Euro is in free fall thanks to the Italian elections big happening over the next few days.
Happening - Euro Collapse
Other urls found in this thread:
>Trump announces tariffs just ahead of Italian elections
>EU talks shit
>Euro falls from both events
>EU looks weak when they need to look strong
10/10 would elect again.
I hope the (((EU))) falls to 0.
fake and gay
>no scale visible for graph
>-0,00016; (-0,13%)
call back when it breaches 1.75% negative
Graph Sauce?
its just part of the whole germany selling that busted schematic for a fusion generator which doesnt work to tesla thing
its worse that the data from cern proved it wasnt weapons grade tech when they could do insanely efficient fusion with a supper collider in east asia which was verified with the other facilities on the math of it was possible
the american government only wants weapons and germany sold them a glorified science fair experiment and begged elon after the sale to make it work and kill the unwanted. even had amber give him anal for the work he will do to further white supremacy. so much on his shoulders and he knows he cant do anything but he wants more anal from amber and trump is just livid because hes not getting any anal from amber so tax payer dollars for a science fair project when we have moabs that out preform it is a sort of shame he can never admit. he may have to kill baron so the secret doesnt get out
>le Trump is playing 8D chess meme
I wish it crashed to zero.
This is a really small timeframe.
Where the fuck is your Y axis
It's 8^D chess, get it right.
>no vertical chart
>no Y axis
I hate the fucking retards on this board. Nothing noteworthy happened to the euro/USD dollar evals today. What board should I browse instead of Sup Forums? I heard /lit/ is good this time of year.
Absolute delusion looks like this. Probably some greasy boomer faggot signing child support checks using the SSI that we give him.
Yeah, I've become pretty burnt out with this place too recently. /Lit/ Sup Forums /his/ and /k/ are the only boards I still frequent.
Nice. Congrats bro
your not the only one who thinks euro is gonna crash
When is the Italian election?
Based Italy crashing the EU with no survivors.
It has to be done, better sooner than later.
Given time, all fiat currencies fall to 0.
This is why we should go back to the Gold Standard.
The big bro threads were the last nail in the coffin for me. I am genuinely shocked by how many fucking people here don't see any of this board as satire. The only true Sup Forums users in my book are the folks that went from Sup Forums to Sup Forums in roughly 2008 and from Sup Forums to /new/ a little while after and finally from /new/ to Sup Forums. Stormfront was never Sup Forums we hated those cunts.
Why the fuck would you consider this a good thing? The EU GDP is like $17.5 Trillion, and the US GDP is around $18 Trillion. How could you ever make the case that the collapse of the Euro wouldn't make everyone in the world suffer?
Its volatile. Things are in play
>engage your plans for demographic replacement of the people you're elected to represent
>they defend themselves
How could this have happened?
Good mutts fuck off.
It's not fucking "volatile" look at the values on the side. That's called a Y axis user, it denotes values based on how high or low a specific point on the X axis (thats the line on the bottom you retard). All the red and green might tantilize you into thinking something fun or exciting is happening; like when your handler jingles her keys for you. But in reality where all of us 3 digit IQ folks live, seeing as the bottom value is not in fact -zero- and the top value is not -infinity- this chart is showing relatively small fluctions in a whole. The values for the y axis (thats the "up and down" line you dipshit) are made to be relevant so smaller changes can be seen at a glance in a more detailed way. Now go back to doing your puzzle and watching wheel you fat fuck.
>rich people are losing money
who cares
-0.13% Crap, their whole economy just vanished
Trump's killing Tariffs will be the death blow.. Long Live the New Flesh!
Anyone who has been here for longer than trumps political campaign (and isn't a masochistic fuck) would agree. Go back to Ribbit cunt.
Me, I wanna Mercedes.
It will put more pressure on the EU to collapse.
Nothing happened though. Why discuss some anons LARP so seriously?
glorious, now that's a job
Good. My investments in other currencies have suffered due to the strong euro. The euro could do with a bit of weakening
>not being the most apathetic cunts in the EU
Merkle can do whatever she wants because the only folks with less backbone than Germans are mutts like myself.
>Euro collapses
>massive economic troubles for most of the EU
>economic collapse leads to rise in radical political parties
>Europe becomes a large gathering of Fascist states
Thanks Italy
that will be a necessary sacrifice to rid the world of the globalist cancer known as the European Union
Fucking trade war incoming too
>best fucking time line
Italy exit polls? What? This is the first I've heard about this
Can I get a quick rundown on what happened in Italy?
