Why Naanchi is so cute and blessed child?

Why Naanchi is so cute and blessed child?

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I want to have fun with that bun

Not for lewd

Is she a virgin?

>living alone
>nothing to do

She probably doesn't do anything non-lewd down there

She's made for it.

mental retardation

fucking furries

Probably smelly. Smelly bun.

Kill yourself, ESL-kun.

Is there any link to the OST?
I can't downloand from torrent right now and yesterday I found a link but it only had disc one.

There is no way to know. She only does the cowgirl position, and because we're on the fourth layer this means she will bleed every time.


isn't she blessed?

What it even means to be "blessed" ? To me it looks like she just got a lucky roll on the genetic fuckyou curse roulette.

This is my wife say something nice about her

I just canĀ“t stop sniff inside his pants.

Shit posting aside can't we agree this is a pretty damn good series?

Shitposting aside, it is a bad series with an interesting premise.

bad? the only issue i had was with some of the animation, frames were pretty rough. otherwise its been well made.

Yes but blessing wont save you from the curse.
>What it even means to be "blessed"?
Massive increase in physical capabilities, the maximum limitations of your body will be pushed further by a very large margin, just look at blessed Bon or Faputa, who had decades of combat training. Even Nanachi, who is a simple orphan, can still make these insane jumps across the cup plants on layer 4, and is also a pretty damn good runner considering how fast she saved Reg from the operation room. Some special boons and powers could also be granted, like Faputa being able to transform into a flying glob of semen, maybe Bondrewd even had some latent regeneration powers akin to Mitty's considering he grew his destroyed biofiber tail back.Oh, and you can also see the forcefields and read the flows of consciousness.
Aside from that, Bondrewd also implies that being fluffy is the key to surviving the Year 2000 event. although it is unclear how much we can trust this information, there is too little info on b-day disease at this point.

The adaptation was alright.
The series itself is what's bad. Thickly veiled fetish fuel, with ryouna and shotacon as its main focus.

Are preview out?

yeah I suppose you can look at it that way. i didnt think they over did those aspects too much, so just took them as a realism point. and honestly the fetish bait will only be taken by the fetishists themselves. us normies can just enjoy it. nice ost also.



yeah, look up on the site

Nanachi is a guy

anyways i still fuck her

>fetish fuel
i'm not gonna deny this. but even so, it was nicely done though. the nude/abuse scenes actually serve a purpose and the author didn't put them in there just for the sake of fanservice

Thank you kind user.

When will these shitty meme: nanachi is actually a boy end?

Tumblrites don't have a brain.So just ignore them.

when tsukushi finally decides to clear it up
hopefully never


The problem is, Tsukushi intentionally made Nanachi officially androgynous and told us we can't know whether it's a he or a she.

she's a big girl

Funny. Isn't this show the plebbit show of the season though?

nanachi is the cutest in the universe

How do you know that our dear plebbitor?

Dead bunny

Does it even matter though? Cute bun is cute whether its a he or she

or mutated, dead or mildly psychopathic.

What did she mean by this?

By being able to spot when a fandom hails from there.
Like you, for example.

So how is it there?

An advice for the future: no need to be upset and continue with ad hominem shitposting just because I called your show out on what it is.
This is an anonymous board after all.

Sorry user. I forgot how redditors can be.

Fate was a bigger reddit show

>bad series with an interesting premise.
>Thickly veiled fetish fuel
>t. i like the setting but authors fetishes creep me out ew
Its not even that fanservice-y compared to other manga out there.

More like "I think the setting is interesting, but shotacon/trapfaggotry is the last thing I tolerate, and the writing is poor and only operates on shock values".


So you never read the manga? Because Maruluk is in like 3 chapters

Friendly reminder that Nanachi is a chinchilla and not a bunny


Is this going to be a daki?

Hopefully, yes.

You wouldn't even know about it without the bonus chapters, and even then it is just a small hint without any explicit sexualization or fanservice.
I can hardly remember any moments where Reg is explicitly lewded aside from the chair. He is more of a self-insert for the author to fawn over lolis.
>and the writing is poor
Elaborate? Sure at first he presented the story with generic amnesiac and "muh relative" tropes, but it quickly advances beyond that and with all the foreshadowing its pretty clear that those stereotypes are just as much of a bait-and-switch as the identities of WWs or even the general cutesy style of the manga.

The MiA subreddit is pretty inactive, and there's virtually no discussion outside the episode discussions in /r/anime.

Dont you mean "Naaaaht for Lewd"?

There's no indication that Fap's power is related to the fluffy blessing. 7chi and Boner displayed the same symptoms. Their physiology became fluffy, their physical abilities skyrocketed and they became capable of seeing the abyssal aura.
By proxy being blessed makes you immune to layer 6 because you're already hollow (just not rugged). It gives you new senses to push through 5 and a strong physiology for layers 4 through 1.

In the 4th layur.

