One piece

Reminder that Luffyfags are getting btfo next chapter. Katakuri will take revenge for his brothers.

Other urls found in this thread:

I hate Carrot

She has to go back.

>Carrot"fags" are the shitposters i swear

>shit character
>shit fanbase
Checks out

Perospero is going down

Requesting an edit of Brand New World with nothing but running.

This is not One Piece related. Example of One Piece related discussion:
Carrot going home, just how much more guaranteed can it be? Have we reached a true 100% chance of going home or are we still at 99.99%?

Anybody out there who hasn't given up on the snow bunny theory?

Will he lose his teeth again?

Reverie Shit

Strawhat Allies
>Alabasta Kingdom (Cobra/Vivi)
>Dressrosa Kingdom (Riku Dold III/Viola/Rebecca)
>Kano Kingdom (Chinjao/Sai)
>Prodence Kingdom (Elizabello II)
>Ryugu Kingdom (Neptune/Shirahoshi)
>Sakura Kingdom (Dalton/Kureha)
>Vinsmoke Family (Didn't make the alliance with BM after all)

>Black Drum Kingdom (Wapol)
>Goa Kingdom (Stelly, because he hates Sabo)

>Illusia Kingdom (Thalassa Lucas)

Can't wait for shit to go down.

Yet, you guys are the ones spamming memes at the start of a new thread. it checks out. Shitposters.

Yiff in hell, furfag.

>smoothie will never give you the succ
>perospero will never tell you stories over tea
>katakuri will never playfully copy your movements

should i end it now?

>Still no pics

>hey kanjuro take the helm for a sec
>oh and btw you are now in colorspreads and openings, welcome to the crew pal

>Thalassa Lucas
I don't recall her, what's her deal?

also you forgot Boa and Amazon Lily

Katakuri must be great at cards

>Pudding will never take you on a magic carpet ride and behave like your shy new bride
We all should, user.

>Still in denial


>Boa and Amazon Lily
They aren't part of the Reverie.

Indeed. Carrotfags, when will they learn?

A Carrot's place is at home.

Real spoilers when?


Her home is on the Sunny

isn't she?

I honestly don't remember, but I thought her old crone assistant mentioned they were going

Ironically enough, Pedro did the opposite of that.

lucas brought up dragon in a previous reverie and predicted he'd become a threat

hancock isn't gonna attend

They are fake.

Nope, they aren't. Amazon Lily is not a kingdom and the Marines are only cooperating because Hancock is a Shichibukai, if she wasn't, they'd try to take out Amazon Lily sooner or later.

that tooth loss should be permanent

Would he be allowed in casinos?

The Revolutionaries are definitely crashing this party. They disappeared after BB destroyed Baltigo but I doubt they all got killed. Right before BB attacked, Dragon told someone (Koala?) to gather all the commanders. Maybe he knew BB was coming in advance and used his attack as camouflage. Then hit Reverie when the Marines think the RVs all got wiped by BB. Either way, I feel like Reverie arc (probably a very politics focused arc) will feature the government's main enemies.

Factually erroneous post. Her home is the Mokomo Dukedom. Read the manga.
Also an erroneous post. Keep reading, the story is not over.

The sea thing? No, they aren't.

Why big mom is not into stock exchange? all she needs to send Katakuri, and with speculation they could bankrupt the whole WG.

I'm sure he knew and that's why he gathered them. Blackbeard pirates and the revolutionnaries haven't even fought.

I'm happy when anons learn new words!

I wish Thursday chapter releases were back

Snow bunny theory was always shit. She's getting the paw fruit.

Because it's not like the WG will stay still and allow themselves to be bankrupted. If a serious economic threat like that appears, they always have the option of sending the three Admirals plus the Shichibukai and the entire Marine force to turn Totland into a smoking wasteland. Even a Yonkou crew will fall if the Marines bring their big guns out. The only reason they'd prefer not to is because they like the Three Great Powers balance they have right now.

first spoiler pic is out

he just doesn't drink enough milk

>inb4 Blackbeard is actually Dragon's top agent
>inb4 Blackbeard still betrays him anyway

>bankrupt the WG
They are just taking what they want.

>there won't be any spoiler pics today

Just fuck my shit up

Don't worry guys. Ichiji will defeat Kataku-

I actually think Kuzan might be in contact with Dragon at this point. And him being with the BB Pirates is the reason Dragon knew that BB was coming to Baltigo. Burgess also said he doesn't trust Kuzan so it sort of lends credence to this theory. Kuzan doesn't seem like he's working with Akainu, but he also doesn't seem like he's gone full pirate, maybe a revolutionary is what he is now.


Make a lot of sense, probably the most likely. It's too bad i want him to be genuine with Blackbeard.

Holy shit katakurifags BTFO

Fucking pussies, all folding does is embolden the efforts to shut this shit down. Now they'll get even more funding to enforce copyright on early spoilers

Hope everyone is prepared to pay for viz's jump.

>being impressed by fifth grade vocabulary words
user... that's fucking sad.

It's more than your usual capabilities, shitposter. What's sad is your inevitable suicide.

Where are the spoiler pictures?

>AntiCarrots have fresher memes than carrotfags
Can carrotfags sink any lower?

