/Fsg/ - Fascist General

/Fsg/ - Fascist General- Silver Legion Edition.

Thread for discussion of Italian Fascism, and other forms of fascism, Mosley, Codreanu, Falange, etc. Also for sharing fascist literature and information.

A Fascist general for Fascists and those interested





Be respectful and please try to keep conversations relatively "intellectual"

Good fascists/similar or influential people to get an introduction

Oswald Mosely
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Stepan Bandera
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Ettore Ovazza
Gaetano Mosca
Friedrich Nietzsche
Charles Maurras
Enrico Corradini
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Johann Plenge
Alceste De Ambris
Gabriele d'Annunzio
George Lincoln Rockwell
Juan Perón
Giovanni Gentile
Julius Evola

Types of Fascism

British Union
Meme futurism
Clerical Fascism
Brazilian Integralism

"[Fascism] was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly."~Oswald Mosely

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/SelectedWritingsByJoseAntonioPrimoDeRivera/Selected Writings - by Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera_djvu.txt










Nietzsche was an extreme subjectivist and individualist, definitely not a fascist. Hitler misunderstood Nietzsche's "will to power" concept mostly because of Nietzsche's Nazi sister getting a hold of his works after he died and misusing them to support her own ends.

That's why it also says "influential people".


Dumping some Iron Guard stuff.



im spanish and i want to read more about Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, i couldnt found literature about him, is there something worth reading?

Well, let me check and find something. I hear he was a poet as well.

archive.org/stream/SelectedWritingsByJoseAntonioPrimoDeRivera/Selected Writings - by Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera_djvu.txt
I found this, hope you'll find what you need. Spainbro has this one poem written by him.



hank you godspeed user




Question: will kosher dill pickles be allowed in the ethnostate?

I'm here, the party can now start
I need that

You're late.

*You're mexican

Anyways, has anyone thought of using enterprises in order to introduce fascist ideas into society? The lightest ones, not going full Casa Povnd but instead introducing people to responsable enterprises, eco-fascism, corporatism, Locality, rejecting the modern, Saluting Il Dvce, etc

Now that I mention Casa Povnd, what do you think of political movements who have not taken power yet, giving social services and slowly creeping into culture. I want to do that

We would all want them to be in power, but for the time being, it's unrealistic.

>mfw I missed the last 2 /fsg/ threads

Integralist user?

>Can we snuggle and read For my Legionaries
A girl will never do this with me i while read it to her with a picture of Corneliu next to the bed.

Yeah that's me also shill hard for the Falange, i used to be only one that made /fsg/ threads but noone replies :(

While you're married? Like a Christian couple should?
Don't make them to early in the day, you want people from other countries to join in as well user.

Why unrealistic? You setting up a business of anything and from that front fighting the modern world
I should remind everyone that Giovanni Gentile said that fascism is not only for politics, one must be fascist at work, in the house, at school, etc.
Acts of rebellion to the modern world can be as simple as running a responsable business for the good of the community. Gotta prepare the people for fascism, the more you show it to them in a positive light the more sympathetic they will be to the ideas and any movement that claims those ideas
Mosley... what are you doing to those aryan children!?
>i used to be only one that made /fsg/ threads but noone replies :(
I've been there, feels bad. I wonder why /fsg/ is starting to feel more alive lately

Of course I wouldn't want to upset Corneliu and Jesus at the same time.

I mean in CasaPound winning the election. Not realistic for the time being. Also, freshly squeezed aryan children, it's just a myth.

Imagine masturbating to porn an unmarried couple having sex in a position that is not the missionary and suddenly your copy of "For my Legionaries" falls down and opens on the page that has the picture of Corneliu

>What are you doing to those arayn children
Showing them a lesson.

Yeah I agree feels good that /fsg/ is coming back :D

So much shame. That didn't actually happen, right user?

Can only imagine the shame. I've masturbated recently and the first thing that came to mind was him. I regretted so hard.

I'm waiting for an answer, user.

