petition, this is the best we can realistically do.
Sure, if we intervened militarily and were willing to throw the gauntlet down at China and Russia. Ever granting that, meaningful us domestic support for apartheid is impossible though
And what are they doing to do about it? Has their screeching done anything to trump so far? He stands firm because he knows he has OUR support. And support of so-called "apartheid" can be morally justified in many ways that will appeal to the average American. Leftists will continue to shriek but normal people will see things from our perspective.
south african liberals must not escape the bullet or the rope
Can't bump your own threads m8
Sup Forums is forming a network of armed volunteers who will go to South Africa and protect the Boer.
If you genuinely have the time and money to train and gear up and you want to join the Deathsquad, stay in South Africa General. Over the course of the year we will go through a harsh training period and assign a date to make the move.
The decision rests on your shoulders. You can larp around all day long on the internet and watch idly by as your people get slaughtered or you can become a man and join us in our fight.
More to come soon.
"The american calling people mutt" how classic
no, shut the fuck up
i dont care about global politics
the real issue here is the injustice mounting
you cant just put a racist spin and think allowing these atrocities to happen is simply ok because lol "its africa" and blacks are rightful in murdering whites
that is complete bullshit
what kind of clown court is being ran down there?
where is the fucking police force?
what exactly is going on?
seems filthy, deep down
look at his little tripcode
We have intervened in countless countries. We intervene in almost every county in the world. There are countless WAYS to intervene, from the covert to the overt, militarily and economically. For the most part South Africans will be able to defend themselves, and only need trade and freedom from military threat to flourish.
No links,discord or even an email?????C'mon now....
discord gg/Z4ZptJT
>domestic opposition is small and meaningless
>nobody will pay attention to my ideological opposite
This thinking is exactly why hilldawg choked so hard
>Leftists will continue to shriek but normal people will see things from our perspective.
You seriously overestimate the general public.
Again, call your congressmen and senators, sign and spread the petition, this is the best we can realistically do.
>If you genuinely have the time and money to train and gear up
Nice larp. Both people who have the time and money will join i'm sure.
It would be best to keep things here. We may have an email and a formal discord up and running soon. We want to keep things in this general.
When are the boers going to ask for western white volunteers to come fight with them?
You can go back, if you want.
You have to understand the concept of real oppression. Liberals and blacks are weak and can be oppressed easily. You don't have to kill them. They are actually happy to be oppressed.
Yes I believe people will care more about something that can be related to football or some shit.
If South Africa is actually going to hell, why doesn't the market agree? Should you guys be shorting heavily on South African money and get rich?
Hello, can I get some sources on who settled on SA first?
>best we can realistically do
why not aim higher, and if we miss our goal, then second-best will still be really good. Aim for the stars and you might land on the moon. "Politics is compromise" No. Politics is going for what you want, and if you can't get it after trying, you compromise. But trying will give you a much better deal.
Defending themselves from physical and legal violence is increasing difficult for saffers. Militias are outlawed and those suspected of organizing or physicality defending farms are getting kangaroo courted into rape dungeons. Leftist blacks control the military and while they'll undoubtedly eat each other, they will and are going after whites first, and anyway once that starts it's too late for everyone
>why doesn't the market agree
>No water
>Starvation imminent
Invest away, i dare you.
>why not aim higher
Because i live in the real world, i would love if we annexed the entire earth and started to travel to mars,but its not happening any time soon.
Pls respond
If you want to be an effective guardsman and soldier, you must have Grade A training. That includes extensive cardio and strength training. If you are genuine about joining our band of brothers, you cannot fall behind in the pack at all. You must learn how to tread terrain and to run for an extended period of time. You must learn an assortment of different skills and abilities to make you a useful soldier, and you need to run. A LOT.
If you're serious about meeting up with other polacks, leaving your lives behind to fight for something real, you need to consider extensive training.
You can short their stocks/money and make money if a collapse happens.
>Militias are outlawed and those suspected of organizing or physicality defending farms are getting kangaroo courted into rape dungeons.
There are many saffers doing intense prepping. Once shit goes down organizations will crystallize. Many foreign fighters will also pour in to support at this time.
>Hello, can I get some sources on who settled on SA first?
Just use a search engine m8, vids will have some info
i wouldn't risk it
spread this too
South Africa isn't my specialty, but I'm not seeing any options that don't look like Zimbabwe, if not now, than some time in the near future. Is there any viable national leader there who actually has a plan other than either fast colapse or slow one?
I don't see trump intervening, period. Or the EU. Not as sure about Russia or China, and have NO clue on how they'd potentially intervene. Has China weighted in on this issue?
I would expect the UN's involvement here to be similar to that of other African conflicts. Which is to say, nothing meaningful. What did the UN do for Zimbabwe?
Don't think of it like that. Think Country X of the UN sends peacekeepers.
>Because i live in the real world
No you're a defeatist shill. Yes, it is wrong to escalate conflict if you think you might lose. I am not asking to do that. I am asking that we TRY to set up systems to ensure that white south africans do not lose. If we cannot get those political and logistical systems in place, THEN we should compromise and try to get the white south africans to immigrate. But in the PROCESS of getting those systems in place, even if we are not fully successful, we will make a lot of progress.
Will the whites in the cities and other parts of the country join the farmers?
Remember to join, further the discussion via voice!
is this confirmed? Please don't post fake shit. it only hurrts in the end.
>THEN we should compromise and try to get the white south africans to immigrate.
No, you should be doing this at the same time, not one or the other if you're serious.
>No you're a defeatist shill.
>Now South Africa
Look at the pattern and use some logic. They ALREADY can't stop the rapes, they ALREADY can't stop the murders, lets just throw a war on top of it and cross our fingers we can get any of them out after your plans fail.
Sign and spread the petition.
see image
Is this real im ready. Ex military combat veteran.
>tldr San and khoikhoi were there first but now are virtually non-existent; bantus and Zulu (current dominant black ethnic groups) emigrated in long after boers
Platinum investing is a play on the same economic event but removed a step, and thus with less exposure
Can you sauce prepping? Would like to read about it. Aware of farm killings uptick
Unlikely. Look at the demographic numbers, whites are
We need to recruit more. It will be about a couple of months before we establish a full on plan and general to talk about how it will go down.
>It will be about a couple of months before we establish a full on plan and general to talk about how it will go down.
Post more info or larp.
There’s no point in talking, the whites there have to pick up those old camo patterned FN-FAL’s and slot some floppies
There is no escape user. If the SHTF then the NGO's and other "charities" will step in to save the poor white man. Those people will be trafficked and never heard from again. The new Jew pet China will step in to buy out all resources. Welcome to the NWO. They have no choice but to stand. That is reality sometimes.
So just stay in general? You want any contact info?
Rhodesia and Zimbabwe is the same conflict.
They can't stop the rapes and murders because there are government penalties for fighting back. In war you don't care about penalties. There will always be whites south africans who refuse to leave and will fight for their country. It is what I would do as an American if minorities tried to take over. What you're asking is to alienate those patriotic south africaners by dwindling the numbers of other whites. Sure, we can do the petition to raise awareness at least, but I believe that additional activism could go a long way.
the whites that stayed behind after apartheid ended are not a huge loss...let them bask in their stupidity.
They had their chance to sell and move but didn't....fuck em...fight em or die at this point.
Shit in one hand and see if trump gives them amnesty in the other....riddle me this baitman, which will fill up first?
It's a larp of course. Frankly the larping bullshit and REEEEE KILL NIGS RACE WAR NOW shit being spammed by burgers is the worst possible thing that could happen here. If i were/x/ tier I'd say it's intentional opposition but desu its just idiot autists autisting