You haven't forgotten, have you Sup Forums ?
You haven't forgotten, have you Sup Forums ?
The aliviest of the alive.
I will not be able to contain my cum if Lelouch truns out to be alive in the new anime.
That would be incredibly shitty and ruin an ending that was good enough to salvage the trainwreck that r2 is
S3 confirmed means he's alive though.
It's been 9 years since the final Geass Sunday
He's alive. He wouldn't die if the authors left such an abundant amount of clues that he didn't die.
One of them getting the Immortality Code before the final battle. There are always 2 Codes as a constant. He wished away Charles, not the Code.
>we've been having this argument for nine fucking years
I wonder if its with the same people too
It's not an argument at this point. S3 is literally called "Lelouch of the Resurrection". He is alive.
How was it on Sup Forums when this ended?
And of course people shitting no CG fans for being newfags.
l want to die
Is it good anime? I never seen it. I don't really like the yaoi-looking artstyle.
>this is the people i speak to all day
I need to get out
>children were born
>had nine birthdays
>had good memories with their parents
>maybe even had their first silly love already
>are building up to be good members of society
>in the meantime, the autists here still discuss if Lelouch is alive
Well, this time you really got me to think
I doubt you speak to people like that all day unless you mainly browse the shonenshit generals.
Don't worry, i rarely post on a, i'm mostly read only. Sorry for not seeing this show, i started watching anime and browsing image boars only in 2009, after it was finished and hype died down.
>Lelouch of the Resurrection
Haha yeah, man. I wonder if he's alive.
Lelouch planned to get himself killed, but accidentally survived; the new enemies in R3 will be survivors of the Geass Cult purge.
Screencap this.
clearly he's dead but gonna get revived. if he was alive he wouldn't need resurrecting
>the new enemies in R3 will be survivors of the Geass Cult purge
It's always the fucking Zeon remnants that never seem to run out.
nah. the running theme is thaat in getting what he wants, lelouch accidentally creates worse scenarios in the aftermath. so in this case it'll be a zero cult, inspired by lelouches public assassination, going around murdering the shit out of anybody thats so much as inhaled political power
Still butthurt? It was fucking obvious. Charles even fucking grabbed Lelouch's neck with the hand the code was on. They literally pulled a fucking close-up of it, where you see the code very obviously on his palm.
The code activates when one dies. So Lelouch died and got ''revived'' by the code. This is what highly likely happened