I hope she gets fucked soon

I hope she gets fucked soon.

I want cousin, gym or Yandere to win.

I want Tsukiko to win, but I want the aunt to get fucked asap.

This artist has never ever been able to draw hands properly. lol


Literally, that's what everyone wanted from the beginning, and yet here we are and the aunt is still unfucked.

Loli, Bully or Daddy's Girl might be fine too. But I like Tsukiko them most too.

(Porn Seiyuu might work too.)

Why is this manga just 10 pages per chapter wtf can't fap to this.

I didn't know this shit was still running.

Manga author couldn't find any manga assistants and her publisher didn't give her one as well.

Someone translated one of the author comments on a side page and it was basically recruiting assistants.

aunt > dadcon > the rest

We are in agreement that the Aunts brother raped her?

If she does, then that is the end of the series.

He's got 3 more women to get through before he tackles his aunt. That is if she's the 14th target.


Lurk more, newfriends.

>Aunts brother raped her?
w-wut !? chapter pls

>trying this hard to act like an oldfag
kys yourself senpai

WRONG. Yandere a best.

Aunt isn't for fugs, you incestshits.

You mean Terumi's dad? He's an even bigger beta than Terumi.






Kaoruko has no shame.

If this is anything like the Tale of Genji, Terumi is going to end up cultivating the loli introduced earlier in the series into a carbon copy of his aunt.
But since his aunt is the one pulling all the strings, I wouldn't be surprised if she's already educating the loli behind the scenes.

Wait, the guy still hasn't fucked his aunt, wheat the hell?

She's last.