>I mean in CasaPound winning the election. Not realistic for the time being
Oh, that. I agree. But I mentioned them because they give already a lot of services to their communities. I say that we should do the same as soon as any groups form.
Marketing and PR are essential. Fascist groups excel in propaganda and it is our responsibility to keep that true. Any group must keep a clear image and make their movement synonyms with an A E S T H I C and life-style
Of course not, my copy of "For my Legionaries" is digital. His spirit would manifest in a different way

I miss the bookstores from south of my country, they are like pic related in style but bigger and all year-long. You can find ANYTHING there
Yeah, every time someone with a porn addiction masturbates he feels regret. One has to always think of this feeling when trying to quit, that it does not feel so good anymore.

I used to have a Half Price books here, but now, it got closed down. All i have is Barnes and Nobles...

Forgot to mention ordered Pelley's No More Hunger, what should I expect? Also gonna start browsing Sup Forums more often just for these threads.

I still got to start my reading, so i really don't know. Fun fact, William viewed jews as the same as Hitler did.

He did? Rich Jews or all Jews?

I imagine all of them.

It seems we are more kiked than Mexico then. It comes as no surprise though, jews have owned this shit since 1500...

Heh can no wonder he got so much support from the kkk lol.

Who was that recent bitch who was your president? Wasn't she a former marxist or something.

I appreciate bookstores with newer releases, new information must flow too. And they are great for when you are looking for a specific and updated book.
But used book stores have a something about them, it keeps books alive and it makes searching an adventure, in those bookstores you don't go and ask the cashier about a book, you shovel your way into them and find something unexpected to take home. And due to each bookstore being different you don't know what to expect every time you enter.
Case and point, I refuse to support chains. I will make it my life's mission to de-standarize the way people buy products, from food to technology I want big retail and chain stores out and substitute them with smaller but more specialized stores that promote locality, de-centralization of the economy and quality
What do you mean by that?
Also, do you /impero/?

Have you ever seen a copy of Mein Kampf in any store?

Last time I went there was Harry Potter convention, people in their 20s dressed up as students wizards? Also the only things I could find there that I like or was closest to facism was Nietzsche.

Pffffttt. It's attracts those types of people all right...

Always wanted to read them but was never interested in fantasy, expect for maybe Lord of The Rings

Tons, manny editions in a line plastered into the window of the store. Seeing Third Rich items and imitations
Mexicans do buy up the "Hitler EVIL" and "DA HOLOCOST" but we are morbid af and thus he is a very attractive taboo figure, thus it sells like warm bread
Pic related, a stand in a flea market in Guadalajara gave me all of that but the book for free because I recognized Corneliu. That stand had a bunch of Third Rich flags waving for sale, helmets, etc

I don't really consider myself a Holocaust denier anyways, but i can understand. You are one lucky son of a bitch to be able to get all that stuff. What happens when you invite friends over?

Did you get any helmets?

Dilma Rousseff, a proud commie terrorist during the 70s under the dictatorship. It's on her wiki. During her campaign she boasted about being tortured by the ebil military.
> She became a socialist in her youth and after the 1964 coup d'état joined left-wing and Marxist urban guerrilla groups that fought against the military dictatorship

I mean that there is strict censorship in regards to the JQ in Brazil, no books about it or similar topics such as fascism could be found in any library, but since most people are far from knowing about it(partly because of so many being mutts) nobody cares. A couple years ago a dude in my state was arrested for hate speech for having some fascist books from the 1910s that talked about shit like the Illuminati and very briefly about jews. No media surrounding his case, of course, he was silently arrested.
And if you mean whether I'm a monarchist I am not. Demographics is priority number 1, and all royal heirs are "economically liberal and socially conservative". Basically they MIGHT diminish immigration from Haiti and Africa but will hardly do anything about the thousands of them already here. If they propose anything in that regard I might consider support. Most BRs have a fetish for the empire because it's cool, but 20 years of prosperity doesn't mean it would work out in the long run. The heirs have not convinced me they would fix anything as of now. Electing the lesser evil or something of the sort is useless while stuff like the JQ remains censored. The crux of the matter remains untouched, and in that both left and right conspire against the people.

Oops wrong flag

Holy shit your serious? Ive heard about those stores/shops in Mexico. Might go there next time I go to Reynosa maybe the have some. Maybe get some free stuff too.

