What is going on? I know it has something to do with Italy, but why is tonight going to be a horrible night for the EU?
EU's Horrible Evening
The Italian parliament has approved funds to clone Benito Mussolini and preemptively named him Il Duce provided the cloning is successful.
Wait, really?!
Anti-EU right-wing coalition looks set to take majority control?
Pretty sure some plebbit thread told me Italy cant hold referendums on international agreements, any truth to this?
Italians don’t even follow their own laws. It’s one of the most confusing law codes I’ve ever seen and the word count is extraordinary
it’s true
according to international (EU) agreement
and who is going to enforce this?
Also, how the fuck is THIS right-wing?
>pic related
No, it's in our constitution.
How the fuck could you guys so willingly enforce the sacrifice of your country's sovereignty?
if unominal college votes in the north deliver enough deputies
>italy cant hold referendums on international agreements
>ruling party can constitutionally overturn it without a referendum
secret 88D underwater billiards?
yes, but the senate can vote for leave withouth holding a referendum
Italy WILL leave the European Union
Italy has elected a coalition which will be sending 600,000 migrants back to Africa. The EU is obviously very upset.
It's always been in there, it's not a new thing.
I say the eu will dissolve in 15 years.
>They include La Lega, led by Matteo Salvini, the 44-year-old xenophobe who has sought to exploit the migrant crisis for political advantage.
How The Guardian described Lega. They seem so bitter.
Is Itexit actually possible or is Sup Forums jerkin ma gherkin again?
I fucking hate these leftists who think that by default leftist policy is the only policy.
>wah why dont you let average retardo plebs vote on international treaties
What was Casa Pound's role in the election like?
If you guys say you are out there isn't much they can do to you to force you to stay. They don;t have the troops to make you pay em back anything.
Fuck em.
It is ridiculously unlikely. What is more likely is that the italian government be worthless for a few years, which is nothing new.
go server youre own jews
Italy is going to be run by Anti_eu party or coalition and Trump is about to go nuclear on trade
EU on suicide watch
Italy is going to have as PM someone who despises George Soros. Things are looking bright.
bye bye faggots, we are going to leave this shithole called europe
Likely future Italian PM on Islam, immigration
Go get em italybro time to shut down that shitty experiment called the EU
Agreed sure is getting sleepy in here.
QUITALY is the proper term
The EU will not exist in the year 2026.
Prepare for the nationalist tourism wave, make us proud senpai
The only shitty experiment that needs to be shut down is the USA
We're all rooting for you, Guiseppe.
Thank you, based Italian.
suck a dick shitskin faggot. mousilinni was a pussy
They're at 0.9%.
I have an extra room available for anyone who can host me back innawoods of Canada or the Pacific Northwest
I haven't even seen this discussed on Sup Forums
How is this the first time I'm hearing about it?
>tfw Finland hasn't left EU yet
I hope it happens soon so we don't get even more refugees
What is going on? What is this code MLP? Looks ominous.
italys crap ,full of niggers already
The EU fot BTFO for all eternity tonight, euro skeptic parties won over 50% of the total votes, right wing parties over 35% iirc
why did she write mlp?
what's her favorite pony?
i don't care how the pastaanons call it as long as they pull it through
mfw the EU collapses in my lifetime
spot on
Italeave is clearly better
nawh homeslice I'm moving back to Ireland in two months, wish you well, if you go inna summertime I reccomend just buying a hammock with a bugnet, super comfy and the outdoors here are HUUGE
I dub it EXITALIA and the day has to be celebrated like a Roman festival.
>not spaghexit
we are Think Tank now
i really miss that show now.
This. I'm reading all these articles on how badly the Euro would collapse if Italy were to leave the EU.
Things will be fine, Italy will stay in line do not doubt this.
Hasn't Italy had to bail out a couple of their larger banks recently?
if this isnt the definitive choice italians have no banter
God bless fascism, long live Italy!
Fuck those hook nose banks, cut them off and withing a week or two everything works as new, no sandy kike vaginas mucking up the system
I want to believe
Oy vey rabbi. I'm getting sleepy, agree you?
*Are you?
if borders are closed then natsoc can work
Include me in the screenshot
Itaxit imminent?
Fir what?
I'm hoping it's closer to 5
Join comfy pol server faggots