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what's the appeal of tap dancing?

can someone explain how that "near full auto" firing shit doesn't ban all guns?

That section seems to be talking about accessories specifically. It's a dumb point because you can do the same thing with a belt loop or rubber band.

seems like you could argue for restricting access to triggers

Just spend all the money they'd use for this bill on mental health programs for students.

>requires a three-day waiting period and background check for all purchases from licensed dealers

It includes $100 million on mental health programs for students. It made it past the Senate on party lines, which means Republicans alone let it through while Democrats voted no since it's not an AWB. Call the House Republicans and tell them not to do it.

The one silver lining is that if this bill becomes law, I expect much of it will be challenged in the courts. This is far from over despite passage as law.


If it weren't for the first and last point I wouldn't have a problem with this bill

>This is far from over despite passage as law.
You can stop it now by calling your representative. Tell him to vote no and that even Trump has walked away from these demands.

I only have a problem with the 3 day waiting

What's wrong with the first point? You're actually for bump stocks being illegal?

Is it all gun sales at age 21? That's such bullshit, you can't defend yourself when you're an adult?

Correct. All guns sold by a licensed dealer are now restricted to 21. Call your state representative in the House and tell him to vote no. Link is in the OP.

I wouldn't trust any of my high school teachers with a box of matches let alone a handgun. They should station more security at school instead.

Yea I think bump stocks should be illegal, but in all honesty I don't think a ban will make a difference. Any idiot with a small amount of knowledge on firearms can create a makeshift bump stock from home.

The use of the term firearm accessories is too broad when referring to firing at near-automatic rates. See and

I'm scared is this going to actually going to pass and become the law?

Currently, it's 21 for handguns and 18 for rifles and shotguns. This would make it 21 for ALL firearms. There are going to be lawsuits up and down if this become law. There is enough question over constitutionality of this and the backgrounds checks to warrant judicial review

If FL passes this law you fags can no longer post pic related.

>Banning sale to 21
I'm not young anymore so I don't know the rules but isn't age a federal thing and not a state thing? Federal law supercedes states law and the lawsuit would be incoming

Call your representative. It passed the Senate already, so call your representative in the House.
myfloridahouse.gov/contentviewer.aspx?category=website&file=contact us.htm

Stop it before having to get the courts involved. Call your representative right now or early in the morning.

>make it a second-degree felony to shoot a bunch of fags
wew, finally some reasonable legislation

That bill is GROCE

It'll be a second-degree felony to say you WANT to shoot a bunch of fags. No actual fag killing involved. Pretty sure that violates the first amendment.

oh shit, misread. eh, im fine with it as long as the definition of "threat" is reasonable (i doubt it will be)

Why don't any of thee mass shooters shoot up places like police departments, Sup Forums? Or gun stores like the Terminator did?

Why's it always a school?

Why bullet proof glass? How many of these school shooting took place from outside shooting in? Also, if the shooter happens to be standing in a classroom the bullet proof class will prevent a sharpshooter from being able to get the shooter if he has a clear shot.

Right now there is only a waiting period for handguns. This is hitting everyone.

The bill is fucked. Call your representative in the House.

>ban bump stocks
>use 2 pencils, a shoelace and a rubber band
>more accurate than a bumpstock for

Threats to kill are not protected speech.

>police knock down your door
>confiscates all your rubber bands
>throws you in jail

Saying you want all niggers dead is protected speech.

Why? It's not like it's hard to buy an illegal gun.
Here in Florida, getting an 8-ball of meth and some unregistered full AR lowers is as simple as finding a dealer and having cash.
No waiting period, no ID needed.

When the law tries to step on you, step aside and disregard the law.

That doesn't imply intent. You can want for whatever, if you threaten to do something its a bit different

Sometimes you don't want to have to take the back alley route.

The second point should be thrown out by the courts. "near-automatic rates" is vague as hell. Of course calling these dipshits keeping from passing it is better than taking the chance.

Raise the voting age to 21.

>going full Bongland
>Implying I wouldn't laugh as I walk out of the way of their slow pistol bullets
>Implying I wouldn't take them down with 58 headshots each from my high powered assault rifle with bullets that go 3 times faster

Doesn't sound as bad compared to where I live.

Really makes you think

Thank you. Use this link to find your representative.
myfloridahouse.gov/contentviewer.aspx?category=website&file=contact us.htm
If you're not from FL, pick a Republican in the House and call anyway. It's not going to hurt.

That's the only way I'd accept raising the age to purchase a gun.

>trample on the 1st and 2nd amendments even more
>millions to useless programs
Fuck this country

bro, no cop is gonna knock on doors knowing that a guy might have a shoestring-rubber band pencil shooter

You poor soul.