What the actual fuck, my id is changing

I disagree.

Too bad she didn't "disappear".

>the hacker known as Sup Forums

W-wait what?! D-don't hurt me. Just give me a chance...JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE

I have a tumblerina (pro-gay, lul I'm queer) friend and a male friend who that went to a school trip to Munich and Berlin alongside me.
When we went to the Saxenhausen concentration camp the tumblerina told me that concentration camps were a better alternative than our contemporary prisions, she also calls german shepherds "Aryan dogs" and bought an imitation german cross (with the swaztika grinded out) and used to wear it around her neck at school under her shirt. She's now in Germany so she can't do that
My other friend is a fascist and got all jumpy when I showed him an original synarchist book i had bought in that same flea market

Wew, that's Merkelreich-tier

Either too expensive of fake

Too north for that, if you want to meet the kind of mexican that collects hitler stuff you need to go south. People in the north are too similar to americans in these issues and are more educated in general

Can I be a fascist if I'm a Jew? I'd like to see a Nationalist Socialist Israel, but without the Jew killing part, of course. We'll kill Palestinians instead.


Well, there are zionists who already do that... but i guess yeah??? Just don't expect any of our support.
At least you have a Fascist friend...

Create a world in which your children flourish above all others. The message is simple.

Thanks for the video, user. I didn't know about Lehi.

Original synarchist book. Holy shit Must've costed a fortune. Was he jumping in excitement?

I've thought about publishing my own radical center political magazine with ideas probably considered "muh right wing." Main reason I have not is because it seems fairly useless.

Nobody will read it. Just seems pointless.

How about a blog or Youtube channel?

Hell yes
Lehi was awesome. Unfortunately, the fucking Commies won.

I-i w-will read it user.

Also Zionism and Fascism, Nazism etc. are compatible. Google Haavara agreement for example.

He has already authoritarian, I only translated manny ideas and turned him monarchist (consitutional) and fascist (without the killing) and now he is my partner in most things
He's studying law and our arguments have taught me a lot of things, like grounded information, not just philosophical babble. He also did a small investigation on the synarchist union and I use it from time to time

It costed 60 mxn; 3.17 usd. In Mexico you sometimes see people selling books by the bag, almost like:

I've to have thought of a publication. But I would have it be more philosophical and artistic. Just like those luxury magazines, I want to "sell" a life-style that is not too obviously fascist. More Avant-Garde, naturalistic, /sig/, historical, motivational and less political
Jews wanting a state should not bother anyone, Jews causing problems in other countries in the name of their people does, Simple as that

Just leave Jerusalem international clay, or else your gonna get nothing but trouble.

You just don't hear about it because, as I said, most people don't care. You think people look like robots in North America and Europe? Oh you have no idea. A lot of BR anons around here don't as well, because they are very sheltered from these issues/don't care/are actually dumb and justify the fame of BR being the most stupid on the internet. In the US, for instance, demographic changes have begun to take place mainly since 65, and as a result there have been guys like Pierce(who of course was heavily influenced by Rockwell, but George himself was a byproduct of US involvement in WW2). The reason why whites in Brazil never stood up in such a manner is trifold:
1) there are less whites than in the US
2) believe it or not the climate makes a difference, north America is somewhat similar to Europe so people don't change that much. It's hard to put into words, but comparing a picture from an European immigrant on arrival and 20 years later will do.
3) there is much more suppression. In the US there is debate about when jews started to take over institutions, such a thing is non existent here, even though their presence in media and the like is arguably even more blatant. That is because they have controlled the narrative for much longer(which also allowed for reason number 1). Most brazilians don't know what a sephardite is, neither that they owned provinces before 1600. Of course they soon realized owning provinces was too much exposure, so they decided to do stuff from the backstage. This is why it's much harder to point out where it all began here, a heavy black cloud looms over such knowledge, and their control of the narrative greatly facilitates for a variety of factors to come together in further blurring the picture. The natural factors such as climate, which does affect politics, have their influence augmented via their control. French immigrants went both to New Orleans and Rio de Janeiro, you can probably guess the differences in behaviour.

What would you call the magazine? I'd read it.

