Why are gyarus so best?
Why are gyarus so best?
They okayish in anime, but pig disgusting level in reality. Their portrayal is part of Japan govt program to cope with demographic decline.
>in reality
there is your problem
Miku a best
I do not like gyari
why would you even mention 3d?
Miku is cute and pure. Such a shame she's LITERALLY retarded though.
>Such a shame she's LITERALLY retarded though.
Eh. She's aware that she's not the brightest, which kind of makes it okay. Stupid people are only really insufferable when they don't realize that they are stupid.
"not the brightest" is putting it lightly. Home Economics is the only class she didn't fail (and not for lack of trying either). This kind of ruins her.
If I could change one thing about the story, I'd make the first chapter slightly different: rather than having her fail *all* her classes, I'd make it so that she needs an easy A to only barely advance the year. It'd show that she's not too bright, but it wouldn't make her an utter retard. Just the kind of girl who will barely graduate with a C-.
I suppose you're right and it just doesn't bother me as much because we never really see her do anything outside of interactions with Shinji or her friends.
A real gyaru will never win a manga.
How does that feel? Gal Gohan will have a rushed ending and it will feel poorly conceived with the teacher staying a teacher.
>Gal Gohan will have a rushed ending
But it's a manga. Production costs are cheap and unless readership suddenly plummets and/or the magazine pulls the plug for entirely arbitrary reasons, it will go an for as long as the author wants it to. That's the big advantage manga has over anime.
delet this
>He acts as if he's never seen a rushed ending in a manga.
Yeah, magazines pull the plug on shit all the time.
of course this is untrue. it's just that you're disregarding delicious filipino and vietnamese brown waifus for their fake japanese counterparts.
shit taste
how do they get so brown
New chapter when?
An enlightened gentleman I see
Are you sure about that?
Not brown gyarus doesn't even count.
>kike starts blabbing about 3DPD
When did gap moe become a thing?
Stop reminding me that shitshow exists
Because they are pure
Because sluts have low standards which naturally attracts user.
>pig disgusting level in reality
This is a gyaru thread, not a general about the whole anime existence.
Around the 80'? Some people might said that around the 50' though.
Forgot those 's.
Gyaru cheats. They are literally 2DPD.
that specific one is actually loyal to her chosen target, even if he does not reciprocate those feelings
Nah, she sucks dicks in secret, I saw enough doujins to know that any woman is not to be trusted, even pure 2D one.