100,000 Haitian niggers a year. youtube.com
Chile is getting BLACKED
And? Who the fuck cares if people move to another country?
^literally all of you
Saw a Haitian the other day, he had a job and the classes we gave them are paying off.
Globalism is for everyone. There is no fucking escape.
Sup Forums btfo
Oh you poor bastards have no ideal what is coming...
Why do this Chile ;(
your army dresses and marches like the Wehrmacht
Thank God they aren't coming back to Africa!
>A latin country has black people
So what? The europeans infested that shithole with blacks in the 1500s, why the fuck would I care now?
Only newfags fall for the "Some South America countries are white" meme
Chilean women needed BBC to enjoy
Less for us desu. I see no problem with this:)
They should go to fucking Venezuela and stay there
What's it like having to share a border with these incompetent fucks?
>Implying Chile was not already black
Seriously, do the countries who are being forced to take the niggers at least get a portion of their homeland. At least give Chile a chunk of Haiti so they can turn it into a death camp.
>why do this Chile
Jews and commies, also the fucking amerimutts and the eternal anglo got butthurt when Pinochet tried to make Chile a Nazi country
This will only get worse unless the genes of these people are modified with sperm donor based hybridization to give them more powerful brains. Their IQ is too low to maintain civilization, and if there is enough of them, they will destroy it.
Why the fuck are you bringing in that many.
>Burgermutt education at its best
Chile was not white, thats obvious and no real chilean would LARP as a white man, but we only had Amerindians and mestizos (spanish+american natives) we NEVER had blacks (africans, apes).
why chile is a nice country, their HDI is higher than the EU, why must the kikes destroy everything beautiful!
The real life Wakanda. youtube.com
Why do you come here?
>Globalism is for everyone. There is no fucking escape.
Wanna bet ?
Try to pull the same shit in Israel, Chechnya, Saudi fucking arabia (to name a few)...and see what fucking happens...try that in Japan...
We would be next to crime-free were it not for them, they are involved in 4/5 crimes here.
>nobody goes to Africa.
In africa they murder the whites.
Globalism is for everyone, user. We had our chance but the ETERNAL ANGLO fucked up everything, your kike-controlled government did their part too.
They'll probably do the same here, but actually our main problem are COLOMBIAN blacks, imagine an Haità nigger but in full drugs and armed, thats a colombian monkey,
Dominican Republic has a lot of blacks too
Haitians breed at an astronomical rate, under the worst conditions too.
They also practice polygamy.
Stop being so dramatic we can still deport them at will.
so what? south americans are subhumans anyway
>Gambian on Sup Forums
this happens once a lifetime
o-oy fascism ! soa bachele haga algo!
there was on the news that 4 haitians were living in 1 bathroom
>t. muttland with 20 millions of africans raping white wimins
the only thing more stupid than a nigger is an amerimutt
how many Haitians are there?
Full blacks are at the very bottom of society here.
I don't care what happens in non-white countries. Just white countries.
The laws were made to deport first world commies, Haitians can't avoid deportation.
So I guess you don't care about America or Canada
tell me about Argentina and Uruguay then, as we can see, they don't have blacks, while you guys have whole cities full of Tyrones.
Tell me, fellow mutt, I want to know
Typical of them, they will live in closets, eat dirt, and still pump out a kid every year.
So then don't be a hypocrite. Diversity is targeted against all countries not just white ones.
you're a subhuman, little brown shit. you think you're above niggers, but you are a nigger
Peru wins again!
Red power!
tell me based RD, how do you deal with them?
Yeah, it has a lot of Haitian blacks. That will change once Ramfis Trujillo kicks all the Haitian niggers out.
>El goblino calling me a subhuman
how was the looting today, DeAndre?
There are blacks in the DR that aren't Haitian...
i hope you guys realize that this is literally the black plague of our generation. and it permanently alters the gene pool too. something permanent needs to be done.
