Who here is heading down to south africa to kill niggers once the race war starts?
thread meme
Should probably worry about your own shit hole, Sven.
Why go to shithole Africa when you have Sweden closer?
Me but not before I kill a few niggers and pakis here
Too many niggers
discord gg/Z4ZptJT
Small discord if you wanna go with me
Did somebody say RACE WAR?!
>vroom vroom
Why not be a mercenary and fight for money instead?
Hey Sven. You bring the snus, I bring the ammo. Lets go.
I'll not abandon my post and die in niggerlend by the hand of a nigger on clay that ive not claimed.
I will hold my ground on the clay my forefathers fought for.
No problem you like Generalen?
I’m ready, if they get organised and ask for volunteers I’ll join the cause, this time whatever land they regain can never have a black population and needs strong borders or I’m flying back to Oz
>1. Self Training phase.
The combatant at this point is at a period of self betterment. The goal is to strength train and train for cardio until the combatant can properly run a few miles without rest and fire a weapon successfully.
>2. The Coalition of Sup Forumstards.
If we do manage to make an actual general of combatants, we'll have to organize together to meet up in South Africa at a specific time and place, we'll also have to find a specific location of whites who need our help defending themselves. We will most likely be out posted near a farmer's town doing volunteer work for the villagers and fighting off niggers together.
>3. The Base
Once a specific area has been established as a hands off zone for niggers, we will require more people to defend the spit of land. We will set out recruitment and request more support from the West as we begin to help other South Africans maintain their homeland. This will require a formal base of operations to be maintained along with weapons and munitions for defensive purposes.
>What comes after that?
We will help create a white ethnostate in South Africa, a new nation for the Boer with its own currency, flag, ect. It will be defended by us combatants.
Svenanon, I think the best course of action would be to take this discussion to /sag/ and help recruit from there. If people make us into a respectable force to be reckoned with, we can amass an army to defend the Boer.
Bunch of humanitarian fags we need firepower and muscle
I volunteer myself as a pilot of a barrel bomber.
buncha larpers in this thread lmao
Yes I know, but if we are to host any kind of discussion on the matter of creating a formal army to protect the Boer, that would be the place to do it because it's up and running 24/7.
Good to have you on!
f o o t b a l l
Honeypot FBI thread. Don't get yourselves in trouble, anons.
get your short shorts ready boys
Generalen vit tack sa mycket
And even more about yours since you are only 56% White
>La Cretura
reinstall Rhodesia
I'm heading down there to kill Jew and the liberal commie enablers first....Which means I'll probably kill a bunch of whites before I even fire on the first black person.
>literally encouraging anons to go out themselves to fight the negroes
Time to slot some floppies
>You will never get to form a band of bothers with your fellow white brethren from Sup Forums and head to south Africa on a mission
>You will never get to name your group the Rhodesian Army 2.0 with our emblem being that of a white coyote
>All of us heavily armed, AK's, FALS, AR'15'S, rocket launchers, M240, and a bunch of Slav weapons
>Confiscating bolt action rifles from the niggers, and using it on them.
>You will never get to roam with your brothers night after night, hunting for food, and cooking a big cow in the desert with all of us huddled around it with forks in our hands
>And by day, slaying niggers by the dozens and keeping the white population safe
Go here, it's time we begin talking about training procedures, language, and a set time to meet up.
Might find it hard to land in South Africa after the war has already started. I would recommend meeting up in Namibia or Botswana instead and then simply trek across the border in troop
joo och du min.
Ha dina fyra spader i handen.
Sneak in on ships. Most ships.only require you work while your on it, give no fucks about your belongings as long as not American flagged plus SA has ports
Sup Forums is forming a network of armed volunteers who will go to South Africa and protect the Boer.
If you genuinely have the time and money to train and gear up and you want to join the Deathsquad, stay in South Africa General. Over the course of the year we will go through a harsh training period and assign a date to make the move.
The decision rests on your shoulders. You can larp around all day long on the internet and watch idly by as your people get slaughtered or you can become a man and join us in our fight.
More to come soon.
Never say never.
I'm going to begin talking about training.
If you're serious about it come here
>its a roleplaying thread
You turbocucks will not do shit.
Thanks for the info, rabbi...err, I mean CIA
praise kek
> you have my blessings my sons
That flag is autistic as fuck. Just use the Hakenkreuz for fucks sake. We all know what we want.
Don't ruffle your jimmies it's just a concept idea.
Why shithole Africa when we have shithole Chicago
Too late.
