What's her IQ?

What's her IQ?

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somewhere in single digits

ハ looks a little like two ones, written hastily.
ナナ, or better, なな, means 7.

I think her IQ is 117.

High enough to be a housewife

Aho Girl is really smart, probably at least 150 IQ. She merely chooses to act stupid, realizing that by acting smart she would be conforming to the world around her instead of subverting it.

Probably 100+. Yoshiko isn't drooling retarded and she's actually pretty creative. She just hates adademics.

her IQ is the last digit of my post

I really doubt it's that high. Probably closer to 120.

Considering how IQ is measured, probably around 85, and that's supposing you manage to get her to sit down and take the test seriously.

Regardless of how smart she actually is, it doesn't change that her academic prowess is zero



Tuvalu-nigger like IQ

in terms of rote memorization, fucking retarded. If we're considering long-term planning and street smarts, an IQ of at least 150, if not more.

Negative value

>inb4 "EQ" retards

she could be 160+
A lot of extremely highly intelligent people, have serious character flaws because of the minmaxing the brain does to achieve that high performance.
as with
it depends what form of intelligence we're measuring.

What if she gets zero on her tests because the correct answers are actually wrong.

What's the average intelligence of a banana?

All I can say for sure is that based on raw cognitive power she leaves Akuru for dust.
Honestly he's lucky to be able to call her a friend.

>it depends what form of intelligence we're measuring.
The only intelligence worth mentioning is how long it takes the rat to get to the cheese.

Any monkey can learn facts, it takes a true ape to problem solve.

Reckon with some psychotherapy and some medication to tone down her ADD and help her focus more she could reach a very high functioning state. In the show at numerous times she shows to have very keen perception of the people around her, so in that regard I'd give her a fairly high social intelligence measure. But in her current, nonmedicated state she won't rank high in the traditional IQ test.

Which she's been shown to be highly adept at.
not all forms of intelligence work that way
creativity is one of the more important forms of intelligence, and many of the more creative forms are not necessarily the fastest.

Is the show worth watching? I watched the first episode and felt like I had lost some brain cells but then watched a couple more episodes because I was recovering from the brain damage. I don't remember if I liked them or not, but something is telling me not to continue.

>forms of intelligence

logical/emotional/social, etc

this is high school -tier, user pls

Glad this show is over, it was such a struggle to watch. She's the most irritating character in the world and A-kun is a dick, the gags aren't even funny most of the time just yoshiko is a retard A-kun punches.

I don't get why people love it.

Sounds more like social "science" shenanigans, so everyone can say they're "smart", or it's just American school system hard at work.

you do know that is a theory that psychologists usually don't agree with right?

Something stupid people say to make themselves feel better.

I wasn't that impressed to begin with, but ended up loving it so much that, when it ended, I immediately went back to Ep 1 and watched the whole lot again. Literally enjoyed it more the second time round.

It could be because I felt sorry for her at the start, because I thought she was a retard getting hit repeatedly in the face. I later realised that she's actually the happiest person in the world, and doesn't give a shit about getting punched in the face.

Yeah, it's annoying when you're forced at gunpoint to watch a show you don't like.

Average monkey IQ

I'm not educated in psychology but it's not a hard concept to grasp. Logical intelligence is something you can teach yourself, math for example. "Social" intelligence is your inherent ability to interact with others in a way that best suits your interests, understand their views and communicate yourself in a way that best helps you. Something that's not as simply learned as math, which is just teaching your brain to problemsolve.

The average of IQ is always defined as 100.

>forcing yourself to finish something you don't like

>i am not educated in psychology
>yet i will continue talking about bullshit theories in the field i am not educated in
never fails to make me doubt humanity

After rewatching the final episode and extrapolating the amount of times Akkun got bothered by her per day (around 8 hours I think) from the age of 5 to how old he is now , I can imagine how he became such an antisocial and irritable person.

Dog and Sayaka will heal his heart



>"Social" intelligence is your inherent ability to interact with others in a way that best suits your interests, understand their views and communicate yourself in a way that best helps you.
Those are social SKILLS that any retard that walked on this earth could learn given the support of the community. It's not intelligence. You can't increase your IQ much, which means stupid people stay stupid for life, despite their knowledge or anything new they learned, but a shy shut-in can become a social butterfly with enough training. Of course, by stupid I don't mean they're retarded, but just a bit slow. As someone has already said, it's a term to give actual stupid people something to make themselves feel better, a consolation prize, or a safety blanket for those who care.

>Those are social SKILLS that any retard that walked on this earth could learn given the support of the community.
And yet we're all here. Maybe they're not as learnable as you think user?

