This years Oscars promises to be very political. Expect lots of #metoo and #fuckdrumpf. Who will win? Who will lose? Lets find out!
Good, we finally have an Oscars GameThread
I have a feeling Kimmel is going to literally say DRUMPF
And theres the first trump joke
here we go lads
Nobody watches this shit. Even normies are sick of celebrities need to congratulate themselves weekly.
Can someone drop a live stream link?
There's still a lot of normies watching it though
>Talking shit about Mel Gibson
how is #MeToo legit if there hasn't been a single pedophile exposed...?
I hate Jimmy Kimmel and his fat mafia face, how appropriate his is hosting his satanic ceremony.
Alright i've had enough.
wow first time something like this has ever happened to me...
yeah this is brutal
A bunch of commies, cucks, kikes, and pedos gathered together in one place and God doesn't even strike the place with lightning. Stop trolling me God.
seconded. let's rob them of a few advertising shekels
pay gap myth wtf
And the ratings will continue to tank like they have the last 3 or 4 years.
Then they'll sit around scratching their heads wondering why the readings keep thinking as they try to jam their politics into everyone's face
The sweetest revenge is hitting these bastards in their wallet
look at the billboards i posted
>Talking shit about Marky Mark
Its already worse than last year's
Jesus fuck. I clocked them making fun of Trump at 3 minutes in and it's all been downhill from there.
damn this hypocrite kimmel , who wrote your monologue schumer
Another Trump joke in less than 10 mintues
Dude, if the building imploded, killing all inside, THAT would be progressive. For America, that is.
Now a Pence joke, fuck this faggot
Trump hasn't been nominated for an Oscar, right?
nah, he's white
So I heard that there is a movie where the only nigger is a respectable cool fellow and all the whites are psychopaths who want steal his (((superior body))) to put their brain inside
>only nigger = good guy
>all humans = psychopath racist murderers
hum, I only wonder which movie will win this shit fest...
will it slip out that bob Weinstein shoahed his brother?
How's trump ever going to recover from this?
Doubles or better and pedos get arrested live.
Trump should get an Oscar for Black Panther
Fellow anons, Note all male celebs they applaud and dig deep to find people they raped.
>show just started
>7 posts by this ID
oh boy what kinds of kikery are they going to show "solidarity" for this year?
I'm posting as it happens, plus it has to stay near the top to get more people here
someone needs to stick that pig over a spit
Reminder to mods that THIS IS POL RELATED
theyre talking about politics more than the fucking movies
Reminder: Oprah is a nigger
>imagine enjoying this
>Woman fucks a fish
Was this movie made or take place in Canada?
I hope Oldman wins best actor for the triggering.
It’s going to be a black man from black panther
anyone have url to stream
when i was a kid everyone talked about this shit. these days everyone i know ignores it.
streamz pls
Probably because it was FAR less political.
Now, you can see how a lot of winners are purely for political reasons.
I just notice that Sup Forums has invaded the official Sup Forums thread so
Its like 5 minutes in and Steven crowder has already had to drink a lot
Nothing of value would be lost
Do these virtual signalling retards think they're impressing anyone by virtue signalling about Trump all day? I hope they realize how insular and cult-like this makes them look.
I see them do this in real life. I'm not white, so people always come up to me to brag about how they ddin't vote for Trump, as if that is supposed to be impressive or a good thing.
One of the Best Picture nominees is a movie about a 24 year old man fucking a 17 year old boy.
Praised by (((critics))) and celebrated by faggots.
They are literally promoting pedophilia in the current year.
Sick fucks on social media trying to call it (((art))) and just talk about the AOC being 14 in Italy (despite the fact anyone under 18 is still legally a child) and pretend fucking kids is normal.
We need to kill all these sick fucks.
>boomers host parties to watch this
guys they need to go.
Livestream here:
Don't give ABC views.
bomb after bomb after bomb, and sounding like a hostage the entire time
a whole team of "writers" actually spent more than 10 minutes coming up with these...."jokes"
Stephen Colbert should've been the host.
Reminder that in the early 2000s Jimmy Kimmel used to host The Man Show, one of the most feminist triggering shows of all time. The show was a glorious celebration of muh-soggy-knees, and every episode ended with well endowed models jumping on trampolines. He would even do routines where he wore blackface. It's a shame turned out to be such a faggot. He used to be funny.
Fuck that. I'm watching niggerball instead.
Retard. The movie is about twisted lefty hollywood liberals that pretend to love black people and shit while fucking their brains and using them. Peele hates these people.
how do adult men watch this trash
"Una Mujer Fantastica"; there's this chilean movie about a transgender struggling in life. which i'm sick of since media has been talking about to death only because the political correctness and LGBT agenda...
Being raised by single mothers.
i sat and waited for oscar-worthy movies from october until now and nothing got me to the movie theater. what did i miss aside from that one with the skinny girl in panties in her room?
They roped him into fucking and eating babies so now he is their slave. Was probably Sarah.
Who gives a fuck.
Beastiality. Homosexual pedofilia. You know...Hollywood.
I'm posting a lot of Nazi propaganda on social media to counteract the Oscars.
The LGBTBBW@€&+# agenda has gotten so degenerate, people will be begging for Muslims to come and throw fags off buildings.
it's the super bowl for women and probably 85% of the male audience just kind of goes along with it
What's the gestalt on this guy Oskar?
Is he a pedophile?
>tomorrow's gonna be hotter
t. already shadowbanned
>for women
Penises lose
Cunts win
kumbaya etc
Not all women have vagina's you bigot
Fuck Whitey! 90th Annual Oscar Awards theme.
Nevermind they shut it down
Nigger, I been shadowbanned from birth.
Sweet Chuck btfo
Time for the Oscars again? I thought we just had that shit.
I have a feeling he will cry for the children of florida
if you watch the oscars you're not a man
Has Kimmel started crying yet?
Sideways stream
The difference between TIME’s—UP and #metoo
Quick rundown
Are you faggots here are actually watching it? I can’t fathom watching it for more than 30 seconds.
watching it for the lulz
Get these jigaboos off the stage