America and Canada are white countries m8. Otherwise none of Sup Forums's core political ideas would be correct. Who cares about third world immigration into them when they were already non white to begin with?
There is only one solution to the nigger problem
Even the fucking "whites" in South America are getting genocided. We're more fucked than I realized.
It starts out with their best coming over, but then their worst follow like a tsunami.
The American soldier doesn't need any weapons because he can just phone home for a drone strike and blow everyone else the fuck out.
oy antisemite
Holy fuck, the Chileans are making a giant longterm mistake.
that nigger will probably call for watermelon and KFC
Chile you are getting destabilized again, is there another Pinochet hiding somewhere?
you have the right idea, white women will be the gate keepers of the next hitler that is the solution to all of our problems
Alright anons lets play a game where you have to play as a hardcore survivalist, you get one of three options and you either die or win the game and in all scenarios you get a 9mm handgun with one bullet to start:
1) You wake up in haiti as a man that looks very similar to donald trump in all ways after he trump called haiti a shithole, you have no passport, no contacts
2) The last white man in south africa after collapse, no military is coming for months, no contacts
3) wake up in middle of brazil jungle, hostile tribes for 100 mile radius, no contacts
>the Chileans
Yeah, and its the (((americans))) who are pushing the mexishit inmigration into the USA.
Hope now you understand (((who))) is behind the nigger problem here.
I was just watching a documentary about Africans in Istanbul and it made me think of world migration. Many people will point to the flooding of European countries with refugees as a phenomenon meant to single out the white race. While it is true that Europe has been affected much more than everyone else, there is a global pattern of migration that involves the lowest groups flooding into any place that is a little better than their shitholes against people's wishes.
Chile, Egypt, India, etc, all have these migration problems as well as the governments lack of will to take any necessary measure to do anything about it. It seems the entire world wants to just lay down and fall back into a state of primordial barbarity that once existed.
I get the feeling that the rational naked world of modernity and its necessary beliefs, way of life, are too much, and not attuned with what some humans can spiritually and mentally handle, so they want a group of savages to destroy it for them and free them from the bondage of enlightenment. That's why there's no will to fight off these hordes.
>watermelon and KFC
Wow that was a really original joke. Did you pick it up from r/coontown?
chile will be a pardo nation by 2050
UNAM professor of Latin American studies, Francisco Lizcano, in his social research estimates that a predominant 52.7% of the Chilean population can be classified as culturally European, with an estimated 44% as Mestizo.[13] Albeit this is an estimation based on cultural aspects. Other social studies put the total amount of Whites at over 60 percent.[14]
i never thought a tiny Caribbean country would have a decent capital city
woah talking about originality
Entire planes loaded with niggers are landing here.
Then, the next day you see them selling shit in the streets.
This obviously the work of some rich kike
why import 3rd world shit heads to another 3rd world shithole.
I think you already know what's the deal... Niggers doesn't contribute to any society.. Even if they're haitians, latin americans or whatever.. They don't deserve to flood chile nor any other country.
You are already living in a multicultural hellhole.. so, that's what i mean
You had O N E mulatto player for the National Futbol team. He had a French last name.
Anyway, I'm Peruvian and support my country destabalizing your's with NiggORCs (with the help of Putin.)
Tell me how mad you are...
Because niggers contribute nothing and destroy everything.
>Tell me how mad you are...
Man Haiti niggers are even better than peruvian Cat-eaters, peruvians are like chinks but brown and obnoxious.
Russia's endgame is to fuck-over any US ally. China is being greedy and playing Russia and the US.
Putin authorized nukes to be sent to my beloved Peru. Feels like N U C L E A R E R A D I C T A T I O N for the little white wanna-be Shitleans.
>You are already living in a multicultural hellhole.. so, that's what i mean
So the third world = hell hole. All ''white countries'' which are now multicultural = hell hole. Eastern Europe, poor due to commie history = hell hole. So the only non hell hole countries are in East Asia? Oh wait, overwork to the point that many commit suicide in East Asia due to no immigrants = hell hole. So I guess the whole world is a hell hole and bitching is pointless.