>thinking Sup Forums is a site for social recluses
are you 12?

High EQ Low IQ

>She just hates adademics.

It would appear you have a lot in common.


>High EQ

Way past 22.050Hz, that's for sure

> and doesn't give a shit about getting punched in the face.

She actually likes it.

Yoshiko is probably rather smart, but is easily distractible and can't be assed to study (How did she even come that far in Japanese school system?). I wouldn't be suprised if the series ends with A-kun meeting her at his university, finding out she could get top-tier grades if she actually tried.

E.g. pic related is actually pretty dumb and Ruri is downright retarded.

there is literally no point in trying to talk to people who aren't deeply familiar with a field if you are talking about if you are talking about anything besides "bullshit theories", ie. what 95% of people talk on this board, you won't find a theoretic physicist or a neurosurgeon here willing to talk to others because this isn't your favorite site that begins with r

if you want to talk about "consolation prizes" then IQ is at the top, you can be a retard and still have high IQ given you have high aptitude with logical problemsolving, and you need to differentiate intelligence from IQ, because intelligence is not something you can quantify, intelligence is something that's attributed to the SKILLS you know and how you use those sets of SKILLS, if you so claim that intelligence is just the sum of your IQ, and not the way your brain handles incorporating different skills it has learned into your work or daily life, then I can't help you

oh and just like you can learn social skills, you can learn to be better at IQ tests

and don't forget that the highest IQ in america is some fucking hillbilly farm guy

Show would have been better if it was just called Aho Gyaru and Yoshiko and A-kun weren't even in it.

Red aho is my wife.

If you want a yuri series go back to /u/

I don't want yuri, the Gyaru were just much more entertaining and likeable.

you just want a standard school girl slice of life with the SOL quartet of characters then?

Social intelligence is still not intelligence. Stop being a retard enabler.


there are thousands of them already though?

It's all about amusement if the field isn't interest her then she won't learn it, but if she like it then she can master it in short time. She actually use a proper drawing technique when sketching a tsundere Ruri.
And no, you can't convince her to like particular field.

Just before entrance exams someone mentions to Yoshiko just how vulnerable bananas are to disease so she'll have to become a top research scientist to save them.
cue scene of Akkun finding out 10 years later that Dr Hanabatake has revolutionised the field of horticultural research saving the world's Banana production.

>People arguing about anime girls IQ

never change Sup Forums

>cue scene of Akkun finding out 10 years later that Dr Hanabatake has revolutionised the field of horticultural research saving the world's Banana production.

That would imply that she actually stops to bother him - which is highly unlikely.

89iq, like me

Fuck off Nanase

I didn't make it clear enough
This happened, but the clowning around and shenanigans never stopped
crouching retard hidden genius.

Hey Yoshiko. Asobou!

>serious character flaws
Mine is being nigh-unable to cope with the fact that almost everyone, if not everyone, in this thread would likely be on my shit list by mere virtue of being retarded brainwashed sheeple. And I hate that word because it sounds so Ieddit-like and cringy but for the love of fucking god it's so relevant.

Have you ever heard of the Icelandic Forystufé or Leader sheep breed?

There's no way I could've put that without sounding like a massive fedora, but the point still stands. I used to think I was stupid until I realized I am quite literally smarter than everyone on Earth except for those who know how to be far more accepting and okay with the rest of the population not being as smart as them and not being able to comprehend simple things like how someone condemning supremacists nearly automatically makes them not a supremacist or the fact that black people commit 28% of the crime in the US despite being 13% of the population. Simple things that I thought would be easily understood, but clearly aren't.

I wish I was as fucking stpid as Aho Girl.

Yeah, I have. I wasn't necessarily saying I'm not a sheeple, it's just I'm aware of it, and potentially under a different type of brainwashing. I most certainly do not have all the answers to the world, in fact I don't know shit, except that most people I meet, or pass on the street, are people I would consider highly inferior and in desperate need of some genetic upgrading in the intelligence and self awareness departments.

You seem a little over bearing perhaps you should do something other than commenting on a Laotian tapestry discussion board.
I'm not really best placed to say but I think your country has a problem with inequality and the distribution of education.

>replying to a bait
>inb4 replying to replying to a bait

Her IQ is exactly the same as posts number in this thread

So, 72?

So constantly on the rise?

potentially over 500?

>I wish I was as fucking stpid as Aho Girl.
Well user, after reading your previous two posts, I have some good news for you.

Over 140. To get 0s in tests like her you should know all the answers and deliberately put it wrong. Someday she will reveal her keikaku.

Holy Shit it's just like Rick and Morty!