Varnashrama Dharma

Ma Aryan lads , White Aryan Rejects WAR

Whenever my threads gain traction mods stop them.

But I be back baby.

“As supreme teacher of the world, Lord Kṛṣṇa condemns the attitude of Arjuna who said, "I do not find any good in this fighting. It will cause perpetual habitation in hell." Such statements by Arjuna were due to ignorance only. He wanted to become nonviolent in the discharge of his specific duty. For a kṣatriya to be in the battlefield and to become nonviolent is the philosophy of fools.” duty&f=1345#1345

Are you fucking kidding me?

>look I used sanskrit I win
Yeah it just makes you look like a pretentious idol-worshipper. Even fucking jews know you need to explain to the common denominator if you want to be persuasive.

>path of devotion for the lord is the most important
There is no part in the gita where Krishna claims to be the ONLY form of the supreme consciousness. Have you read it?

>animal body platform
What a disgusting way of depicting the non-Sannyasa stages of ashrama. People are people, and if you ask them to devote their children purely to krishna consciousness there will be no people the next generation. That's why traditional Hinduism characterizes the FOUR stages of ashrama.

>division between people
No, there is division between dharma and adharma. All other distinctions are immaterial and superfluously harmful; and this idea is clearly explained in the gita.

>those who follow Rama cannot follow Prabhupada
Are you willing to concede that or are you saying I have an official parampara as a kshatriya? Are you beginning to understand that while you studied dusty old religious texts while being raped by an ISKCON "guru" I was trained in the traditional kshatriya arts of politics and debate in an untraditional school, and that now I am the better student of dharma because of it? Are you ready to yield to your superior?

Also the /bant/ thread isn't even archived so this thread is incredibly rude, even by Sup Forums standards. Consider yourself saged and defeated, good sir.

“Have you read it?”

You're that anti-natalist troll who obsesses over far right forums. thread/

> if you ask them to devote their children purely to krishna consciousness there will be no people the next generation
New pathetic tactic. Anons just started ignoring his faux-fatalist BS, so he switched gears.

Yeah buddy you still haven't explained exclusivity, which we discussed LAST thread which was moved to /bant/ because (you) don't belong on Sup Forums. You're not /Hinduism General/ and you don't deserve this gracious forum.

>when you have a phone and a computer but still have no dharma

Say what now?

Did you know Rama saw to the burial of Ravana's troops, whereas Krishna encouraged the Pandava's to attack the Kaurava compound at night, when dharma and the rules of war says one is not to attack the wounded?

Lad, it is KRSNA

Remember that

Perhaps, as once Parsurama had to slay the evil kshatriyas, so too has come the time when the righteous kshatriya, in the name of Sri Ram and dharma, must put waste to the duplicitous (((brahmins))).

Krishna can do whatever the fuck He wants to do.

Remember, He is God.

Reported twice and saged. Not politics. Stop changing your name so my filter will catch you.

(((your))) god; and not with dharma.

Son, firstly you need to find your Sampradaya. If you don’t have one than surrender to the one that’s already there and functions

And btw it was Kurus who were the cowards.
Ashvatama killed the 5 sons of Pandavas at dead of night.

Only Supreme Brahman KRSNA can remember everything,

Stupid. My politics is to crash your politics.

Oh (you).

>at dead of night
Yeah that's against the rules of war according to the eternal dharma. Good job cheating like a good goy, though. (((they're))) proud.

And his devotees can't remember the last thread when (you) got moved to bant because you deserve saged shills over easy.

No one gives a shit that you read a couple of excerpts from the Bhagavad Gita and think you're enlightened now, you massive pseud. Fuck off.

>mfw I can't believe I agree with a leaf.
Look what you've done, OP. I told you, (you) are a monster.

This is not my concern leaf cock . You should be concerned with pulling out that massive dick out of your ass.


lewd, don't (you) know such henna means she's a married girl?

Don't be mean to the (leaf) when you're a meme religion.




you know who else is married? Al Bundy. lol, he can't stand his wife. Peg!

>Ma Aryan lads , White Aryan Rejects WAR
>“As supreme teacher of the world, Lord Kṛṣṇa condemns the attitude of Arjuna who said, "I do not find any good in this fighting. It will cause perpetual habitation in hell." Such statements by Arjuna were due to ignorance only. He wanted to become nonviolent in the discharge of his specific duty. For a kṣatriya to be in the battlefield and to become nonviolent is the philosophy of fools.”

You did not think that OP through very well OP. While it is not a direct contradiction to the learned mind, it appears to be a direct contradiction to many because of how you presented it.