What exactly did Russia have to gain from seeing us elect Trump?

What exactly did Russia have to gain from seeing us elect Trump?

He was signalling he wanted peace with Russia I guess. But the kikes got to him, I wouldn't be surprise if he starts a war before his second term is up (yes he will get reelected)

Godhood manifested.


Modern """conservatism""" is simply the process of distracting the electorate while multinationals loot every western nation and harness every commons.
To genuinely hurt the west you simply need to support this trend.
It would be foolish of Russia to not support the GOP.
As long as Russia is contained as a regional power by an agressive western hegemony, you can expect it to fight back. And supporting the wests own internal decay is the most prudent.

Russia doesn't love Trump, they just hate Hillary. Probably for her actions as secretary of state, syria, sanctions.


Hillary was a big and well versed player in war for profit.
Trump doesn’t have the acumen for it, doesn’t even know where to start with what he doesn’t know, and generally has shown himself to be quick to react but not necissarily wise in his reactions. America is kind of moving forward on the war steam that Obama set behind it (which is a lot. He was incredibly militant while smiling and snuggling his wife and taking goofy photos for social media) but it looks like it’s going to Peter out and just become more reactive without strategy.

The only chaos I see in the US comes from the left challenging a democratically elected president,


Russia has little to gain from this. But China has a lot to gain.
Stupid president on USA helps on China's plan to take over the world. Congratulations american rednecks!

They also want to stop USA from expanding the Magnitsky Act which has been a real kick in the balls to the russian oligarchs.

>multinationals loot every western nation and harness every commons.
That's exactly what happened during Obama's presidency.
You're full of shit you retarded leaf.

The Russian meme was created to allow the FBI to link him back into the Epstein scandal, buried by his appointed stooge Acosta.

The Russian link has to do with Ghislaine Maxwell...her dad and Trump buddy Roy Maxwell was killed on his yacht (aptly named Lady Ghislaine) because of Russian jew links to the epstein spy/underage sex trafficking case that sought to get dirt on US politicians, business men and celebrities

pic related...

The Russian mob whacked Mr Maxwell because he was about to turn states evidence against the Russian Jew cartel...

His daughter, under the british chapter (prince andrew) of mossad was trying to get as much blackmail material on politicians...when her dad was killed and info was leaked on his ponzi scheme, she migrated and was allowed to continue in the lap of luxury as an operative.....

Although Ghislaine was the one to recruit young women for Epstein...she was never prosecuted or investigated...yet she recruited many women from Mar-o-Lago...Epstein was banned from said resort, but she never was.

A lot actually.
>blow to the already dying american empire
>possible cessation of proxy war in Middle East
>possible cessation of funding to Wahhabi terrorists
>possible lifting of sanctions

Supporting him makes sense. It's actually in Putin's interest to assist American proles trying to overthrow their oligarchs, even if he doesn't really give a shit about us.

(1/2) Here is what actually happened.

The Russians convinced Obongo and Hitlery to sell them 20% of US uranium very early in Obama's term. Hillary was angry that she wasn't President and had resolved to make the most possible money out of the Sec State role that was given to her as part of her deal to work with Obama instead of sabotaging him. (Another part of the deal was total control of the DNC so that there would be no opposition to her coronation as candidate in 2016.)

Soon after the sale, we were also exporting that nuclear fuel and, no doubt, the Russians were benefiting from technology transfer. All it took was a hundred mill or so to the Clinton Foundation and Global Initiative. Bargain. Robert Mueller at the FBI shut down the agent who wanted to tell the Council for Foreign Investment in the US that he had evidence of Russian extortion and bribery aimed at the US nuclear industry and Hillary was able to make sure nobody raised objections.

Hillary appears to have increased her fortune to $250M or so while Secretary of State and that in of itself is an appalling scandal.

However, American elites and especially the Democratic Party soon turned against Russia. What started it all was soon after the U1 deal was done, Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama signed off on exploiting the Arab Spring chaos to cripple 2 insufficiently obedient regimes. Gaddafi was filmed as he was sodomized and murdered in the street by a mob and the Russians stayed away, but Assad in Syria is a long-time friend of the Russians and the Russians angered US elites by helping him. They didn't even help much, just a small amount. But this caused a strain in the relationship.


>Godhood manifested.


He was gona get rid of sanctions on Russia in return for them to help him get elected obviously. Is the IQ on Sup Forums 80 or some shit?



Suddenly we started hearing more about how, in Russia, they do not think gays are the greatest thing in the world who should be adopting kids and should instead keep that shit quiet and away from the kids. These sensible opinions of the Russians were presented to the braying morons called American Liberals as evidence of how bad Putin is. And they ate it up, as they gobble up everything the media/entertainment complex tells them.

The major problem with US-Russia relations was after Soros and his employees in the US government knocked over the regime in Ukraine, Putin had the gall to grab Crimea. Not cool - globalism was supposed to get the entire Ukraine including that Black Sea port and Putin grabbing a consolation after this major geopolitical defeat for Russia meant he would now be demonized. Soon, when Russian forces were invited and welcomed in to ethnic Russian towns like Donetsk, this was a "Russian invasion" and Putin was like, totally Hitler again.

But Putin's small measure of independence from US policy goals made the Dems hate him all the more because not only was he able to resist them, but also because he knows from first hand experience that they are for sale. Putin has dirt on the US establishment and that means that the American people must be ordered to hate him. And Trump must be pushed and harassed in to being aggressive and confrontational with Russia because 1. Putin's independence cannot be forgiven and 2. the world's only two genuinely self-sufficient nations that are able to defend themselves must be enemies so as to fit the plans of the men behind the curtain.

>implying it’s magically not happening now

Your delusional bud

Answer me retards