
>2 episode of intense staring
>get shit on by Sup Forums

>12 fucking episode of Kaiji, Ichigo and pachinko standoff
>a masterpiece

Explain this

Kaiji thread

> 12 episodes of plans, cheats, mindgames, manly tears and difficult choices.
Don't shit on Kaiji, my dude. Not even ironically.
> Akagi is pretty good, but it's all mental puzzles no feels.

When naruto does it (or many shonen shows for that matter) it's stalling. When Kaiji does it it's suspense

Naruto doesn't have any ZAWA

Naruto doesn't have Akainu yelling sweet nothings in my ear

If staring in Naruto had the same depth of psychologican analysis, it would be the best shounen out there desu. But as it is, it's just filling in the time.

Top one, mines can't spawn in corners

Nothing to explain, it's garbage. People actually think this is some kind of deep psychological "gambling thriller" when it's really just the author trying to come up with bizarre arbitrary asspulls to wow morons and make them think he's a good writer.

>clear bait thread
>gets serious answers

Holy shit

>doesn't have any ZAWA
Trying to force a discussion eh?

>being seriously upset over it

I like Kaiji and I shit on it all the time.

I like Kaiji, I'm just disgusted by the type of lazy naruto-esque shitposters the fanbase here has become.
>reeee i can't stand that literally any other anime about gambling but muh preshus kaiji exists, so i'll just shit my diaper and whine and screech about it in every non-kaiji thread

It's not like there are many good gambling anime though.

>still no season 3

Are they really not going to animate it because there's a fucking girl in the next chapter

you did get season 3
in a pachinko game

newfags are a shit, no matter the secondary status they trying to seize, some last thread we had ""kaijifags"" unaware of Yohan and Dio. Here you go.

>glass stairs on building
>paper scissors rocks
>uses water filled swimming pools to tilt a building
>a fucking pinball machine
>mfw kaiji queers think their shitty show is better than kakegurui

>Yumeko cumming when her man gambled for the risk of staying by her side
I came a little too.

Is this the power of normies?

this is the power of black weebs and id put money on it

The power of rmies actually.


is that you user?

how do people like this garbage
>unlikable characters
>bullshit 'psychology'
>never ending arc of two guys playing slave king game
>never ending arc of ONE guy playing pinball
anyone who enjoys this show unironically should seriously off themselves, 2/10 at best.

Kaiji represents the ideal many of us have. Most perceive us stupid, but at times we are genius but were immidiatly we squash this and nobody notices this.

In order to fully appreciate and comprehend the Bog you need to take the Bogpill.

The ultimate debate of all time: male zawazawas or female zawazawas

>have no sense of consequence whatsoever
>can predict everything that happens
It was more boring than katsugeki touken ranbu, which is saying an absolute shit ton seeing as that didn't have any story and was just random fights.

>not having every choir of the world inside Maracana and recording their collected ZAWA's to reach maximum potential

Akagi is the better of the two for the adaptation pacing, but Kaiji is instantly more compelling and likable as an mc.

How would you adapt the rest of the Washizu arc, without every baby exploding with "MUH PACE"?

The Washizu arc would have to be greatly condensed, probably no more than 13 episodes if possible. There'd be a bigger focus on animating the metaphors and the hands would move a little faster.

There'd be about a quarter as much of the "Yasuoka stands behind Akagi marveling over the hand he has and then being surprised when he makes a discard he wasn't expecting" thing. I'd also cut some of the introspection down a little bit just to have the scenes move faster and I'd try to convey those feelings more with expressions.

You have to do that, there was a chapter in which all they did was wait for Washizu (I think) to draw a tile.
Still amazing manga but damn does it drag on.

I only just started learning the rules of mahjong I've been a fukumoto fan since 2010 mind you kek just so when it does end I can re-read the whole thing and have more appreciation for it. The one thing I can say, Fukumoto does manage to keep his stuff as interesting as it can be even when you're in the dark about a lot of it.

The adaptation is done so well, though. None of it feels boring. Every game moves pretty well. Phenomenal soundtrack, too. Madhouse really knows how to handle Fukumoto's properties.