30 year old NEET Girl

>30 year old NEET Girl
>Plays as bishounen fighter in her MMO
>Meets a tall, wealthy, blond-haired, blue-eyed, guy that likes to play as pink haired healing lolis


I can't wait to watch this and self-insert as the guy!

Other urls found in this thread:


>tall, wealthy, blond-haired, blue-eyed, guy that likes to play as pink haired healing lolis
Wait a minute
That's literally me.

No way you are blond

>pink haired healing lolis
What happened to the good old pink haired big breasted healing sluts? Are they out of fashion these days?

Is this going to deconstruct social gender and how women perceive men and vice-versa? Or is it gonna be tired, fanservice-ridden isekai drivel?

sounds good

I really hope it's the latter.

*crack knuckles*
*closes massive book on psychology*

*puts on glasses*

The deconstruction of genders is already a common occurance within the sphere of normal romance romance anime. One must consider that a great many of the male otaku are social drops or deviants; many of them fail to confirm to the image of manliness put out by their culture. The romance anime provides a safe space where weak-willed, effeminate, and unconfident men are depicted as the heroes and are beloved by women.

*clears throat*

It is not much different for the female otaku. Net Juu No Susume depicts a female protagonist who ha similarly failed to achieve the standard set out for a proper lady.

*puts on glasses*

Now I would also like to address your attention to the abundance of Shoujo manga depicting cross-dressing female protagonists. Let us also remember the category known as Boy's Love, or simply BL, these may even intersect as seen in Ouran High school Host Club.

In a patriarchal system women are far more likely to be attracted to toying with the idea of gender than men.

*dramatically takes off glasses*

However given current market trends it is safe to assume that fan-service will also delivered in an expedient and ample supply. I for one look forward to finding out what color the healer's panties are as well as more shots of that blond dude in a suit.

Personally I'm glad that anime is finally tackling the much ignored issue of playing as your opposite gender in MMOs.

And what's the problem with playing as a gender opposite to your IRL one?

some autists get triggered by it.

It's not an issue; it's just a fact. Nothing wrong with playing a character who's the opposite gender.

Yes but how does it relate to online romance?

Let's say you are playing a female character as a male person. Would you romance a male character if it was played by female? Is it gay or straight? What about a female character played by another male? straight or lesbian or maybe gay?

I don't roleplay, so it's a non-issue to me.

>no tank


why is the NEEET sad?

No Neetbux


Can't wait till she asks for the blondie's thick otaku wiener
"I-it's different from my dous!"

Is he supposed to be an otaku?

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

He plays a pink-haired loli healer. What do you think?

he's ghey

Well, that's a good point, but he looks like a succesful company employee. It doesn't rule out him being a closet otaku though.

He forgot to mention handsome.

>guy that likes to play as pink haired healing lolis

So, a heal-slut.


Yes. Loli is the new black.

>self insert as the guy
hell no, I'm going to self insert as the girl

He's probably like Makoto Takiya from dragon maid.

He was an average guy at work who turn full otkau mode in private, this guy here doesn't give me that vibe.
But we'll see.

Possible doujinshis
*dude fucks the girl
*bishounen fucks the loli
*bishounen fucks the dude
*neet fucks the loli
*dude fucks the loli
*neet fucks the bishounen

And that's not even counting what could happen with the side characters!!!

This thing is a masterpiece!!!

They've been out of fashion for a while.

Don't forget da orcs.


>The girl is a smelly, ugly, female authors self-insert rather than a properly developed character
>The man is a rich ikemen straight from authors own fantasies rather than an actually likeable love interest
How is this trash supposed to be good?

Who should the orcs fuck?

As opposed to?

>The guy is a smelly, ugly, male authors self-insert rather than a properly developed character
>The woman is a busty babe straight from authors own fantasies rather than an actually likeable love interest

>the side characters

>The man
As if there'd be only 1

I hope he bullies the blond dude for playing as a girl character!


Are you retarded? What do you think "isekai" even means?