Why not? It's faster, cheaper, and you don't end up on a list of gun owners. And no taxes to pay.
But of course, it means becoming an outlaw and getting to know other outlaws.

Be sure to call your representative.

Don’t live in Florida

They will if your neighbor reports you.

Call anyway. Not like it's going to hurt.

>threatening to commit a mass shooting online will now be a felony
what the fuck

breh, cops want to go home at night. shoestring pencils can get shot up your dick

>some of you guys are alright, don’t go to school tomorrow
This will be a felony if this law is passed.

Not everywhere is broward county.

threats are defined by capability and intent. you can't judge either by a fucking text

This. There is no such thing as near-automatic. It's either automatic or it's not.
How do you ban a bump stock? Impose a shooting speed limit or ban products by brand name? What a joke can't wait to see a modified product that trivially bypasses the ban.

no one tell sam hyde, itll be hilarious

That's the Senate's bill, not sure where the house one stands. Senate bill still has a chance to die on the floor.

tomorrow's gonna be a big one. just keep the news on around 1 pm est
see you space cowboys

>3 day waiting period
>makes plans 4 days in advance

>Senate bill still has a chance to die on the floor.

Just fuck my rights up, senpai.

I Thought florida already had a 3 day "cool down" period, the idea is that someone not thinking logically will chill out the next few days etc

Only for handguns.

This bill pretty makes it all the same whether it be handguns, shotguns, or riles... all purchased at 21 with the 3 day wait


What if I'm joking?

Remember that time some kid messed with football?

You'll be dragged into a court of law and have to make the judge laugh in a fifteen minute routine.

The bomb threat? You know that's not a joke when you actually call the stadium and say you placed bombs there. This is specifically about posts on facebook or twitter, even Sup Forums.

Is this a meme or did Trump actually make a good deal here? From what I understand banning bump stocks will do nothing, and as far as purchasing age restrictions, most people probably don't buy their own guns until around 21 right? If they do shoot it's probably in the family so their parents are the ones buying them firearms. 3 days is fucking nothing.

This is only in FL. This is not a federal law.

Way back on Sup Forums. Some kid got v& for posting a particular football threat online a whole bunch in basically a bantz contest.

Come to think of it, a kid at my school got v& the other week for sending some cryptic copypasta to a teacher. They put security on the roofs for a few days and last I heard he's going to be charged with a misdemenor.

user, I don't know what it's like like in Leafland, but in the US you are allowed all your rights as an adult in the states, which is 18 not 21.

I always wondered about something with those three day waiting periods: If I ordered a pistol from Aim Surplus, they could just email the serial number to my ffl as soon as it's packed. That way you good get the background check done and burn the waiting period while it was shipping.

>3 day waiting period

This does nothing to stop criminals from shooting crowds of people?

Only the first and fourth point maybe. The rest is to penalize law abiding citizens.

Shhh! You're going to give the game away!

Does he appreciate stale Sup Forums memes and grade-A LARPing?

If it bans posession of a bump stock, than what should my friend who has one do? Or rather, what would the law have him do as he's obviously going to go on a boating excursion if this thing passes.

They're going to require you to basically turn it in.
>what if I don't
Get ready for a fight.

I except a slew of lawsuits if this bill becomes law over the bump stock ban and age 21 change

Well fuck. It actually is a friend of mine (for once) and while the dude is kind of a dick, I 100% guarantee you he would have a standoff rather than turning in his guns.
I hope so.


I hope this passes, we honestly need more gun control to pass before SCOTUS has to review it.

None of this shit passes strict scrutiny, once they start ruling on gun control measures its ALL coming down

That's not how it works in my state, it's 10 days from when you do the dealer background check

Ask him if he knows anyone in another state he could send it to to be extra cautious. Likely just not using it until to lawsuits clear would be enough. Also, get him to call his rep.

>Make it a second-degree felony etc
These morons clearly have no idea how the law works, Felonies are classically federal crimes. Florida turning itself into a police state would not make something protected by the federal government a federal crime. Source OP? I strongly suspect a nigger who does not know what they are talking about.

See Please call your State Senator. If you stop it now, you won't have to worry about the courts.

I'd rather not risk it. You saw gay marriage. Stop it in the Senate tomorrow.

This can't pass, this law is unconstitutional as fuck.

>thought Obamacare would holdup in Supreme Court

It's in the OP. The archive link is a sun-sentinel article.

Here's the full text if you want a read.

>dumb floridian stays logged into social media on a phone at walmart
>post on their behalf
>second degree felony