Are all Amerimutts this stupid?
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56% of functional braincells
Holy shit fucking kek.
Even though I sometimes am one myself, I always like seeing women haters BTFO because it gives me hope for women.
Shit like this is staged to make white people look bad. Ive seen this before. Someone posted this Chinese women's work on Imgur, and a few days later I seen this floating around on the site and people making fun of Whites over it. Anyone who has any appreciation for ancient and middle age stone carvings would immediately know this is modern.
As expected of the asian, a carbon copy of the white man's work with no real innovation of its own. This isn't even on the level of "inspired by", it's just a cheap plastic variation of the original work for lukewarm tourism. She should have stuck to drawing anime.
Throne isn't exactly known for his fidelity to history, regardless of the age.
forever the hopeless romantic
They look nothing alike.
Thanks user! You are like the smokey the bear of shill prevention.
>rational male guy
cant believe i used to read all the guy's shit. what a fucking retard he turned out to be.
>a carbon copy of the white man's work
I don't think you understand what "carbon copy" means.
Far better than anything you'll ever do in your life though.
fucking memers
>cat learns you must eat the food to feel full.jpg
>women haters
How are the pussy worshipers in OP's pic women haters? The one guy even used the "this is what we fight for!" cringe line that all the natsoc nice guys use.
People who say deus vult online making it like some meme in the same tier as kekistan are pretty pathetic. Now you have alt-thots posing in shirts with that phrase plastered on it and bunch of orbiters throwing her money because edgy
Whites are retarded.
Bernini was not white, cuck. He was italian.
Ivan Throne's always been a spastic. He's a large lad, though.
Most of them are.
About 56% of us are.
>italians arent white
They arent small dicked gooks either
So they're niggers?
Why does it matter who's the sculptor?
Isn't the model who matters in terms of how the sculpture looks like?
>I can't sculpt for shit, so this looks nothing like the woman it's modeled after .... but she was pretty hot, right?
I have no idea what eyetalyuns consider themselves. Go ask them. They arent gooks though.
They are tiny dicked though.
David had a small dick, the model.
You don't consider them as part of the art as they were not the art maker?
David was a jew
You sure looks like done with a photoshopped picture, what a humble asian sculpture would have.
>Why does it matter who's the sculptor?
Because Throne claimed women couldn't sculpt with detail, and also that the sculpture is art encapsulating the heritage and legacy of the West and the best thing since sliced bread.
When it was literally made with resin by a middle aged woman in a Shanghai garage.
to be fair, Italians and french were the most common contributors to art. "white people" were busy conquering other countries than trying to imitate nature.
Not with that uncut anteater he wasn't.
Dinaric please, or mountain jew will scold us.
Nope, Michelangelo modeled what he knew, he never saw the actual David.
So the french arent white either nowm are the irish not white? They are celts too. Are we finally admitting white accomplishments and culture is really just anglo culture? Its kind of sad how much the anglos have carried Europe.
>troll thread about a troll thread about a troll thread about a
What the hell is that flag, OP? I can't make it out.
Well if your blood makes your appearance and the sculpture follows that in order to be aesthetic he ain't wrong.
And that middle aged woman it's a fantastic artist.
He had a small dick then, that doesn't excludes big dicks from existence.
Thats just what cut jew dick looks like. Its tiny it crawls into itself. You should know this.
He knew about the tiny dick jew meme, classic Michelangelo
it`s about the technique and the effect, you goddamn illiterate, the way the dress is represented is copied, that chink didn´t came with something new, in fact is very cliché.
What does statue pussy feels like?
Modelling with clay is not sculpting. It's great work, but let's see her do that with marble.
Art like this is very rare nowadays since the post modernism cancer.
Nope. Just from the Italian genepool.
probably smooth and dry
She probably used this, and she created the pose herself.
Clay vs marble.
Warm apple pie
Kek, hitting the coke pretty hard again eh Eduardo?
Did an Italian steal your bitch? You sure seem jealous of them.
And you seem overly defensive. S'matter, Vinnie? Mad you couldn't be born proper Anglo-Saxon and had to be some Moorish rape bitch?
Say hi to your mother for me.
stop being asspained over asian superiority. it's okay to only be second best at something.
Nothing can compete
Ivan Thorne already said it's a masterpiece, better than any that came before it. Cry more bitch nigger.
You're comparing a talented asian who modeled something out of clay to legendary marble work. The artistic equivalency of comparing photoshop to canvas painting.
