Christian Hate Thread

We haven't had these in a while. Let's have a thread where we put the kike religion and it's kike followers in their place.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll pray for you.

Is that all ya got??

Nice try Jew.


you pagans get more annoying by the day.


Sup Forums is a christian board famalam

>Australia Pagan
Is there anything worse?

gas them all they destroyed true Aryan history and knowledge and genocided more people than (((communism)))



nice dank memes can I save this ?

lol of course my dude never ask always save dank memes

>burning a baptist church
like i care desu

You fuckers don't even have any loyalty to your own cult this is why you are not white and must leave white lands


you must have an average american prot understanding of Christianity. baptists don't know the way, maybe their burnt church will lead them to the light.

No it's not. Everytime somebody says this, they out themselves as a newfag.
When Sup Forums came up (and through its previous iterations) for years there were only ever a few christian threads here and there, and they were always started by the same avatarfag. When he left, there was nothing for a long time.

Until plebbit came here. Now you normies keep crowing on and on about how much you love your zombie jew and how great it is to let jews define your entire perception of existence itself for you.
What you don't understand is that just because you repeat a lie and get others to join in, that doesn't actually make it true.

Anybody who wants to can go through archives and see for themselves; Christianity was never a common topic on Sup Forums until the great normie infusion.

you aren't white if you worship a kike and ya gotsta go the end

>What you don't understand is that just because you repeat a lie and get others to join in, that doesn't actually make it true
This is literally the ind of a (((Christian))) to the Tee

see image They seriously think intelligent of people of any time period were actually as retarded as them because they lived in (((Christian))) societies where they would have literally been burned at the stake by the droolers if they didn't pretend to be in their cult. They probably really believe Trump and Bush were cucks in their cult also top kek they are truly are unironcially retarded

Christian Zionism is NOT Christianity. This is a common error made by outsiders. Christian Zionists are part of a quasi-Christian cult, but are not, themselves, Christians. It's like saying witch-doctors are "members of the medical profession" - not really.

oh, look more purity spiraling from the pagan. a tactic used by federal agents to make movements so exclusive, they couldn't enough people to let them get mass appeal. real surprised. see pic:

If you worship a kike you ain't white and you gotsta go the end

Sup Forums is a Christian board.

Reminder that
>the Bible decries the synagogue of Satan, the "fake Jews" who call themselves Jews but are not
>Literally telling you who these people are aka Pharisees aka Talmudic Jews aka Khazars
>Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple
>the Bible forbids usury and says we must forgive all debts every 49 years
Don't hate people on a racial basis and judge them by their fruits. Khazars are welcome to accept Jesus just as all humanity but those in power refuse and oppose God on all levels.

nah bro you cucks appropriating shit in the name of your (((cult))) is over bruh the Aesir is back and WOTAN and playing no games bicth

No it's not. Everytime somebody says this, they out themselves as a newfag.
When Sup Forums came up (and through its previous iterations) for years there were only ever a few pagan threads here and there, and they were always started by the same avatarfag. When he left, there was nothing for a long time.

Until plebbit came here. Now you normies keep crowing on and on about how much you love your dead axe god and how great it is to let Varg Vikernes define your entire perception of existence itself for you.
What you don't understand is that just because you repeat a lie and get others to join in, that doesn't actually make it true.

Anybody who wants to can go through archives and see for themselves; Paganism was never a common topic on Sup Forums until the great normie infusion.

>just because you repeat a lie and get others to join in, that doesn't actually make it true.
This is literally what (((they))) believe though.

Joining with you.

God loves this user, if only his eyes would be opened.

>when you don’t believe in something SO HARD that it is all you can think about.

Being atheist is as Reddit as one can get.
Sup Forums has always been a Christian board.

