Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e

I had the biggest grin of my entire life

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>I will acknowledge you as an ally, too
>But i love emilia

Is Ayanokouji secretly in love with Horikita?

inb4 Kushidafag and Whorikita spam.

They are going to do it the entire thread, aren't they?

Literally me

i enjoyed this show more than i should have

Horikita best girl.

I remember when I was 14

Wait. Haven't watched the final episode. MC wasn't a faggot after all?

A shame that you wasted that potential and ended as another useless piece of shit

he blew the tsundere bitch the fuck out


>LN mode

he forces sensei to take responsibility for forcing him to unleash an additional 1% by having her serve as a tool to clean off his sweaty, smelly unwashed penis that night without even taking a shower first after spending an entire week on a tropical island
>she regrets nothing

Chabashira > Everyone else

What can men do against such reckless autism and hate?

He actually didn't. His lines were a monologue and he allowed her to perceive him as an ally.

I think making the author make a harem end would calm all this shit. And make Nii-san end with Sudo would please the Sudoposters, since that would still be Horikita x Sudo.


Harem end is so rare in harem. It really makes you wonder about the point of harem genre.

>It really makes you wonder about the point of harem genre.
you're there for the road, not for the goal

>Sudo is retarded enough to fail a test even when he knows what questions will be on it
>>General delinquents and idiots
>Black guy who can only speak in broken english

How did these people get into the best school in Japan

Why not both?.jpv

because the goal honestly isn't that interesting. same with romance stories. the lead up is much more interesting than when they get together. getting there is the fun.

Because they don't just judge you on academics alone. Sudo is extremely talented at Basketball and that alone was enough to give him a place.

What's the nigger talented in, holding umbrellas?

Mindbreaking women.

kissing girls :^)


Sensei > Ichinose = Ibuki > Sakura = Kushida = Sakayanagi > Kei = Horikita


Also I went for it very late into the season.

Made for a nice change of style and it just kept getting more interesting.

Being obedient.

Awful taste, really. Old hags are never good.

Sakayanagi > Horikita > Ichinose > Kei > Ibuki >Sensei > Kushida > Sakura

can't i just like all the girls


Psychopaths are soooo cool !

There are other factors that determine your potential for future success. Sudo like said is apparently a basketball prodigy. Then there are guys like Kouenji who comes from a wealthy as fuck family and is practically set up for success. Having this school on his resume would boost both the school's prestige and his own reputation. Ike, for instance, might grow up to be a famous survivalist trainer. Sakura might become a world famous model. Kushida would thrive in the politics arena, Horikita is from the Horikita family so she's also born successful.

Just came back from being gone for 2 weeks and I see the anime has ended. Aside from changing when 50% said that he doesn't care about anyone, and the blushing Horikita (don't know how the fuck it was there, wasn't that way in the LN) everything is as it is.

Too bad that they ended it at volume 3 when everything is gonna actually start at volume 4.

There's nothing left to spoil anyway since when I checked the pastebin, everything there is correct. Except for the part about Sudo and Horikita regarding the first name basis fiasco, but I saw that it was already spoiled as well.

Now for volume 7 in October.

>since that would still be Horikita x Sudo.

>Harem end is so rare in harem. It really makes you wonder about the point of harem genre.

They didn't have the galls to do it. Thankfully it seems like that's starting to change. After all it's escapism anyway, why not.

Ichinose = Karuizawa > Horikita > Sakura > Sakayanagi > Sensei > Ibuki > A sack of decaying walrus testicles >>>>>>> Kushida

LN links?

Just like to ask. Did Ayanokouji explain his plan to Horikita openly like he did in the anime?

About what he did for D-Class to win? Yeah. It is as it is. Except for the part where he said that he didn't care etc. etc. He said that when he was carrying her to be treated.

Only reason I can think of for Lerche to do that is because they wanted a strong finish. For me I understand that.

Kei is the end game.

I just want her to be happy damn

yeah but who is best girl???

Answering this just leads to people being mad. Well everyone has prefences anyway. Now if you are asking who is the closest, the pastebin already answered that. But I'll have to interchange a small part there if it was me.

Horikita > Sakayanagi = Kei > Ichinose > Ibuki > Sensei > Sakura >>> Kushida


just tell me bruh

Karuizawa > Sakura > Hasebe (friend) > Ichinose (rival) >>>>> Horikita >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kushida

That's by volume 6. 50% wants Kushida expelled anyway. Only stupid Horikita wants her to stay.