I don't remember any moments in any works where a little girl is being called on having an erect clitoris though, or that being shown over clothes, and mentioned multiple times. Not to say anything of the general design.
And what "lolis" are we supposed to "fawn over"? Riko, aka the blandest character in the series, and? Not to mention that a shota is not self-insert for a lolicon.
And let's just forget about the remark on story, I can give you that. I mean, sure it's shallow and uses shock values for impact, like I mentioned, it's not like it's fair for me to compare his writing skills to actual novel writers, it's just that I read maybe a little too much.

>There's no indication that Fap's power is related to the fluffy blessing
I dunno man, being able to morph your forearms into talons seems like it might be related to blessing.

>/lit/ autist sperging out

Fap's blessing is explicitly different to Boner and 7chi. Same with how the hollows in deep 6 are different to the rugs. Perhaps it's the effects of a different cycle?

>reading books = /lit/ autist
I guess that's what one could expect from teenagers these days.

I hope she off herself by the end of the series. That would be an ideal finale.

muh dick

Don't mistake yourself with that notion - you can expect it from a wide variety of ages now-a-days.

>shotacon as its main focus
t. someone who only knows the manga through screen shots

Do explain why the writing is "poor." I bet you're the guy from the Corner of the World thread that considered "Grave of the Fireflies" to be a bad movie because he couldn't stand seeing a kid being lowered into a coffin. You pretend like you have some list of objective checkboxes that make a good or a bad movie/book but really you're just a faggot who stirs up shit in vague terms because you've never read shit.

I know who you are. No fiction is allowed to have shocking moments, according to you. Don't pretend like you will now go "a story can have shocking moments but relying on them is poor" because you don't believe that. Any explicit moment is a strike in your book and an abhorrent offense to your squeamish sensibilities. Everything should be couched in dainty metaphor. Most of Abyss isn't even "shocking" moments. You'd know that if you ever cared to read it. So piss off, nigger.

I don't get it, what are these 2 things bulging out from her knees?

[nervous aspergers bunny noises]

They are thumbs. Thems is arms.

I'm not sure who you are confusing me, but I hope you and him suck each other's dicks.

Those are her hands and thumbs

She'll crush your pelvis when she orgasms.
Bleeding to death between Ozen thighs, best way to go ever.

>coming into threads pretending you are the only one who reads books and that every other medium is for kids and the unenlightened = /lit/ autist

What would happen if Ozen meets Nanachi?


She'd go all soft on the bunny, with cute baby talk.


Oh you

was it autism?

But why?

Ozen's vagina has a grip strength of 1500 tons. It's like having sex with a train.

You get one long deep whiff. But only in one spot. Where would you choose?

>And what "lolis" are we supposed to "fawn over"?
Nanachi. Mitty. Prushka. Faputa.
>Riko, aka the blandest character in the series
She is an animated corpse with a single drive to get to the bottom, Riko doesn't even care about her mom as much as she cares about the Abyss. If anything, Reg is the most bland character as of now, and thats because we have been blueballed out of the chapter dedicated to him for 2 months in a row.
>I mean, sure it's shallow and uses shock values for impact, like I mentioned
You still have not elaborated on what exactly makes it shallow. For a well-read literature expert such as yourself you sure are avoiding to actually talk on the subject and instead just operate in extremely general,vague terms such as "bad writing" and "shallow", and considering your confusion in regards to "lolis", I assume you haven't read the entire thing, which kind of invalidates all of your criticisms.
>compare his writing skills to actual novel writers
And what are you comparing it to? The only work of fiction that is conceptually similar to MiA and follows the kinda same themes that I can think of is Roadside Picnic. Again, comparing stuff from different kinds of medium is already pretty sketchy, but if you feel like you have to, you gotta pick similar stuff.

How many % on he furry scale is she?

I choose Rikos shit smell

Either that or maybe just the method Bondrewd uses can only provide a specific sort of blessing.

>Nanachi. Mitty. Prushka. Faputa.
And didn't even need to read further, troll.

Like, 25%. He likes furry lolis for the sensual, kinesthetic value, because us humans tend to find fluffy things as cute, pleasant to touch and cuddle, so when you enhance lolis that way - which already are very cuddly - they immideatly gain a huge chunk of appeal. He is not actually very much interested in bestiality aspect of the furry-ness, I would say.

Learn English you fucking ignorant cunt.

homophobic much?

I for one say we need more references and sightings of the erect clitoris.

>Not having Diamond is Unbreakable for your dick

Yes, as a matter of fact.

Doesn't matter shes getting BONED next episode.

>waited until the last episode to release ch43
>releases it one day before the final episode airs
What is this madman thinking? Oh well, at least it's finally out!

You forgot the "uhhhhhhh, "

didn't some pantyshot anime air recently where every girl has a prominent clit bulge all the time?

His art has improved so much since chapter 1. Inspiring stuff