Miss me yet?

Miss me yet?

more and more every day


What the fuck do you even do at Google moot?

literally who

no moot was a sellout sjw

newfag here who's this faggot

Who is this cuck and why should I care?


Stop being Google's little coffee bitch and come back.

I'm new: the post

The previous owner of Sup Forums and now works for Google

Just some newfag

no, asian owner literally gives less fucks.

Nobody misses luggage lad

not new. been here since last summer



literally who?


I still want him to run

>pure Kino

No I miss Sup Forums before 2011 though

I'm new: the post

nope, we have the original and the best. hail gookmoot


This guy sucked me off in the bathroom on a bus to New York in 2009 lmfao this guy's a faggot. He Swallowed too

>I'm new: the post

Newfaggot can't into newfaggotry

Oh yeah this was the guy who owned Sup Forums at one point, wasn't it? Gayyyyyy. I expected from all the posts from whimpy men proclaiming to be "Chad", the owner was meant to be some super ripped Hitler loving billionaire with 155+ IQ.


Not really, can't tell the difference. I do sometimes wonder what the Yakuza is doing with my IP address.


luggage lad had some charm senpai, not gonna lie

>not baiting retards into replying so they'll keep my thread bumped
1,000,000D CHESS!

fuck no

he created Sup Forums

Every fucking day, man. Those with brains will understand that you were essentially held at gunpoint by the Effa Bee Eye, but we will never stop missing you. Respect 'til my grave, mister. You are this man born young, and godspeed.

Is that Robert Paulson?

I would go for this, but where would he run?

fuck no


bring back twinkmoot

m00t literally created this place, and always spelled out as his Prime Directive that censorship was a no-no. Then some government assholes paid him some visits and he decided it was safer to just bail. And now here we are.

Created the website that will destroy the world through the amplification of conspiratorial, antisemitic stupidity.

Nope. Hiroyuki is 100 times better than your faggot ass.

Remember the 8 steps.

I just sent Hiroyuki $20 more than I ever sent Moot


considering we drove him off, no

I can't believe this faggot didn't neck himself back in 2008