>Dat scream at the end
Man, im no fan of the U.s military, but i felt bad for the guy. Imagine being in his shoes, getting shot, knowing youre going to die and never see your kids, waifu and loved ones.
Rip in peace.
>Dat scream at the end
Man, im no fan of the U.s military, but i felt bad for the guy. Imagine being in his shoes, getting shot, knowing youre going to die and never see your kids, waifu and loved ones.
Rip in peace.
youre 8 hours too late skip. the videos already been passed around more than your mom.
Fucking horrible to see man. I need a break from pol
All I can hear is their guibberish singing.
It doesnt matter who displays the most bravery. Im yet to see an ISIS top leader wearing a bomb vest.
all you crackers should be killed
We need radicals in our military.
Is there a version without the sandnigger music?
Stay mad.
No, they're the ones in possession of the original footage and they released it with the gay ass music as propaganda.
A white conservacuck dead. Good.
Kind of ironic that our government funded these terrorists and then the government sends our people to go fight them...fucking hell
RIP fine white men. Justice must be done.
Damn, never heard a man scream that loud / high pitched. He must have been hit by a big caliber, and probably had his meat ripped right off his body.
Wonder where he got hit first.
Justice has been done. White conservacuck is dead. Justice has been served.
>flat open terrain
>no cover
Dead before it even started; I doubt they even knew where the enemy was
get fucked faggot you live in a country built by whites
Press f to spit on grave
They died for no reason. This is why you don't just send random detachments around the world as advisers or whatever the fuck. Look they only had cars. That situation requires APCs at the very least. You don't traverse open hostile ground in the modern age without APCs, and possibly Tanks.
Reminds me of all the men, women, and children from that part of the world that we have killed over the last few decades. Has to be into the millions at that point. All those poor souls send to early Graves by our bombs and bullets. How many tens of thousands of grown ass arab men do you think died screaming because of us?
It's inevitable that it'll happen to us sometimes. That's war faggot.
Why do you hate white people so much? Are you a racist biggot?
>B-but muh military most powerful in the world!!
And yet the most heavily trained and armed men the USA could muster ... died at the hands of poor wretches.
... kinda like Vietnam. Just saying.
Rest in peace brothers.
F means respect.
Burn the coal pay the toll
Befriend a nigger and you'll need a grave digger
Mix with oil and your blood will be spilt on the soil
We have nuclear weapons.
Why haven't we glassed the Middle East again?
>All those poor souls send to early Graves by our bombs and bullets.
What war did millions of Africans get bombed in?
Africa should be nuked until there's nothing left. Muslims too. Fucking subhumans
White oppression.
>he dies while soyboys live
what a world
These guys are special forces and are probably protecting resources that the military and government will use. Considering the location, it's probably uranium. There's more to this story than some guy dying for "freedom".
What are you doing faggot? Or rather should I call you soyboy?
RIP to the guy, but the US military sucks. Imagine how useless they'd be without all of their tech.
Tough bastards, I read Staff Sgt. Wright got shot more than 10 times and still kept fighting back. What a way to go. Real heroes.
These were the guys who died over there?
What were they doing moving up on a position with a shitload of insurgents alone like that? Do we know how many IS they killed?
Fuck sandniggers
At least remember to change your flag you fucking shill
American Special Force Green Berets try to scare off ISIS by screaming AAAAAAGGGGGHHH
apparently this tactic doesn't work learned hard way
I am from the north of Quebec. I grew up playing commandos in the wood for the fun of it, hiding in the rivers and the bushes. I feel at home even in the cold.
It's not a sand nigger who is going to catch me in the snow.
I think they were there because of Michelle Obama's "bring our girls back" shit. That is Boko Haram territory.
Guarantee you are a straight bitch-made punk talking that wannabe hard-man bullshit.
More like special ed forces.
Real heroes... dying protecting resources political elites will use.
Roach turns off his meme flag for this occasion lel
I can't quite identify it, but that scream is def a recording. I remember I watched an isis vid last week that had m16 and revolver sounds from bf4.
It just looks like such a shit fest + at first they had another armored car in front and after the cut it's gone idk where.
Commander Burger was in charge that day.
That's probably the armor that they wear now. Armor is the future of combat.
Why didnt they jsut put the foot on the pedal and speed up on the other direction?
Holy smokes you savage
As a patriotic American, fuck you
As a proud citizen of the internet, I sincerely kek!
Let me tell all of you something right now. I happened to be on Sup Forums for the entire day yesterday and today. This was extremely abnormal as I would never spend every waking hour of two days back to back on Sup Forums. Usually I lurk about 1-2 hours a day on average. SOMETHING CRAZY IS HAPPENING HERE. Ive been coming here since 2008-2009 and remember longcat and tacgnol millhouse isn't a meme is a meme, trolls trolling trolls cancer that is killing Sup Forums etc. LET ME GET ONE THING OUT RIGHT NOW
Ive seen this video posted on over 10 different video sites over the past two days straight and the same threads come up. This is really freaking me out I really have a bad feeling in my gut this whole forum has been compromised I'm not even joking. Ive NEVER seen it like this. If you value your future listen to me and look for yourself. Just refresh the catalog you will see this pattern too.
>traveling in such a small isolated group
>no scouts or anything
>driving in Toyota Landcruisers, not even Humvees, don't even simply drive away when engaged
Why? For what purpose?
>throw smoke
>park car right ontop of it so you can't see shit but the enemy still knows exactly where you are
I've played a lot of CS and that's not how you use smokes.
>running away
>still not simply driving away
What are they doing? None of this video makes sense.... I doubt any of these faggots even play vidya.....
