
What are your honest thoughts about Saten?

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No strong opinions. Found her to be alright in the first arc of railgun, but then again, I'm an animeonlyfag for railgun.


She's cute, I guess.

She was the cutest in the anime, despite being a part of some questionable arcs by Nagai. She's much better in the manga, and her chapters with Frenda were the best part of Dream Ranker.

Cute and relatable, but not every show needs a relatable character.


Would marry

She got me banned from /jp/

nah, you IP not her

Is the secret club not up-to-date on railgun chapters, also why cant i find the index manga on there?

>secret club
old one or a new one?

The one starting with M

She should bat higher in the order

Uiharu is lucky to have such a cute girl friend.

Everything looks up to date here.

best railguns

that why I ask him


She's great when written by Kamachi or Fuyukawa, but Nagai is very obviously biased in her favour, and so she comes off almost mary sueish.

>Everything looks up to date here.
fair then, i was catching up from Chapter 81. Is there a reason the index manga isnt on there though? Looked through the raws section but found nothing

I also realised i was lazy for not confirming via google, sorry about that

Isn't she a non-canon character in the novels? I remember LN fags got super butthurt because she was best girl in Railgun.

>licensed by Yen Press
Why do you think its not up there?

user Raildex?

Ah, okay then

But it's there? The Index manga page here has up to chapter 83 translated, that I think was the most recent one. Search correctly.

As of OT9, I realize that the dark side is bad and all, but the light side is still openly dubious.

Scientists/teachers/schools are basically playing Pokemon with little kids as the Pokemon.

I still can't see season 3 happen

Jailbreak soon

Will raildex thread gets sticky once SS3 is formally confirmed in next 3days?

Didn't stand out in the animated shows. I know shes a memed up favorite but she is overshadowed by biri+kuroko so hard it's not even funny.

Why would they? Generals are still a banneable offense

I doubt it.

If it hadn't been leaked, maybe.

But now the news has spread, its just official confirmation of something we've known for days.

Kuroko was garbage. She wasn't overshadowing anyone.

Would you consider Accel strong in the grand scheme of raildex power levels?

Her presence helps me get through the day. Her smile fills me with warmth and joy.

Yeah except when the collective Sup Forums wanted to fuck her brains out.

>thinking the Sup Forums mods are capable of following board rules

just look back a few weeks to all those new game "totally not general" threads with nothing but autistic circlejerking nonstop

I hope it doesn't get a sticky so we can avoid the shitposting that would come with it.

Mods have a PTSD issue with Raildex, of course they won't make a thread.

Make one sticky thread a containment thread is still better than faggots spam shitload of threads on the frontpage.


She sucks ducks for level uppers.


What is everyone's opinion on Kawada Mami?

Oh man, how the fuck did i miss it. It was indeed right there. thank you

Is Raildex even worthy of a sticky? I like it and all but... really? Or is it just because of how long its been?

post kihara

I wish she danced with Touma and eternally made Misaka salty as fuck.


They make stickies to prevent people from flooding the board with the same threads. If Index III gets announced and massive shitposting of threads abound, its guaranteed to get a sticky.

Number 1 Saten artist.

Reminder that since Aleister cursed Misaka, then her life is doomed to failure.

Index threads know better than to flood the board. We get left alone as long as we stay in our thread.

A thread just got deleted not even 30 minutes ago.

It won't be us who'll flood the board.

He just redirected someone else's curse at her, she still has a chance.

Meant for this

Chance to fail!

Isn't Raildex Anime Series part of Kadokawa?


I am very worried about the quality of the Index 3 anime.

>Index threads know better than to flood the board
user, I don't know how to break this to you

flame and racist
so we deleted them

Everything is gonna be daijobu.

Fuck off with your fucking facebook personal army garbage, defending some guy who fucked up and got his ass thrown out from the fault of his own.

You really don't know what is going on. It's the biggest trend on twitter.

Summary in one doc:

Not raildex related.

We couldn't do shit to Wani, they won't do anything to Kado.

>biggest trend
Couldn't even find a trend at all that mentions this. Let alone anything that can be called "biggest". This anger is completely invisible.

Kemono Friends' official twitter is fucking invisible.

no not really, but the fact you're posting facebook pictures means you're not worth anybody's time here

It was always part of Kadokawa, so I don't see why the quality would be any worse than previous seasons just because they're being incredibly stupid with a completely unrelated series. Also, Raildex belongs to Dengeki Bunko, which is an entirely different part of Kadokawa than KF's Kadokawa Shoten.

Raildex = Kadokawa = J.C Staff = Miki = ASCII Media Works

How is that not related?

>jailbreak arc
>yfw it will be Kiyama Harumi

By this logic, we can claim that the firing of Yamakan is Raildex related.

Kadokawa paid Twitter to censor those tags.

Because being marginally connected to Raildex isn't Raildex. It isn't even connected with Kamachi. Hell, the focus is on My Little Beast Friends: Friendship is Tanoshii! having problems and maybe Raildex getting involved because they have the same parent company, which could be said for all Kadokawa properties that are getting new anime. It's guilt by association and has nothing to do with this franchise. This isn't a direct thing like the Heavy Object announcement, it is a completely separate thing.