>pol used to be a pagan board
>32 posts and relatively dead thread
>only 4 pagans itt

>christian ancestors
Absolutely retarded, considering most of the best philosophers questioned Christianity and nearly all political figures used it as a tool. Nobody in charge of Europe ever truly believed in Jesus, but they did believe "Jesus" would be effective in manipulating the morons that did believe in him.
oy vey worship jew god he's special and not actually jewish haha

yeah jews would hate if we stopped worshipping their heritage haha

oh man they so hate jesus so much bros, they absolutely hated it when christian Europe gave complete control of the banks and economy to Jews after the fall of Rome guys

seriously pagans and agnostics are fucking retards, let's worship Rabbi Christ like the BEST whites did.
The best whites sure did kill a lot of white people FOR jesus but haha forget it because "crusades" or some shit.

>most of the best philosophers questioned Christianity
(((You))) need to stop reading jewish literature.

>stop reading Jewish literature
You literally, LITERALLY read Jewish literature and worship it. That's not even a joke or a meme, it is LEGITIMATELY WHAT YOU DO.

I stopped reading Jewish literature when I put the bible down for the last time, late in high school.

You mean the literature the Jews have spent the last 2000 years trying to subvert and destroy because it shows them for what they really are? Christianity is the only thing they fear.

>You mean the literature the Jews have spent the last 2000 years trying to subvert and destroy
Riiiiiiiiiiiight, they want to subvert and destroy their own history, stories, gods, and religion.
>it shows them for what they really are
Hardly, since no Christians to any meaningful degree call them out.
Jews are an opportunist group like any other and you have literally no explanation for why CHRISTIANS let them into Europe, why they let Jews control the economy and banks (being against usury), and so on.
It's because Christianity, like Judaism, is just a lie used to control people. Kings would be chosen by the church one way or another, manage their finances using Jewish usury, and wage wars with each other and other regions of the globe.

There is no truth in Christianity. There is no reason for a white man to worship Jesus, or Muhammad, or any other semites.

Being a Christian simply because you dislike Jews is like cutting your legs off because you don't like how Usain Bolt runs faster than you. You only let him win the race easier. You don't need Jesus to rightfully criticize and call out Jews.
It makes no sense to be Christian, especially since most Christians nowadays are egalitarian multiculturalists that only care if you worship the special dead Jew.

Christianity is the off cuts of Judaism, if you don't believe in the religion that the people of your land developed, not the arabic jew-lite stuff, then you're trash.

>Riiiiiiiiiiiight, they want to subvert and destroy their own history, stories, gods, and religion.
Except Christianity is none of those things dumbass. They're Jews specifically because they reject Christian history, stories and the fact Jesus is God in the flesh


>You don't need Jesus to rightfully criticize and call out Jews.
If this was true then why do atheists vote in lockstep with them? Why are atheists the first to rush to the trough of cultural marxism and lap up what they're pouring in? Hmmm, makes you think doesn't it



The subhuman pictured is talking about Judeo-Christianity. Christianity is the opposite of Jewish racism and Jesus was vegan. OP is retarded.

At least Billy Graham knew about the Jewish control over the media.

>OP is retarded.
they prefer the term "pagan"

>they aren’t trying to subvert them!
>you can tell because they’ve been subverted!
Imagine being this retarded.

>...while I fantasize having you burn in hell

He was descended from David though (who was a Judahite), which is why he was born in Bethlehem. Thus, Jesus was a Jew.

And yes he is the Son of God.


>believing in Jew based monotheism
>actually thinking Christianity can plausibly be considered to be monotheistic at all
Rev up those trinity apologetics boys

these jew worshippers are whats wrong with America. from the Salem witch trials, to Israel and the Iraq war

The OP is right and provides a good reason for the last of the Christians to walk away from that bullshit. You want the ultimate redpill? Christianity was a Jewish conspiracy to give western civilization a mental lobotomy so it would be soft enough to tolerate the Jews' disgusting presence.

Why are you confused? Those are your beliefs, not mine.

Maccabees says the Edomites took Judea. Decadents of Judah are called Judahites. People from Judea are called jews.

No? I don't fantasize about anyone suffering... Why would you think that?

Find "trinity" in the bible for me. The bible does not have this word.

Shit I don't know. Why would I think muslims fantasize about fucking a 9 year old girl? Probably because it's in their book and presented as not just a moral good, but a moral ideal.


I do not wish for people to stray from God and be damned. You're projecting your hatred of Biblical religion onto me.

