seems like black women white man couples are everywhere on tv now
black people are the jews greatest weapon against white people
seems like black women white man couples are everywhere on tv now
black people are the jews greatest weapon against white people
when a black and a white have a kid the kid is like 90% black
blacks are a biological weapon
I’ve noticed this a lot more lately too. My cousin just got married to a black woman too, although she might as well be white. I’ve also found that in my day to day, I generally get along better with black women than white women. I’m all for dating a black woman, although Cuban or Mexican are preferred. Maybe a Puerto Rican, but they tend to be a bit stabby.
Fuckin race mixing shills everywhere
>im all for dating a black woman
imagine being this much of a mess
You're one to talk, pol, you're racemixing with gooks
I don’t give a good damn about the so-called “browning of America.” Color doesn’t matter. Poontang does.
They are a more docile version of xenomorphs
Such a 56%er here.
>Literal Degenomutt
Your descendants will curse your memory
Almost 50% of black women have herpes.
ongoing sacralization of black people in America desu
To be honest all the niggers on those pictures look fucking identical
Closer to 70%
>youre not white!
*breathes in*
>dont 'racemix' or you will kill the white race!
Pick one and only one.
Dont complain, just sit back and laugh as the entire western world turns into a hapa paradise. You caused it, supported it, invoked it.
Why cry about it now?
Those odds aren’t too bad and herpes, while unpleasant, isn’t that big of a deal. At least I’ll have descendants.
Im not aligned with any popular opinions on this board. If I was I would be confused tho. If its the Jew vs everyone, then why would the mixing of all other races not be a long term GOAL. Take all of Sup Forums's idea of how skills and attributes are spread out amongst the different races and average them out into a whole new race. I will call them ..... Newrace. So now there is only one other race other than Jew. Newrace vs the Jew. It would be a quad-A school playing a single-A private school in any sport........
> the merican
I already have descendants. All of purest Aryan stock
I am just saying he acts like an ideal Mutt
I been supporting the nationalist cause since I was 8 years old. I can at least with clean conscience say it wasn't my fault
i think its because they realize the constant bmwf shilling is causing white men to become more right wing so they are trying to counterbalance it
The jews are switching tactics
>Those odds aren’t too bad and herpes, while unpleasant, isn’t that big of a deal
Coin flip of getting an incurable STD. Isn't that big of a deal.
OP confirmed for already having herpes.
please post more
>inna friend group
>one of the fags gets a nigger mixed race paki GF
>stupid bitch that constantly talks shit about white people, our local traditions, how we are backwards and our music is for low IQ simpletons
>they are probalby gonna race mix
>she HAS to come to every gathering of the group and brings nothing but her niggerness and ruins the event currently taking place
>both of them are highly obscene in public and purposely make themselves louder so other folk can hear them
>le wacky edgy nigger with pet whiteboy that both disrespect my faith
>entire group has changed now just to suit this nigger, moreso because its a female
this is what happens when niggers mix with white people and invade their social groups, dont let your friends racemix with some mulatto or blasphemer, it just destroys the bonds that brung people together
Sounds like you should dump that friend if their relationship is so problematic for you. Does the rest of the friend group mind the couple, or are you the toxic one?
Just like with Asians. Also, almost no 50/50 mixed race black and white person could pass for a local in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Boi pu$$i is the new Asian woman
What music is she talking about and what is the reasoning?
majority of the group finds a problem with the couple one way or another and two of them straight up hate blacks but wont say anything as to not upset the white pet.
>dump that friend
its kinda weird if i said i wanted nothing to do with him whilst still being in the group, it be just better to leave it
folk music-republican songs
only the poor inbred uneducated cousin fuckers listen to it and they must also be racist for being nationalistic
t. faggot
Enjoy eating dirt cookies.
Ive always found black women unattractive, even ones that I know should be attractive like the one in this pic. Ive always been like this even when I was a little kid, so its not politics related.
Im not sure if this is the norm or not.
>wahhhh my friend and his gf are getting in the way of my bromosexuality
nobody cares and your local traditions are fucking gay
>tfw he's a manlet
Oh fuck lanklets on suicide watch, somebody check on them.