That one girl from Daiz's army > all

>About what he did for D-Class to win? Yeah. It is as it is. Except for the part where he said that he didn't care etc. etc. He said that when he was carrying her to be treated.
Ah okay, thanks for answering. I thought he was the type to keep his schemes to himself so I was curious to know if that was anime original or not.

>Only reason I can think of for Lerche to do that is because they wanted a strong finish. For me I understand that.

Yeah I agree on this, but was there any reason for Horikita to be all tsundere and blush? I heard in the LN she just thanks him and they have a handshake?

Horikita is beautiful.

>but was there any reason for Horikita to be all tsundere and blush?
That was anime original.

I just saw the preview written by the author. That was sneaky. Having Karuizawa have the last say in there. Dunno if that was meant as a joke regarding episode 7 or what.

> but was there any reason for Horikita to be all tsundere and blush?
That was just the director giving something to his favorite girl one final time. Though I don't mind it in this case because it made the whole subsequent "rejection" of Horikita's perspective all the better. Finally an MC that sticks to his guns instead of succumbing to a shitty tsundere.

Karuizawa >Ichinose > Sakura > Horikita > Hasebe > Kushida

S2 when?

>since that would still be Horikita x Sudo
The greatest twist.

That is just your personal preference. The guy was stating the factual closeness of each girl to 50%.

The only reason I put Hasebe before Ichinose is because she's classmates with 50%. But yeah, common sense dictates Ichinose is closer, but after 50% betrayed her a lilttle bit.. Oh well.

>Dunno if that was meant as a joke regarding episode 7 or what.
I believe its referring to how little of a role she had and how she plays a big role in the story after the anime ends.

Will she be the next Kushida once the original has been dealt with?

Nothing yet really about her. Like the title of your picture, she's the very definition of a saint. Maybe we will know after volume 7's "maybe final battle" between 50% and Ryuuen.

Yeah but it is still funny from my perspective because it's the finale, and usually you'd think it will just be purely Horikita and 50% talking, then she just comes in and sweeps everything away.

How would 51%'s plan worked if Horikita didn't get sick?

Push her off a cliff?

Morning sickness.

>That was anime original
>That was just the director giving something to his favourite girl one final time
I had heard that the director favours Horikita, guess that explains it.

>I just saw the preview written by the author. That was sneaky. Having Karuizawa have the last say in there. Dunno if that was meant as a joke regarding episode 7 or what.

I do remember people saying that Karuizawa claims she's the heroine in the PV but I had no idea it was written by the author, that's pretty funny actually.

>Though I don't mind it in this case because it made the whole subsequent "rejection" of Horikita's perspective all the better. Finally an MC that sticks to his guns instead of succumbing to a shitty tsundere.

Yeah it was pretty funny that she goes all 'tsundere' on him and he gives zero fucks.

Yeah every preview is written by the author. Which is funny when you remember Albert's preview.

Yeah I seriously wasn't expecting her to just come in and have the last line like that. It took me by surprise.

I do wonder, does that mean the author is quite knowledgeable with the English language or did he have assistance? Because that was one of the few PVs I saw and it had pretty good English.

>after C has been defeated
>B and D going on with their respective lives, some occasional bants between Ichinose-50%
>this lasts until D suddenly starts gaining faster than anticipated
>Ichinose pulls a few subtle string to try and slow them down a bit
>hey it doesn't work
>slowly intensifying keikaku showdown between 50% and Ichinose as D continues to draw closer to B
>Ichinose slowly begins to lose her cool and briefly slips out of her perfect girl role from time to time
>just when she is about to get cornered Sakayanagi falls sick due to heart problems to the point where she can't continue her activities at school
>Ichinose seizes her chance and transfers herself over to A to take over Sakayangi's vacant spot and become the leader of A to safeguard her lifelong dream
>showdown between D and the new A while B is left behind shocked and dispersed

That's possible. I just really can't believe Ichinose is this genuinely nice girl. Not after literally every other female in the series has been shown to have ulterior motives. That and the fact that she's said her dream is to rise to Class A plus the fact that she's accumulated all her class's points using communism really hints at something. For now she's cool with 50% because he's doing all her work for her. He's taking down Class C. That's one major rival out of the way. But what happens once C falls? D and B become direct rivals for the top spot. How can their cooperation continue when that happens? Either Ichinose willingly lets 50% man beat her and lose on purpose or she pulls out her own schemes then.