Remember, the Euro was created in 1957 and began being publicly traded as scheduled in 2001 just one month after a certain event disrupting wall street.
It's all just a coincidence..
Election today, and right-wing anti-EU populists are winning big.
This guy is going places.
we want the eu to collapse you cuck its everything wrong with europe its just a bunch of bureaucrats and kikes inviting in a bunch of shit skins and gibes me dats
10/10 ive gone to one of those before as a kid i was bored to death at a baseball game but damn monster trucks were amazing would do again with my kids
Anti EU won big time globalists completely btfo
Ah so yet another meme party with no substance other than being anti-eu
if it makes you asshurt then it is good.
No I'm just disappointed. Every time I get hyped by anti eu parties just for them to turn out to be one trick pony meme parties that had no plans other than saying fuck the eu and nothing is achieved in the end.
> volatile
The biggest difference is .006 from peak to low, and it quickly stabilized.
I want something to happen, but I doubt anything good will come of this.
No it's not.
Because Euro is what has been holding back the economy for Europe for the last decade.
The euro is too high. Its still 1.2 dollars. If it gets under the dollar then we start winning because mutts consume to much for what they produce and we become more competitive.
>hint: the EU is pushing legislation so that car manufacturers go full electric in a few years
>basically US completely utterly btfo and good riddance
>also Trumps debt still to pay due to tax cuts
You guys are sooo fucked lool. No way you can make it without your precious oil.
H h how did you know I watch Wheel???
>we want the eu to collapse you cuck its everything wrong with europe its just a bunch of bureaucrats and kikes inviting in a bunch of shit skins and gibes me dats
THIS.. Amen brother
We are a NET producer of oil you fucking arab rape baby. Suck it.
market share for american products increases as Germany loses
Did Italy vote in the 5 star movement?
Are they going to start rounding up blacks?
i have some euros on my coin collection.
The Euro is going to be history soon.
>barely down 0.6%
haha, silly boomers
how is that any different from your federal government?
please tell me this is true.
Dumb boomer
Revenge on the germanic barbarians for sacking Rome
Only thing Sweden ever did right was to not join the euro currency.
>Crashing this economy with no survivors
Lmao if the euro fails the US dollar is fuuuucked. The only winner here is China.
Not a happening. If Italy left the Euro, the Euro would get stronger because Italy had a weak economy. Fake news
LTC sucks. Buy BTC and XMR
Burger education.
Italy is a net contributor to the EU and they are the 3rd biggest economy in the union.
Remember 2010 when the USD was stronger than the Euro? They didn't let the Euro crash back then and they won't now.
This, Sup Forums has become insufferable since 2016, though it started earlier in 2014
If Italy leaves there might not be a Euro for long.
China is sitting on a huuuuge bubble too.
In all actuality capitalism in its current form needs to collapse asap.
Along with this model of perpetual economic growth that is is royally fucking us all over via immigration.
The only states/regions with individual identities outside of their link to the USA are the parts of our southern and southeastern borders that are Mexico2.0 and the Deep South that manages to maintain its own identity. If the USA fell every state from Maine to Iowa would collapse with it. If the EU fell Germany and Poland and the UK would be fine.
pipe down filthy Canadian scum. Read some history and learn about the Lira you scum
it's true but until then the Euro is too strong for all of these countries other than Germany
No vertical scale..
Makes graph useless.
Good I get paid in USD and it benefits me for USD to go up and Euro to fall
wrong. meme currency was never ideal to begin with
if you don't hold it you don't own it
oh, it's coming.
Nah it’s B^U
buy bitcoin - repel central bank
>muh economy is everything
good. Lets do it. This is the only way we(Trump) can fix the system.... by crashing it first.
b-but m-mama merkel told me everything is going to be okay and wir schaffen das? :-(
"Mr Berlusconi has called the presence of illegal migrants a "social time-bomb" and pledges mass deportations." What a hero!
>Super collider in east asia.
You're talking about the Kek one right?
Lol at the german people calling a politician mother. Hahaha
Wait Berlubro is back in politics?
my guess a lot of people flocked here from reddit during the Trump wars and ffom Sup Forums after moot died