>The original Huwhites didn't reference anything when they did their arts!
But really, did an italian steal your bitch? Maybe he stole your boyfriend, no?
But really, say hi to your mother for me. ;)
And yet it's already been praised by the ultimate authority on Western culture.
You are both complete faggots. The reason they depicted so many statues with having tiny dicks is because it was seen as a pure and honorable trait, while having a big dick was seen as barbaric and stupid.
This most likely stemmed from kids being diddled so much back then and women not being in power, so they can't depict big meaty dongs.
no, YOU'RE comparing them because it helps you cope with your inferiority. you've cherry-picked one random sculptor (who only did it because she was bored of eating dogs that week) and you're trying to compare her to a legendary marble sculptor.
tally up all the factors and we come second to asians, Japan in particular.
I personally find gooks doing imitation western art bizaare. Why not make the same statue as an oriental woman instead?
The fucking state of collectivism.
Persia was better romans are subhumans.
What makes you think that's all they sculpt? Do you watch Mulan and think "Why does Disney only make movies about chinks?"
makes more sense
women love objectifying themselves through this kind of pornography and then calling it "empowering"
drunk with all the empowerment and freedom they'll follow up by parading it around in public giving little boys boners and committing incest
when men get sick of it and tell them to control themselves it turns into a "rights" debate, as if rights don't come with responsibilities
pic related is subtly different but shows the sort of class men had in sculpting the female form. what's more, it's exploratory and experimental. even STILL, nudity of this sort was protested back in the day.
meanwhile the OP shows an example of pure ego, and is an example of minimal accomplishment given today's knowledge
How can you not tell that this is clearly a modern statue? You think the old masters would ever sculpt tits and face like this? What the fuck mutts?
For Chrissakes, a gook sculpts an Aryan goddess and you niggers are complaining. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, you know.
>P shows an example of pure ego, and is an example of minimal accomplishment given today's knowledge
Wrong. It's an act of worship before the Heavens and the legacy and heritage of the West. It's what you fight, sacrifice and die for.
Interpret it however the fuck you want, it's inferior work that allows trial and error, the repairing of mistakes.
Let's see her do some actual sculpting. Just because some retard on Twitter thought it was amazing work just shows how big an imbecile he is, and thankfully he got owned.
What stuff have you done with clay? Can we see it?
That "imbecile" is the de facto spokesman for Western civilization. More people listen to him than you.
>That "imbecile" is the de facto spokesman for Western civilization
Never heard of him.
They also praise post modernist art. I don't need a jew to tell me what art is beautiful and an accomplishment. What this asian lady did is just like people sculpting game characters in Zbrush, but with clay.
Send that data to a CNC machine and there you go, marble work done by computer.
>t. mutt
Doesn't matter. Just means you're not properly acquainted with the torchbearers and pillars of Western civilization.
That's not flattering to "western civilization" now isn't it? Look how big of an ass he made himself look like.
Did you just admit marble is easy?
I'm reading his about page on his website. Top fucking kek.
why asian woman make statue to honor white women?
I'm not a modeller, why would I have any clay art of showcase? How is that relevant to the fact that she's doing easy work for a sculptor, as any of experience would tell you. This is more of an exercise on cloth realism than an actual piece.
When she can translate this type of quality on marble, she'll get real praise.
you jews are really overstaying your welcome
they implied that women couldn't create sculptures with that level of detail
it's not even a sculpture it's a piece of shit made out of plaster
If you "cheat" sure, you get to sculpt in 3D application and do all the mistakes in the world, and then let the robot do the perfect work.
I just find it funny that you've taken up the role of an appraiser of art, without any established authority mind you, in a bait thread on a mongolian basket weaving board to specifically criticize an artist who isn't even here and will almost certainly not a) see your critique or b) give a fuck
None of the options describe this post
>straw man after straw man after straw man
Not surprised
Cute... CUTE
It's clay, the original sculpting material and her workshop it's lovely
>my name is ozymandias
>This is what men of the west fight for
The sculpture is of a white woman, so the guy is technically correct.
>b-but a chink made it
This is just ignorance, has nothing to do with intellect. Maybe if women stopped being insufferable drains on society and made more art of this caliber, men would stop assuming that women are worthless
Then robots are master sculptors and humans are obsolete. Checkmate atheists.
glad to entertain your dogo, the appraisers with authority are those retards you see being btfo in OPs post, funny how that works.
false flag