You did get a bunch of Confederates who moved to your country after the Civil War, no? I hear there are descendants who live in South Brazil.

Yup, Zionism works if it's national, if it's international it's just Globalism(or a poor excuse to meddle). I believe that ultranationalistic and to some extent, fascist principles can separate us from the internationalists already.

To sum up that last part: do not underestimate the role location plays in history. Of course this discussion ultimately leads to discussing metaphysics and such, but the further away from Europe's environment a place is, the more modifications to the behaviour of Europeans. There is a reason why there are several novels discussing Europeans having their souls corrupted after living here for a while, some of them arriving as late as the early 20th century. It's very morbid actually. I only noticed the truth of it once I compared pictures of my grandparents. In a matter of 5-10 years it's almost as if their phenotype changed, and the worst part is I'm not kidding or exaggerating. North America is much more welcoming to Europeans, as are colder places in south America such as Argentina. Even someone from southern Brazil will be completely changed after a month or two in Rio.

Like i said before though, just don't expect anyone here, including myself, to ever support some kind of movement like that.

That sounds very disturbing.

Are there any Jews you will support?

>a bunch
Not that many. As far as I know most of them went to the state of São Paulo, and founded the city of Americana. I don't know of them coming here to the south, but I suppose a couple probably did. But that is an assumption, I never heard of them officially coming here. It's possible that there are simply no records. Germans for instance were the majority of immigrants coming to the south, and many of them have no immigration records. If it was discarded or something of the sort is something that has to be looked at individually. I only know where my mother's family came from because it's a relatively rare surname, so its roots could be traced. But immigration records have been discarded, I don't know what year they settled. A good portion of that knowledge was transmitted orally in families, but when people started moving to cities most of that was lost(mixing with locals also helped, although by locals I don't mean necessarily natives, as there weren't many here to begin with, it's about breaking out of the "german colony shell")

I dunno, Naming is hard. It is only a thought I have. I know nothing abut the process that goes into such a protect
But I do plan on doing that
Maybe following the European model just does not work in places tat are not like Europe. You see this in Africa, where (due to the climate) huge civilizations could not happen, but they still found sophistication in their own way.
I reject manny ideas based entirely on "Because this is Mexico", unlike communists we do understand that different peoples need different things.
But what is the same among all peoples is that Action and Unity are essential

Fun fact, the Confederate States supported Emperor Maximilian while the Union supported Juárez. The Empire would still be around if the Confederates had won

Only Jesus Christ, that is, if he actually is jewish or not...
I do live in a Northern State, but i guess the Confederates would have stayed by themselves...

So a Jew who agrees with you ideologically and wants the same for Israel, you would never support?

Of course I will user. If we have common goals and enemies and cooperation can benefit both parties, I don't see why not. A cooperation of European parties and Israel is very likely to happen imo with how things are going so far.

I just can't support any jew.

It is, but needless to say most Brazilians don't notice it. If you care about your heritage you're made fun of. I have some relatives who left Brazil young, one of them for the US, and you can clearly notice how he "escaped corruption". The novels about good traditional European men coming here and getting into debt, gambling and contracting STDs from whores are VERY real. That's what you get for being a zog laboratory I guess. That's also why Brazil hasn't balkanized btw, because of the control they have over culture and other things. Regional cultures such as in the US happens in a very superficial manner. People are dead inside. But again, I find it hard to really explain it in detail because I know of no other examples, the closest I've ever seen to an actual description were those novels written by recently immigrated Europeans in the 19th and early 20th centuries. When the immigrants assimilated there were no more notable writers, curiously, particularly after the introduction of modernism in 1922.

Is the Yakies who are imperialistic af, I suppose that the Confederates would have stayed on their porches, drinking iced tea and giving black people levels of literacy higher than some contemporary countries in Europe.
I have no problem with that, I just ant all these jews out of my country REEEEEE

It basically boils down to:
>A homeland
In exchange of
>Non intervention
>A P O L O G I Z E
>Recognition of your people's sin's
>Pinky-promise to never do it again

Donde puedo encontrar Historia gráfica del sinarquismo? Soy del centro

Your people deserve their northern territory back.