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i sleep on my back too. I find it comfortable. love stretching out my toes.

I got armor for that

Looks so comfy

I wouldn't be in bed by 7pm

I had a very terrifying dream two nights ago. The ground shook the skies were red and the city I live near was under a mushroom cloud. I was full of fear and it felt very real. I drove with a friend as fast as we could. Our parents were in the city and had died.
Last night I dreamed Hitler had been reanimated, the whole dream was in German ( I speak it fairly well) and he cried at the state of the world.
Tl;dr some Sup Forums fag had scary nuke and hitler dreams.

you lurk too much, user


If by that you mean I spend too much time here, I’ve only been visiting Sup Forums and pol for a few weeks. I’ve had a lot of nuke dreams over the past 2 years. The Hitler dream was new though.

you spend too much time on Sup Forums

holy shit that is a beautiful cat


Nothing will happen.

Just the void.

should be soon no? 2-5yrs ish?

>I’ve only been visiting Sup Forums and pol for a few weeks
lurk moar newfag

> Trump implements steel and aluminum tariffs
> Putin unveils new missile system
> Xi Jinping removes term limits securing his leadership for the foreseeable future

Gents. Hear me when I say, these are preemptive strategic moves. WW3 is upon us.

For an explanation on Trumps move, please research "WW2 Raw Materials Production".

Putins move requires no explanation.

To understand Xi Jinpings move, one need only see the coming war. A change in power just before or in the midst of a war would all but guarantee loss.

Its about to get hot fellas.

whenever I see that gif I think of the Sup Forums fags who messed up their lives due to their own stupid choices and now they just want the world to end so that others suffer like they do. It is a good graphical depiction of the pathetic state of most Sup Forums tards.

can't wait until it happens. I want to die so bad


sometimes i like to put this on and pretend the world is ending and the blastwave is already on its way

>user you lurk too much
>user lurk more.
Jesus fucking Christ.

fucking finally, just do it already, aniki is dead what's the point anymore

Can't wait.

The only answer is to not post when in doubt

Simultaneously burn/poison glownigger hives. It'd really be fun to just kinda watch the little drone bees buzz about unknowing what they should do or report too as their queen has its wings ripped off, its legs broken and finally set on fire.
I really really hate the CIA for causing this mess.

How wrong you are. I have a promising career thats just getting started, I can go anywhere. I have a good family and good relationships. I have a good life.

However, I believe WW3 will facilitate the next arms race. I also believe the next arms race will incidentally facilitate the next space race. Which I think we will come out of alive and for the better.

don't reply to that user, it's datamining.

dont fear the light

Aniki is with God now. We should honor him by being our best selves.

nuclear war will be made easier by the b41 tac nuke

is name fagging a your way to prepare for ww3?


It's too early in the morning for this shit.

Hmm. Could be I guess. I'm okay with revealing what I've said in any case.

No, just what I do when I'm talkin strat.

Why are you still sleeping at 7 in the morning you lazy fuck?

I disagree, i don't hate myself so much. It's more what society does that makes me marvel how willing people are to throw serious convictions over board to be "tollerant" to be "progressive" and what the big higher ups want us t oabide to (first as a unwritten law of decency, and then as a burden put onto the backs that make this community so big.)

I don't want anyone to suffer, and the only suffering i bear is that my country is destroying itself o' so willingly for "the greater cause"

nice quads

Aaaaaaw ye! Goin' Lahve Mutha Fuckahs!

checked? What are you talking about you fucking faggot?

Fake. You need at least trips to correctly predict a world war. Newfag detected.

Can't wait
I really want someone dirty bombing my town so i don't have to work.
Cobalt bomb prefered.