>straight bitch-made punk
u wot m8
When did these troops die? Is this the ambush from months ago or new?
Because Amerimutt education. Cuz they wanted medals, cuz they are conservacuck willing to die for their masters.
That's about it. Oh and for "freedom". Real "heroes" these fellas.
Amen brother. And to all of you degenerate subhuman cucks cursing these men, take solace in the fact that it is you who will bring about the downfall of modern civilization. Your children will be cucked into oblivion while you slowly realize the sin you committed. Devotion to our country and abhorration of our enemies is the only way we will overcome the mounting threat against our superior ideology. Change your ways or do America a favor and kill yourselves.
That's a solid question. I have no idea why they were outside of the car the begin with. I read that they had just left a US friendly village where they stopped to get water.
Damn thats some heavy shit. RIP
>They died for no reason.
No good enough reason. Bring our boys home.
Dudes from last tred I know you are in here. You best be drinking.
I care not for any of this political nonsense, (((they))) are responsible, however I have zero problems glassing the entire middle east into rubble. Fuck them, sand niggers deserve nothing less than 400 tons of nuclear fallout
>passed around more than your mom.
lmao this is one MAD mutt here
you can feel the anger at the humiliation suffered by the most "elite" troops on the earth at the hands of niggers with AKs and Zulu warchants
Fake, its not possible to defeat the government cause they have tanks and stuff, its why we need to give up guns
Give time stamp plz
You are correct. The slide threads come in per-programmed waves. Real conversations only happen in the corners and momentary threads that pop up and keep their head above water long enough to hit bump-lock.
You are all talk. Why aren't you on the front lines?
Wow how pointless. Another reason not to join the military, so you can go get your head blown off trying to rescue African sex slaves.
Who gives a shit if IS takes over Mali? If the government can't fight them who cares, let them have it. We need to bring our soldiers back from all across the world and place them on the southern border and assign them to deporting Muslims and all non white invaders.
They died with their boots on though like a man, rip in Wallhalla.
They were split into two detachments
One group stayed with the vehicles and Nigerian militia
One group attend meeting with tribal elders
French air force on standby
Tribal elders delay their meeting with second detachment then draw out talks over hours
ISIS told that Americans are at this village and muster for attack
ISIS engage first detachment guarding vehicles killing 4 Americans
Nigerian detachment retreat under fire
French Air Force still on standby
Fire fight continues to rage for two hours
American drone support called in
French Air Force still on Standby
First and second detachment link up and repulse ISIS forces
French Air Force still on Standby
Further Two hours pass
French Air force ordered to take off and provide air support
French Air force still on Standby
how do we get this message to people?
Wow you must be new baby boomer.
>reddit spacing, and a piss smelling semite
When you look at the overall k/d ratio of sandniggers in modern war it seems like isis would have to make hundreds of thousands of videos like to this just to call it even. Just saying.
Actually no, if you look at the end of the video, it is clear he died without his boots on.
Because I am a nordist. I only feel at home if you make me invade russia.
Thats not my environnement kiddo I wouldnt know where to hide and id look like one of these poor lost bambies running away from the sheep fuckers
Well they do have ak47s
you can see he got hit in his upper thigh then shot in his wrist when he was on the ground.
Bonjour l'ami
Nah you are a coward through and through.
What the fuck are those idiots doing....
Fuck all of you cunts talking shit on these men. Had more balls than you will ever carry in your life. Fucking faggots.
What a cluster fuck.
>Tribal elders delay their meeting with second detachment then draw out talks over hours
ISIS told that Americans are at this village and muster for attack
They should have their village torched and shot with bullets dripped in pigs blood. Fucking niggers.
It's an expression meaning they fought to the end bravely, even if for a meaningless cause.
American military run by conservatives and controlled by conservatives. Who do conservatives support? Jews.
Quit hitting yourself.
>French Air force still on Standby
Sounds about right.
You finally noticed.
>French air force surrender to tribal elders
ISIS shoots you in the dick regardless.
Also the ambush group wasn't the cream of the crop as some of the GB's boots are missing. After the weapons, boots are the next thing looted.
Yeah i saw, and near the end it looks as if they shoot him right in the chest / stomach a few times. Complete fucking cunts, they even stripped the soldiers and took their socks.
Hope the Islamic cunts die in a burning tank.
>Get ambushed
>Half push through
>Some get cut off
>Still manage a 21:8 K:D with just M4s
Not too bad honestly. There was no group of 3 dudes who was going to get out of that situation.
French Air Force on Standby. We should take their pacific holdings here they wouldn't do anything about it.
Yep, I could tell from the start these "tactics" fags were going to get wrecked. Looked like fish out of the water. There is no comparison between home turf fighters.
All that gear did fuck all against a couple niggers with ak's. American military leadership is run by jews and pedophile anglo-saxon british cults. They're leading people straight to their grave.
It's time to look out for your own ethnic in-group. Fuck serving the British and the Jews.
This place has been compromised for a very long time. Communications between real anons happens in a decentralized way. That's why most of us feel really detached and alone.
When something big happens we all come here or the few other places real speech can happen, but that's when the waves of sliding are most aggressive. Otherwise we talk to the few friends we have, and share the goings on in a word of mouth way. We all know what's going on in the world, but we can't congregate without shills flooding in.
They were doing something we didn't even want the fenchies to know about.
That shit is fucking fake and gay, added in with the haji music.
This. Die for obscenely wealthy Jews who manipulate the whole world.
>entire troll persona is based around an incorrect conflation of the term 'conservative' with 'neocon'