Check the previous thread, user. OP literally put the mega links for the LNs there.

I really, really doubt the author will have Kushida expelled. That means he loses one cute girl character permanently. In a series where cute girls + pretentious school politics is the main draw, losing one of said cute girls can be a blow no matter how minor. I think Kushida will be staying. Maybe 50% will object but Horikita might insist. He can keep her on a leash by threatening to spill her secrets if she ever steps out of line again.

So why the fuck is Karuizawa cloest to him when she was literal who in the anime? Did they fuck up adaptation or they get close in volume 4.

They get closer later on. The first 3 volumes, sadly, is quite Horikita focused. The director did shoehorn her in a few scenes but she actually is for the most part, the focus of the first three volumes. Then starting from the 4th volume, the focus shifts to 50% man taking on Class C. That's when he and Karuizawa get closer. At first he just uses her as a puppet, but he seems to genuinely care by volume 6. Now Ryuuen is going after Karuizawa so if he does anything to her, we might see 50% get serious for the first time.

Her dream is not exactly to rise to A-rank. Yes she has said she wants to do it, bet her end-goal is something different. She seems to have another way of winning which I suspect Ayanokouji tried to figure out by asking Chabashira about the most expensive thing that has been bought by points was in Volume 4. The most expensive things you can buy is to change the school rules.

If you want to know more, here are the links, provided from the previous thread:

>50%'s Character Relationships as of Volume 6

>Sudo & Horikita spoiler

>Sakayanagi SS Spoiler

>Karuizawa v4.5 SS spoilers (currently being translated)

>Youkoso Jitsuryoku LN raws!bgM3nBAZ!9cLBtr7pnv5xefiRRZRUzQ

>Illustrations of the LNs
>Volume 4.5 Illustrations
>Volume 6 Illustrations

Wasn't Volume 2 Sakura focused?

Volume 2 was Sakura and Ichinose indeed

I love you

and you too

I wonder how many points would cost to add a rule that says every woman becomes a cumdumpster

So what's the motivation for 50%? Why does he even bother at all?

you mean no one has yet...? look at them

Hi speedwatcher

He wants to make a better world.

They can touch them. What I am proposing is that all female students and teachers must become human toilets


Who's the girl in this picture?

If the anime is any form of indication, her desire to reach A may just be just a cover for the idea that she absolutely abhors losing. Just look at her reaction when she came in second during the survival test. Wouldn't that lend itself to the idea that she considers being in the second-best class (B) as a form of losing as well?

It really could write itself. A competitive girl who always wants to win and is used to winning, thanks to the odds always being in her favor because of her looks/personality/brains. But on the most crucial moments she incurs her sole losses, and as a result it triggers something inside of her when things don't go her way.

For a major change to the rules like that? It would probably cost billions of points. No one class would be able to afford something like that. I mean, it is possible technically because 'anything' can be bought but I imagine it would require all the combined points of several classes together to edit the rules that majorly. But it should be possible.

It could be. I'm just very interested to see how she'll react once 50% takes down Class C. Now there's no buffer between them. D and B will directly become enemies vying for top spot. Can she still keep up her saintly persona then? Or will she start scheming against 50% and D? I think it'll be the latter. Ichinose is a very competitive type of person. And recently she's been a losing streak against 50% not to mention the humiliation of being second place. Once C falls in Volume 7, I wager Volume 8 will be Ichinose's true colors coming to light.

no faggot.

>Not after literally every other female in the series has been shown to have ulterior motives.
I wouldn't exactly say that is case, it's more that everyone in the school can be divided into one of two types: there are those who lack something and are "flawed" in that sense (Horikita, Sakura, Hirata, Sudo - the "classroom") or they are scheming motherfuckers with ulterior motives (50%, Kushida, Ryuen, possibly Ichinose - the "elite")

You know I thought the mud thing was a keikaku at first, with the intention of reclaiming the spot covertly. Then I thought it was autism. in the end it was actually a keikaku involving an autist. putting mud on a girl for another girl's email address, what could he hope to gain socially?

What he wants to achieve anyway?

Yeah I worded that poorly. The point is, after everyone in the school seems to be either flawed or a schemer. I can't believe someone 'perfect' like Ichinose can truly be what she appears to be. I can't wait until Class D and Class B go head-to-head so we can see what she's really like. I'm willing to bet it won't be the perfect girl we've seen so far that comes out then.