ask an ashkenazi jewish woman anything
Ask an ashkenazi jewish woman anything
do you have big milkers?????
Why consider yourself a Jew?
Milkers or GTFO.
Milkers or GTFO.
Why are you all so evil? Is it genetic?
Shill did not post abigail
What the fuck is your problem?
>Milkers or GTFO.
Milkers or GTFO.
Where are the khazar milkers and time stamp?
>ashkenazi jewish woman
>eu flag
checks out.
I hope you enjoyed the foreskins, your time is over now.
How does it feel to be the ugliest type of woman in the world? You will never be a goddess with blond hair and blue eyes with the facial structure of an angel. You'll never be the prettiest girl in the room. How does it feel that no matter the case your dark hair, ugly nose and ugly face will never be the symbol of beauty.
Jewish women will never have great operas and plays written about their beauty. Jewish women will never have millions of men lusting after them and hoping to get a glimpse of your face.
How does it feel knowing you're called "cute" for a few months in your early 20s then you start to age like an old sock and begin to resemble your grandma?
How does it feel to be ugly?
Jewish women are fit though
Are you ready for the next Holocaust?
t. I'm a member of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Show Khazar bobs
How big are your milkers?
Jewish women are second only to white women despite how crazy they are. They dont have the pig nose white women have, arent sluts like latinas, dont smell like curry like indians, arent insuffrable like negresses, they are just libs to death and will cuck you but you know it is part of their agenda they just arent stupid.
Do you see Sephardi Jews as subhuman?
Bitch Khazar lasagna
Know any good Ashkenazi Jewish jokes?
Shalom sister!
1. Are you Torah-observant?
2. If yes, what's your minhag?
3. Are you married? Do you plan on getting married?