Because shithole Africa has people worth dying for.
Kek. Your country is more black than South Africa.
because chiraq niggers just kills other niggers
> we are trying to save huwhite ppl
Refer to this.
hurrrr durrrrrrr fuck you federalis you can burn children alive but are afraid of AR-15s
Ska göras min fina
Hmm får visa dig min pippa där ner också
This is why I used that symbol.
It's their symbol.
Great point
They must embrace what they preach. True NatSoc must be represented by its true symbols. They are scared to use it. I don't give it much longer when they start to do so out of spite of what their government i doing to them.
I don't really care about South Africans, every one of them I've met has been belligerent assholes. I don't know why they can't be like the people in the Netherlands today, who are usually autistic.
That symbol belongs to the Germans though.
Sadly, it's illegal in their country :,((
I'm going to make a Sup Forumsmilitia for South Africa remember my id
Make a name too. Do that.
second thread meme
It's your tripcode, It won't be printed on your coffin. :D
lolbertarians everyone.
I was training my Venezuelan friend how to be proficient in arms, but I guess it's time to cut back on that and be more proficient myself...
>budget includes more bradley fighting vehicles
Unemployed NEET faggot here, cant we try to get trump on speed dial and hook us up to spare us some bradley fighting vehicles? I mean hell if we're promised land afterwards I'd sign up as long as we get armor. And this is coming from someone whos never fired a gun before hahaha. You'd think those cheap fuckers would let us use some of their cheap crap.
Wouldnt mind that
Good one!
You need an STCW-95 security certification to even be eligable to board the ship as a crewmen. Even then most positions below first mate will be manned by Philipinos who eat less and are cheaper to hire than you are (that they are not part of a paramilitary units is probably also a plus for the shipper
T. former deckhand
keep in touch Sven SAfrica could use you!
Nope, but it would make things a lot easier
A shame that South Africa has a navy. Otherwise we could have gotten an old battleship, which would solve transport and other logistics at the same time.
Cause in a land operation it is likely a ragtag band would quickly be out of munitions and then trapped somewhere. None of those problems with a proper ship. Just a shame that
34, no life, house, retirement accounts, sick of fucking whores and ready to fight the last white mans stand....might as well kill niggers there before i am too old to kill the niggers here because when SA fall....the rest of the colonies are next.
I have been trying to get SA and Botswana Sup Forumsacks to give me info on how to get me and my gear there.
Im in for the racewar. Ready when you lads are.
Just go to a LARP-fest, vent your frustration there kiddies.
see you down in south Africa!
We will probably live like animals in barracks and barns while there
Ah the course of action would be to get in contact with these people youtube.com
Disgusting journalism but a good idea!
Looks like good people with good principles. Prolly best idea so far
Interesting advice:
>Hit niggers in the ears cause it's their weak spot
Tell me more!
>he thinks the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging flag is "autistic and weak"
>he doesn't know it was created in the early 70s
>he doesn't know the story of Eugene Terre'Blanche
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
To many newfags lately!
Third thread meme
No it was from the video. I ended up watching it. They raised their kids in a really good way. Inspirational
Holy shit were really gonna do this. How do i get my gear down there?
They are doing a fine job out there
no one
Sup Forums doesn't actually do the things they preach about
we're working on pooling funds to rent out an abandoned offshore oil rig near africa. We'll post coordinates to the contact in south africa where he'll organize heli transport to the offshore rig where we'll have training sessions and organizing missions.
Whilst it was cool in MGSV, the South African regime got both airforce and navy. Most logical base is therefore out in the woods.
Fortunately their multirole fighters are mainly primed for air superiority so should not be too efficient for hunting gorilla warriors
>South African regime got both airforce and navy
Guess what color skin the people who fly the planes and command the ships have?
Honestly user as much as other anons larp about it I completely intend to as it means I can die for a good cause while I still can with my body being in decent shape too.
It'd mean I'd die with purpose over dying slowly due to my brain degenerating from a Paki bashing
Shitcolored since they ethnically cleansed their military. But I think even a nigger can hit a stationary oil rig. And anyway, the goal was to help the South Africans, not waste all the resources on building a base.
If there was gonna be something naval then it would be a battleship like I wrote earlier. That would at least be able to stay hidden through moving and also be able to go resupply on it its own
Not a single person from this shit hole of a website will go and help white SA.
Antifa however sent people to fight in Syria.
>he thinks niggers are capable of flying and repairing fighter jets
every god fearing white man has to go there asap. if you dont your a nigger and a faggot