Classroom of the elite

This shit actually good since i hear the MC is a cunt or am i being meme'd?

he is a cunt and you are being meme'd

This type of premise is never good.

Best guy

I think this anime is cool, everything is so exaggerated that it looks like a parody. Take a look just for the joke, have a beer and just enjoy the level of bullshit that this show has

It's like Oregairu but even more stupid

50% man is alpha, but all the girls are shit. The anime seems pretentious as fuck and its obvious that they are aiming for highschool otakus.

Shit anime and shit MC. People just overreact the last scene of the show.

5/10 at best.

It's the kind of fun like code geass was. The ridiculous one.

So how did he get the card back from Ibuki? Did she just return it?

He didn't need to get it back

So they got a new card when changed leaders? Thats pretty retarded i thought you would need to return the old one to get new.


So it reached a 50% score?

>"Classroom" in the name
>thinking it could be good

WHat has the word "classroom" to do with it?

It's oregairu with dickheads and edgy keikakus.

"ok so this show has a deadpan MC who's actually hiding he's much smarter, probably to cause a stir and drive a point to this school and the people behind it?"
"no wait now he also has some sort of dark past, so maybe he's just moving on past that but others don't really want him to, so he halfasses things while discovering true friendship"
"WAIT NO, turns out he's an asshole super brat with a hidden agenda who's been using his position as MC to reach his selfish goal (whatever it is)"

oh come on

>all the Sup Forums threads before the final episode talked about some 51% thing
>nothing about it in the final episode
I'm not gonna read the manga so please spoonfeed me

that sounds amusing and makes me want to watch it because it's that retarded.

it's a meme, remember his test results

>pretentious as fuck
Yet people eat up Yahari

So i torrented it anyways

>being this bald in highschool

Yeah, I remember he always got 50% on purpose even though he was probably better than everyone.

I expected him to say something to the effect of "this is only 51% of my ability" or some retarded shit, but he is still staying in the shadows

he looks like he's 40 and your issue is his baldness?

Ayano is something of a interesting character, in the same way Dexter Morgan is an interesting character. Spoilers, he's a psychopath.

the first watchthrough you see things like you would from someone in the same class.

In the second, you see things, small details that you didn't notice before. for example he sells a girls email address for a favor, this same girl had a stalker that suddenly inexplicably got her email address and started harassing her.

He is the magnificent bastard that doesn't get caught. And seeing how he works behind the scenes can be fun.

If that doesn't interest you this show will be pretentious and boring af

It's later revealed that he didn't give her email.

How the fuck does the cam shop rapist have anything to do with 50%? I can't recall Sakura being actually useful to him anytime. She was involved in the fight thing but it's retarded to assume he had some purpose to let her be almost raped.

Good, sakura is his.

>Ayano is something of a interesting character, in the same way Dexter Morgan is an interesting character.
So, not very?

Maybe he plays table tennis

>literally get's blackmailed into going all out or face expulsion
>wtf why does %50 man care so much now, this show doesn't make any sense
Why are so many viewers mentally retarded? Clearly he wanted to run away to the Academy to hide from his past. He considers expulsion a major threat to his own personal freedom. However, he's been blackmailed into getting into Class A. That means once he's achieved that and crushed the rest of the classes, he can coast and enjoy his freedom for the rest of his time at the academy.

he is also literally me

is it true this is getting an english dub?

Pacing sucks dick. Interesting premise and plot. MC is a sociopath.


If that's what triggers you, wait until you see some of the other characters.


>no eyebrows

Why do people do this?


you're being meme'd, watch it for the sexy girls and utsukushii-man but dont expect anything interesting or exciting to happen

yeah, unfortunate the good shit starts in vol.4 but the anime finish the story in vol.3

how can WHOREkita and kuSHITda even compete?

fuck off

>you will never have a giganigga friend
Life is tuff.

Some don't have a choice. Extreme cases of spot baldness can also lead to the complete loss of eyebrows and other body hair.


>blows the fuck out of Whorikita

50%man is MC of the year.

The twist from the last show, while broadly expected, was a pretty decently executed thing. However they kept too much of it secret, these things are always better when 90% of it can be deduced, it was more like 50% or perhaps 51% deducible from the evidence.

He is literally me.


Such a great fucking scene.

I want S2, but it will never ever happen.

Maybe i'm retarded but did they ever fully spell out the rules of the game in the anime?

I was still trying to put together how the cards and the guessing and the point system worked at the very end. Shit like the penalty for guessing at all should've been explained from the beginning.


Yes, they explained it several times in the anime.

i think he's the first kuudere MC i've scene in anime . btw why are kuudere male characters so rare ?

What did she meant by this?

Karuizawa > Ichinose = Sakayanagi > Sakura > Sensei > Hasebe = Ibuki > Sato > Kushida > Horikita

she's acting an anime-original scene

Anyone have the English translated PDF or ePub? Would like to start reading it please!

No PDF or EPub user. This is all we've got

>50% or perhaps 51% deducible from the evidence

People already forgot about Kaze no Stigma and how fucking boring it was.


>Karuizawa in a swimming pool
Yet another thing the anime fucked up. In her 4.5 story it states that she hasn't attended a single swimming lesson.

Kazuma was still a great MC.


Horikita > Sakayanagi = Kei > Ichinose > Ibuki > Sensei > Sakura >>> Kushida

Did he finish watching it?

Sakura > Kushida > Karuizawa > Ichinose > Sakayanagi > Sensei > Ibuki > Sato > Hasebe > Horikita

>Caring about the girls when the MC is easily the best thing about this show.

Blackmailed how. It's literally nothing but "hurr i know your secrit, Fifty." from the old whore. He has no shits to give about the game but the retard next to him is so obsessed he triggered his instinctual dick bullshit.

I like this type of MC but they are always badly implemented or fall short in the middle of the series like oregairu.
That's why Light Yagami still is my favorite MC,he just doesn't break character and the show isn't about romance.
In this show,no matter how much edgy stuff they put in it will always be the type of show that ends with the MC being together with one of the stupid bitchies.

in season 2?

Sakayanagi > Horikita > Ichinose > Kei > Ibuki > Sensei > Kushida > Sakura

>MC being together with one of the stupid bitchies
That is not a bad thing as long as the author develop their relationship well.

But all girls are high-level too.

> 50%
Keikaku doori

user, I...

He finished the fight.

He didn't change leaders immediately, he waited until just before the end of the test. By that point, it's completely reasonable to say they left the card with Horikita, who is now on the boar, and it would take too long to get the card from her.

all the girls are tools

best girl

Why is 50% so based


She has got glorious tits. And showing that cleave to her students, what a slut. I bet she's even more insatiable than class B lady.



Sudo has been busy

Unironically the only show this season that keeps you interested from the first minute and it never gets stale. Ignore the fags wanting to fit in, it's a good show.

Noone is translating the novels, right?

Yeah, this show isn't really for shipfags. The MC pretty stated as much at the end of the season.

I heard some fag said he'd pick up where the other fags left off.

didn't visit a thread till finished it yesterday, why is he the 50%man?

Is everyone asking this question pretending to be retarded?

he's literally me

maybe it's some new meme we're not familiar with

Or its some samefag who thinks its funny to ask the same question over and over again.


Bonus, she's the only one smart enough to use 50% man.

>tfw they'll dub this anime and release it in English even though the material it was made to promote will likely never be released in English