Conservatives might get a bad rap for being bigots or xenophobic but libruls actively try to create an underclass
>Haiti niggers are even better than peruvian Cat-eaters
You sound like a faggot. And your shit is all retarded.
Income inequality are always worse in librul states or cities
what do you expect from the fucking leaf, just look at the faggot they have for PM, jesus christ.
Because we are the most developed shithole.
Our GDP per capita already surpassed some East Europe shitholes.
What's with the Haitins coming into Chile? You have to tell them to fuck off before they want to immigrate to Uruguay and Argentina and our retarded faggot presidents allow them in because HURR DURR MUH PROGRESSIVISM
DR blacks don't consider themselves black. That's why they get so uppity when they go to the states and get compared to american blacks
We've been sending 1000s every week since 2010. West Brazil, and North Chile.
T. Peruvian.
Colombia is helping us plus, Putin is backing us financially.
Dominican Republic is in on it too. They want their nation clean of illegals.
While Trump tries to get the wall up they're extending their US base in Lima, Peru. Being Peruvian I naturally don't like it. Nor would any normal person.
The US is pushing troops into Panama, while Venezuelan refuugees flood Peru, Panama, Colombia, Brazil, Paraguay, Ecuador, Chile and Mexico.
Obviously we're trying to fuck over Chile... Many are including Jews... not because Chile treated Jews bad... they have. It's just because Jewish fundamentals call for fisty-cuffs all the damn time.
>taking shit from a third world shit hole
The libruls are the ones that made their countries shitholes to begin with that make it necessary to migrate to the first world. France? Yurop and africa?
>our retarded faggot presidents
thats why we have niggers here, retarded politicians
shut up dogfucker, you're nothing but america's hat
Are abos chaotic good too or are they non aligned like a slime cube, or whatever?
>Inb4 you don't know what I'm talking about and I feel like a nerd
Canada exports asbestos to the 3rd world. So progressive
I'm going to be honest, third world countries = shitholes (except chile- argentina- )
=Hellhole any first world country/city with too many problems and unwanted people (aka migrants)
New york is a good example of a Hellhole.
Even some eastern european countries has better life standars than many of the countries of my continent, better culture and societies..most of them are not fully invaded..(yet)
Your country is fine, except for muslims, white liberals,indians and chinesses everywhere..
Your country is going to turn onto le 53% face or below by 2030.... by massive inmigration
native chileans are being a minority by the same reason..
Hurr durr latino america for latinos...
As i said, niggers doesn't contribute to anything, we are third worlders, but we and everybody knows it.. Chile needs to send them back
We don't even like venezuelans, they are like the new mexicans /haitians of our side...
We don't want any of them
Multiculturalism is a failure and a mistake
>shut up dogfucker, you're nothing but america's hat
Holy shit we got a tough guy in the house. Is your wife enjoying those Haitians as much as you promised she would?
You honestly think that shitty comeback does anything for your cause?
Your PM is a literal faggot dancing around like a monkey while the entire world cringes at his sight, he cries on live TV to get goodboi points while your entire nation is seen as a pot of massive cucks and faggots.
Nothing you can say could actually hurt me or anyone in this board, no matter the nationality. Not even poos respect you, as shown by recent events, you are even below street shitters.
You may aswell cut off your own tiny pathetic penis and embrace your status of permanent international cumdumpster, you gigantic, cum guzzling, nigger loving faggot.
DR is old school. Haitian niggers get the rope.
You Peru subhumans have the same inferiority conplex as Mexico towards America.
You're nothing but butthurt indio subhumans.
>=Hellhole any first world country/city with too many problems and unwanted people (aka migrants)
>New york is a good example of a Hellhole.
this guy gets it
> Is your wife enjoying those Haitians as much as you promised she would?
you tell me, cucknada has fame for the soy boys and cucks you canadians are