So Sup Forums are you going to fight in the inevitable race war that is about to take place in south Africa?
So Sup Forums are you going to fight in the inevitable race war that is about to take place in south Africa?
No, not my fight. Anyone white that's still there is either stubborn or stupid.
thought about posting this
> personal answer no...because of waifu and trying to breed more whites
but if i was a younger single man with little hope i would go and fight in a second
> we could gather money, food, arm, and old fighting machinery for brothers in arms
in befor cia nigger fuck all niggers
If I got paid for it, sure.
You won't win. Just saying.
Africans outnumber whites greatly.
lol no
i'm american bitch
land of da free etc.
If I can get there when it happens, sure. I'm assuming it's difficult to fly into a country that's having civil war
You fly in to a country next to it and get smuggled over. Have you learned nothing from the muzzies.
>Africans outnumber whites greatly.
I'm 100% ready for nigger genocide
Jesus, were they literally throwing rocks or something? That's incredible.
SA it is then lads
The most difficult part is getting munitions and other arms into the country, your kit might be easier. If you have a secure P.O. address there you could try mailing your stuff there, just disassemble the small arms, tightly pack munitions and just box the rest of the equipment.
It is useless the war was over in 1994 , just evaquate the whites from there
why not just steal or buy a boat and leave out to Africa
> just land on a beach or float a smaller boat full of arms for others to pick up
just like they used to do coke
The entire Bush War was filled with one-sided victories like this. The only reason Rhodesia "lost" was because the West, and even their parent country the UK, stabbed them in the back and pressured and eventually pretty much forced them to dissolve their government and hand over control to the fucking communists.
An example of one of my favorite operations was the time a bunch of Rhodesians dressed up in black face and snuck into an enemy camp. They assembled all the men for inspection or whatever and then pulled out their rifles and gunned them down, kek.
Nigs are so hilariously bad at warfare that you almost feel bad for them. It's like watching a Children's Crusade.
Thanks but I won't be going for aultutude or reasons non the least of which is I'm stuck in a contract ATM
That would be the optimal strategy but there aren't many places to get the guns to offshore and then sail them over in that territory. Maybe Mauritius or some other island. Unless it's suprisingly easy to nigger your way into Angola or some other country to the north, it might be easier to smuggle the goods in by air
I wish I could user. But im currently training my fellow huwhites here on my own soil.
The smartest and strongest might make it here. If they do I will welcome them as brothers.