There's no way this blond guys character can be this cute

>healsluts on the thread

And yet another guy for the Neet to choose from. I somehow didn't expect this.

DaMn! This anime just keeps getting better.

He sure is a cutie. I wonder what sort of class he plays? Probably some sort of tactical cunning dex character.

Guys with glasses are smart you know?

>tall, wealthy, blond-haired, blue-eyed, guy that likes to play as pink haired healing lolis
Literally me

>tactical cunning dex character.
Since when was that a thing in MMOs?

>Personally I'm glad that anime is finally tackling the much ignored issue of playing as your opposite gender in MMOs.

Log Horizon had a few examples of this:
Akatsuki (female player, reverted back to female)
Tetora (male player)
Alakshmi (male player)
Dolce (female player)

Never but real mmo mechanics would make a boring ass anime. I don't want to hear about how fast glasses-kun can play whack-a-mole with the hotkeys or what the best build is on a wiki.

I wanna see him use some sort of crazy-smart tactic stuff to fight things far outside what other characters can given the same level range. Than Neet-chan can say "Sugoi!" and the other boys can get jealous and competitive.


I predict it will have roughly as much gameplay as all the other MMO anime. That means near to 0

>Not available in your country

Best OTP in SAO has gender reversed character.

This one

A girl this cute can't possibly be a girl!

These two play with male characters.

>opening their legs like that

Self-insertfags being cancer as usual.

Manga's been going on since 2013.
How come I've never heard of this?

>main girl voice by Noto
>main boy is literally me
>all these cute boys
Already AOTY

I really disliked that they didn't keep the in-game avatars after the first episode. As much as I like the pay2win slut fanservice such as (I really like it), the anime would probably be more memorable if we the gap between the in-game characters and their real selves.

>>main boy is literally me
So you are gay, huh?

It's a reverse harem, I think. There's a lot of pretty boys in reality that slowly fall for main girl.

Truly, the 50 shades of grey of anime.

Best couple

Isn't that in like every MMO anime to more or less degree tackled?

>Reverse harem
>Not a cute romance
Dropped hard

>guy not only plays as a loli but is a healing slut as well


romance doesn't sell, are you trying to bankrupt them?

>30 year old NEET
How does she live with herself?

With her family.

She had a job before, shit happens

would you suck it?

>NEET and plays games

Yeah, right. We know girls that play MMOs have a bunch of orbiters that flock around them on discord.

japan is next level when it comes to avoiding the other gender

Hey this looks cut-
>reverse harem


Well this is probably the closest I'll get to Sister Fuc- I mean, Ephraim getting animated.

>Not playing as a healslut on your main.

Its the best, especially if your even half-competant and well geared. Everyone wants you in their groups and you rarely have to fight over loot.

off topic but what will Sup Forums watch this season?

So is this Shojo or men

It actually has a lot. I mean the real life chapters don't start until like chap 20

Cause its a webcomic thats untranslated

Finally a character that is literally me

Even if they're in the game all the time it doesn't mean it will actually show much gameplay.

So, a love story featuring a tumblr fujo and user?
Im really looking forward to it

Well that sounds pretty different, though apparently it's been going. Probably a pretty standard shoujo in practice with 0 actual gameplay.

That's a cute cake NEET though, I don't know what the rest of these faggots are talking about.

Apparently, there are only 2 volumes out and the author has been on hiatus from sickness for 2 years now

>a game is a central plot device
>no fun MMORPG adventures actually depicted
I hate this

goddamnit i came to Sup Forums to get away from /feg/ and you pull this one


Please God let this fail

Don't want some creepy gender-queer bender xenodyke shit on my anime, send it to Tumblr

>pink haired slutty lolis

I hope you fail in life, if you have not already

Only 10 episodes

In online ones because they are a bunch of erping faggots

But dudes play as lolis all the time in MMOs.

Good Boy Points do not count as wealth, user.

I wonder if TouchFluffyTail or PettanCo are still operating in Tera.