What do you think if studio is not JC staff for S3

I like her. She accomplishes things despite having no powers.

Would be weird after they've already done work on both the chink mobage and VO.

I saw in my dreams today that OT15 was being adapted and that Kakine had Goro Akechi's voice.
Do you think that it fits?


F**K YOU. The link is from Reddit in the first place.


Kadokawa losing 2% of it's stock in a single day because of Kemono Friends has nothing to do with us really. I don't see them randomly targeting us and changing directors out of the ass for S3 unless there's very specific reasons, and those reasons would have to be pretty important. So again, do we have shit to worry about? Not really. Everyone is a little hopped up because one little director was replaced and his entire team bailed.
> "B-But what if it happens to us?"
It won't and even if it does we can't do shit about it. Kemono Friends has a retarded amount of fans but they're shitposts and defense of the series didn't harm them one bit, well except for the 2% drop in stock. Unless the overall Raildex fanbase as a whole over there starting boycotting shit or attacking Kadokawa physically or some shit, nothing would change.

Fuck off. Anyone here who gave a shit would already be in the other threads.

Fuck off to reddit



This, if something like this did occur for us by chance, we'd be unable to do anything about it. Kadokawa is literally getting this on hush in the media as best by paying off social media sites, and completely ignoring the situation for the most part. Even the large KF fanbase won't phase the company.

I actually don't understand why we need to talk about Kemono Friends here when it has no relation to Raildex whatsoever other than both being under Kadokawa. It would be like something bad happening to SAO, and every other Aniplex property being affected. Things don't work like that. Besides, we already have multiple threads about KF and Tatsuki, I don't really see the need to talk about it here.

>can't just enjoy partying over Index S3 because of Kemonoshits

I want to punch Nagai and his waifu so bad

It's just a bunch of paranoid kuns getting worked up over the smallest relation because they're afraid of S3 getting jeopardized. I can't exactly blame them since we've been waiting forever but, oh well. Not to mention some shitposters keep trying to stir flames between us and them, so talking about Kemono Friends is pretty common right now.

I think it's more likely that the timing of the leak was just a coincidence, given that it seems Index 3 had already been green-lit for a while.

I need the comic of Saten in Touma's dorm room.

I want to fuck last order

It fell 19 yen from COB 25/9/17 (1371 yen) to COB 26/9/17 when the news dropped (1352 yen).
The net effect on the day that it happened was literally less than 20 yen.
Two days later, the stock has already risen back to 1372 yen at COB.
Absolutely no fucking effect on Kadokawa at all.

I don't get why they need to be paranoid in the first place. Incidents don't always spread to non-related or tangentially-related series: for example, did the Emitsun scandal affect other Bandai and Sunrise shows? It didn't. Did the Kokoro Connect incident affect Silver Link and other anime by the same people and companies? Not in the long run.

I wouldn't even be surprised if a certain intern was payed off to leak S3 amidst this to calm the storm of the inevitable Kemono Friends fiasco. I'm probably overthinking but I have no clue what they're thinking in Kadokawa. I can't deny the fact that it's probably been green lit for awhile though, it's just ironic the leak happened at such a precise period of time..

Go away Aogami.

So do you guys think Coronzon is all evil, or that there's no hint of Lola herself still inside?
Before that big reveal I never thought she was irredeemable because of this scene after Acqua of the Back

>"Report." The boatman brought up a topic related to work.
>I finally manage to leave St. George Cathedral, and this boatman doesn’t know the mood and wants to talk about work, Laura curled her lips unhappily.
>"There seems to be in-fighting within the Roman Catholic Church, and the Pope himself has became involved as well. It’s unknown whether he’s alive or dead. We have confirmed that he was sent to the hospital, but we can’t make hasty conclusions."
>The boatman began to hypothesize based on the insider reports from Rome and the magical flow, collating them together to explain this 'inside war' further.
>"From the vast amount of magic detected, the damage should have been dozens of times -- no even more than that, but... please give me a moment to calculate this. I might have made a mistake."
>"Even if you do your calculations again, it won’t change. There was an ordinary street behind where they found the Pope, yes? If so, it's extremely obvious what happened."
>Laying down on the boat, Laura flipped her body around to a position where she was unable to see the boatman. While doing this, she muttered, "...Such a kind man."
>The significance and thoughts that statement held, the boatman was unable to tell. Laura Stuart’s outer appearance belied her true age. The way in which she experienced things were quite different from the way ordinary people experienced. Because of that, the boatman was unable to understand Laura Stuart's method of thinking.
>"... then, you must be smiling right now you foolish, kind man."
>In the end, the boatman could only guess based on what he saw.
>There was a tinge of loneliness in Laura Stuart’s voice.


Why do people hate NT arc

This is what I'm talking about, the executives at Kadokawa are probably sitting there smug as fuck, laughing their asses off. This backlash effected them for what, a day at the least? Meanwhile the KF fanbase is still sitting here confused and outraged. No justice will be served, and the director and his team won't come back. Yet people are still scared for Index when it has nothing to do with us period. If they changed directors for us we wouldn't be able to do shit about it either in essence, we'd just end up getting ass blasted like the KF fanbase and eventually have to fuck off and take a breather.