Mexico needs a comandante

I have been thinking a lot about this. And I concluded that Mexico needs it´s owwn pinochet. I mean he would solve the drug wars problem and eliminate all the commies and chairos, and the filthy and lazy south mexicans.

wait until december 1st

Capitán General or General. Comandante is only used here for Lt. Colonel or for commie militia commanders.
Also Pinochet is overrrated, fix your own mess instead of waiting for a saviour.

hope that AMLO gets overthrown a coup

sorry so his nick name was general, how can we fix our mess if 50% of mexico´s population is so retarded to the point of not understanding capitalism

hope you kill yourself

why he is retarded as Allende, it took him 14 years to get a minor degree on political sciences, he failed econmy class, anaya and meade are just a couple of faggots, we need a general on the government and put our shit together. Because most of mexican are retarded to even put their shit together.

Third Mexican Reich when?

wait a couple of years if peje wins the election.
The army will turn against him and will make a coup


How about you just leave mexico if its so terrible your people seem to like that idea faggot.

You're too commies, Tenoch

Since Zapata, Cárdenas, Diego Rivera, ... your nation could be blamed as the one who has done the most to spread communism in Latin America
>chimped out in a revolt similar to the october revolution
>supported republican Spain
>cucked Henry Ford with a commie mural
>gave asylum to Trotski and his murderer, a KGB agent
>gave asylum to Fidel Castro
>is the most vocal regarding to anti-yankism
>now AMLO is close to be Mexico's ruler

> literally just a thin line across the Americas


redpill me on obregon and amlo. arent they commies?

that's fucking Autistic

>I have been thinking a lot about this. And I concluded that Mexico needs it´s owwn pinochet. I mean he would solve the drug wars problem and eliminate all the commies and chairos, and the filthy and lazy south mexicans.

Germanfag here.
We need a pinochet too. Goverment has veen captured by communist sleeper cells (Merkel et al.).
Every country can need a Pinochet. ALL leftists should be killed, worldwide. It'd be like getting rid of a toxic disease.

Hope the best for you, hombre.

Mexico needs another Calles

Obregon was pretty based, but his son was just leftist scum nin fact Obregon at least loved his country, Calles was militant of fist political party.
AMLO is a retard who took 14 years on college to get a degree on political sciences, he is suported by soros he is another shill.

A calles that kills commies not cristians or religious pepopkle, calles was a kike user

Now this I definitely agree with, you guys desperately need a military coup. Merkel and her band of tratiors need to be thrown out

An authoritarian Mexico that brings their country in line and keeps their people within their borders would be bretty gun too

Pinochtet was a great man. If Mexico had a leader like that, holly shit, it would become first world in ten years.

i meant to say obrador. this whole time i thought AMLO a political party and obrador was their candidate.

we had one of those
pic related

>nick name
His rank, you fucking retard.
Also for the guys saying here that you need a Pinochet to exterminate commies, he failed at that. He only gave a few martyrs to the left and the communist party still exists and with a lot of members.

yeah good times came with Porfirio.

Mexico had its chance.

The name of the political party of AMLO is morena. Obrardor is the family name of AMLO whose name is andres manuel lopez obrador

If you kill your enemies they win, also he was capitan general.

the nosth of mexico used that opportunity to grow, it´s not mexico´s fault, it´s the faut of the south of mexico


At least he fixed the mess that allende left behind.

we need another porfirio, another calles a, another cardenas, another obregon

>Capitán General
I already said that.

It's true, he created martyrs and gave the country to the socialists for 20 years.

Also Plutarco Elias Calles, the literal communist president that declared war on Christendom and almost wiped out the church.

(((Elías))) Calles.


Mexico needs a new leadership, but also needs a brand new was of thinkng. Pic related.

KEK won’t work with commie trash. He belongs to Moloch.


t. morenazi


chile should just get it over with and conquer their shit tier neighbors. you guys have a decent army and a strong navy, enough to annex at least argentina, peru and bolivia.

> Implying he is not a (((Globalist))) puppet.


kill yourself faggot

You know what? It totally makes sense!

>muh venezuela meme
>muh russia interference meme
>muh economy will crash
>muh dollar price will double
>muh mexico needs to open up its oil
>implying he is a (((globalist)))


AMLO = PRI = Masonic Moloch garbage.

We need a TRUE nationalist, or even better, a new Emperor. KEK won’t defend Moloch adorers.

he is a soros puppet dumbass

You guys fucked up when you got rid of Maximillian, he was your last real shot at not having a corrupt shithole.

Diaz was okay for a while, but he was corrupt and lacked the legitimacy to establish a stable transition of power.