>seems like black women white man couples are everywhere on tv now
Have you seem the webm of the nig walking away from the white roastie?
Where were you when we witnessed peak roastie?
White women are now the equivalent of black women...Not even their own men want them.
>waaaah my friend is getting laid and I'm not
But a 50/50 mix would be assumed to be local when in downtown Luxembourg.
>nigger gets white pet to spout white people are evil and loads of other shit
>destroyed the group and sowed distrust amongst us all
>impossible for them to act responsibly in public
using divide and conquer tactics
>your local traditions are gay
your gay faggot
>having se with a nigger is a good thing
At best they can create an acceptance for attractive black women, something that doesn't exist for most white men. the furthest it could go is to become a fetish for attractive black women.
But since attractive black women are so rare it really won't amount to much.
>everywhere on tv now
I hardly ever see it, whether it be commercials or shows or real life. Then again I don't watch TV anymore.
hmwf/wmhf is the most common mongrelization where I live.
The first thing that goes through a black womans mind when she sees a black male she's attracted to is "I hope he likes black woman"
Negroids stink.
Only people with a fetish can handle it.
This is why I find it all so funny.
Your dick is just racist. It’s not your fault, and there’s nothing you can do about it, but you’re wrong.
idk, I'd totally bang stacy because she doesn't act like a nigger
I approve
ITT: insecure little faggot yokel racist retards who are secretly angry that they can't get a cute black GF and will end up with an equally stupid, morbidly obese slob like themselves (at best)
Like with the violins and such things?
Well it's pretty decent and charming, not some deep stuff but that's not the point. It's interesting though that these people discriminate against a lot of other groups, forgetting the reason western anti-bigotry is in place to exactly prevent that not to just stop being mean to brown people. Well maybe I'm crazy I guess.
Just throwing this out there:
Deniggerifying the black population through breeding with whites might be the best solution. Just sacrifice part of the pop, and we get less full on niggers.
Mixed girls unironically smell better than whites
>and it's beautiful
Why is Milana Vayntrub so absurdly hot. I can't put my finger on it.
>Deniggerifying the black population through breeding with whites might be the best solution
Retard kike. Every mulatto sub human identifies as black. Every mulatto child is ugly, has a lower iq, is violent, and hates whites. Not to mention mixed race people have more physical and mental disorders.
Fuck off yid. You're not convincing anyone to breed with monkeys.
they can force it all they want nobody likes black woman
first they attempt to emasculate the white man in an attempt to make him feel unworthy of his women
then present him "easier" options so that he feels like he can only succeed with them
make kids that look like you
This is the preferable couple pairing
What I wouldn't do for a black gf
This. They got waaay to obvious with it, so now they are mixing it up so thry can say "theres nothing to see here"
That won't resemble you.
White girls are hated near and far, by small and great, by rich and poor.
They are the most hated gender/race on earth.
I never understood , why people like these gorilla niggers? i see nothing beautiful about them , i understand the asian fever , but niggers really got nothing attractive.
Someone post the picture of robert de niros family
Black chicks fucking LOVE white males over all else. Im on par with the guys in and holy shit the amount of times ive been flirted with by a black chick is crazy.
You don't fool anyone happa
i...i'm actually okay with this...
I was a white nationalist, but now i will be marrying a black qt
I love dating black girls, all of the male niggers looking at me in disgust as I walk by with her is hilarious.
Do negresses like being called niggers in bed?
Blacked America is the future. In fact, blacked US will surprpass Brazil to become #1 mutt nation on earth.
Of course. We’ve taken the BURN COAL, PAY TOLL threads to the limit and now any white girls with half a brain are now afraid of black males.
(((They))) need to bank on Chads and Brads getting their dick wet in some ebony pussy
>your gay faggot
Absolutely roasted
Good shot kid.
And no one shed a tear.
xenomorphs are cuter
Majority of BF are either fat or crazy or both. Its like a different planet altogether. Why would you want trouble in your life?
ITT: Mutts proving why every other country takes joy in shitting on them.
Fat retard racemixers, #1 in the world at nothing, deluding themselves that everything's ok.
can't handle the black booty? i guess your penis is too small