This would make more sense if white europe actually existed before Christianity, but it didn't. White people have been Christian for as long as they've existed.

John Hagee is not a christian. He is just an Israel worshipping weirdo.

Well, either you do follow that religion and you do think it's a moral ideal, or you don't follow that moral ideal and well yeah...
>beliefs define ethnicity
Oh I am laffin

>This would make more sense if white europe actually existed before Christianity
What are the celts?

>beliefs define ethnicity
Who are you quoting?

>What are the celts?
Basically tribal niggers

>Who are you quoting?
Sorry I know how confusing the 4chin thread system can be, maybe you should go back to l.e.d.d.i.t.


Mindlessly following a reformed ancient Canaanite religion. Might as well believe in annunaki and pleidians

Just wondering because I never said that and you seemed to be pulling a quote out of thin air. Who were you quoting again?

white people predate christanity also europe was pagan before it spread


now that i think about it, this really is just the kikeyest response to anything.


>white europe didn't exist until some jewish fairy-tale permeated the minds of most europeans

White europe didn't exist before Christianity correct.

>White europe didn't exist before Christianity correct.
I don't know if you're trolling or not.

Unless you define a bunch of disparate nigger tier tribes as white people then no, it didn't. The rise of white civilization came off the back of Christianity.

So you're saying belief influence race/ethnicity
OR you're saying white isn't a race/ethnicity

I'm not saying either of those. I'm saying white people didn't exist until Christianity spread across europe, which is true.

It was a gentile supporting religion that jews always hated and tried to remove but the conversion nature of it made that impossible. Jews were tolerated because whites are cucks not because of christianity.

Oh yes, (((philosophers))) like Nietzche and Sartre. All the great Western philosophers were Christian, except Aristotle. St. Thomas Aquinas, Kierkegaard, Kant.
Go and read your kike existentialist and nihilists, faggot.

So you agree whites are a race/ethnicity
And you're saying they didn't exit before a belief system arrived in europe
but somehow you're not saying race/ethnicity is affected by beliefs.


Sup Forums was atheist and the archived threads from a decade ago prove it newcuck.

styx is a dumb faggot like his edgy queer 13 year old fan base

Christianity is an essential part of whiteness. If you're not Christian, you're not white. It's as simple as that.

Modern Jews aren't even descendents of the tribes of Israel, they are a bunch of fucking Khazars. If society starts to recognize this, dumb redneck Christians will stop supporting Israel.

>meme flag

70% of all "christcuck" comments come from after the 2016 election. If you don't know that Sup Forums has been a Christian board since 2013 at least then there's a good chance you're one of those the_donald redditors who migrated over during that period

Or, maybe, you have a lower IQ than a nigger

White culture wouldn't exist without Christianity. Christianity IS whiteness.

wtf im buddhist now

>Christianity IS whiteness
Ok, so
Christianity= Whiteness

So either
whiteness=belief, not race
christianity=ethnicity, yet somehow also a beleif

>implying I want to be part of the club

Does this mean that all non-Christians are non-white? Does it also mean that "whiteness" is independent from ones race?

According to him, seemingly yes.

>the fact that Jesus is god in the flesh
No, he was not. He was actually a Jew that was nailed to a cross for being a rabble-rouser that challenged the current Jewish authority, hoping to start his own Jewish authority. Then his followers turned his legacy into a cult.
>why do atheists vote with them
Atheists don't really vote along with Ben Shapiro, or pro-Israel Jews/zionist goyim either. Liberal Jews control atheism for the same reason they control socialism and nationalism... all tools the goyim COULD use to overcome Jews.
Fucking hell, you know Morrakiu is an atheist right?
>they are trying to subvert our values!
>no, our values are already subverted!
What if they were always that subverted, because they came from Judea? Written by Jews? Every figure in the OT is Jewish? Every figure in the NT is Jewish except the Roman (pagan) soldiers that nailed your special Jew god to some wood and called it a day?
Jesus never rose from the dead, he fucking died and before he did he literally said "FATHER WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?" because in his death throes he realized he believed too much in his own cult of personality.

god pagans are such brainlets

>you were always subverted!
>posts an image of prots