The Vinsmokes are probably the biggest disappointment of this arc. They were hyped up as people influential enough to remove Sanji's official bounty and people powerful enough to attract a Yonkou's attention and receive an offer for marriage from said Yonkou. They were also hyped up as this devilish army that ravaged the world once. Then your pic related happens. If their 'strongest' son gets manhandled like that, why the fuck would BM even want their tech. It's obviously fodder tier if one of her sons can fuck him up like that.

>Hope everyone is prepared to pay for viz's jump.
Why? One user is enough.

goddam speed readers

Yeah, you're obviously fodder tier if you get fucked up by one of the strongest people in the world

I'm not american, I don't want to pay for a digital release that isn't even in my language, I already buy the physical copy

I doubt he'll ever be genuine with a pirate. Despite all the shit that's happened, Kuzan still believes in justice through and through. He just doesn't like Akainu's version of justice. He still believes in his own moral code. He'll most likely never truly join a pirate crew. At most, he'll choose to trust in Dragon's justice and side with him instead. Too bad I feel like BB will discover his plot later and kill him to give his ice fruit to someone from his crew.

Still plenty of time for them to step up

their real strength is their clone army and their tech, they only had bare essentials during the wedding

Cloning? If she can even clone herself it will quickly get ouf of hand of the rest of the world.

>got outsmarted by Brook
>can't break open a god damn door
>so useless at the wedding that even her lesser brothers Daifuku and Oven put in more work than her
>jobbed to Reiju
Tell me, why is she considered a Sweet Commander again?

0%, stop living in denialism

Carrots are healthy, just like our posting.

It's because AntiCarrots are shitposters while Carrot"fags" are just random user who have read the manga.

Suicide is healthy, Just like your denial.

Are we finally witnessing the death of spoilers and early scans? At this rate we'll only get the chapters on official release day.

I really doubt you can just 'clone' a Yonkou to produce an army of Yonkous. The thing making BM 'special' is likely to be unique to her and her alone. Despite being a child, she was able to solo giant warriors from Elbaf. I doubt even if you clone her, you can reproduce the exact uniqueness that makes her this strong. But if she doesn't know this, I guess it makes sense she'd be after their tech.

B-B-But muh Judge Top 5 Strongest!

>carrotfags feeling the inevitability
Son. I eat and breathe one piece.

Until Sup Forums starts getting DMCA'd and the mods have to remove or even ban people posting the viz chapters. Yeah, my original post was doom and gloom for the most part, but something like that already happens on /tg/ with copyrighted pdfs

>0%, stop living in denialism
>Thinks Carrot will join the crew
Wew. Least self-aware post of the week award. Good job, user.

At the Tea Party, wasn't she handing out giraffe, girl & lava rock drinks? Couldn't she have just squeezed the door? Or does her power only work on animate objects?

she doesn't even really want the cloning tech, she just wants their advanced "science" to solve the Giant problem she can't get over

We know that rabbits are good runners, indicating that Carrot would join. However, Carrot is also strong, implying that she would have a fight somewhere along the line - which is not happening.
So is she joining?

is Judge el JUSTO grande?

>cannot compete with a Yonko crew so they are not strong so tehy are disappoint.

Idiot powerlevel fag

who the fuck said this? all it takes is hitting your wussy "not son" through a meatshield to give you top status?

>So is she joining?
No. We've established this already. She has a zero percent chance to join. See Anyone who can't see that is living in denialism.

So AntiCarrots feed their denial with their "fresh memes"

Are we not getting spoiler pics until tonight?

Why not? That's how cloning works. Unless her strength isn't genetical and is from some sort of occult shit. Even then she can still clone her most naturally gifted children.

spoiler bro got muscled in on and won't be doing spoilers anymore

The guy who used to post the spoilers on 2ch killed himself after reading the latest chapter.

>Luffy grabbing Kaido's meat
That's a paddlin'

>Until Sup Forums starts getting DMCA'd and the mods have to remove or even ban people posting the viz chapters.
Sup Forums gets regulary DMCA's but no one does anything, because threads get archived in less than 24 hours. There is literally no point.

Oda, where's my friend Zoro?


I do know about that, but last week didn't we get spoilers Wednesday night/Thursday morning?

Hanging out with Kid in prison

We're no longer getting spoilers so stop asking.

Yes, we got spoiler images around 4 hours ago.

On Law's submarine, waiting for the arrival of others.

>logias are suddenly only logias if they are of a natural substance
Why do people still read a series full of retcons?

You're not really wrong, copyright infringement will always happen here: but on /tg/ if you post copyrighted content the mods get butthurt, because of proactive DMCAing. Search the archive if you don't believe me.

And I'm sure once viz's chapter is the only way we can get it, plenty of anons in this thread would rather pay than wait for some vizanon to dump it. Me included.

I would genuinely chuckle if Luffy arrives in Wano and finds that Law, Zoro and the rest of his crew have already been raped by Kaidou and is now languishing in a cell with the Kidd Pirates and he has to break them out first before making a move on Kaidou. Either that, or Kaidou and Zoro have become drinking buddies and Kaidou's no longer angry at the SHs because he now has a friend who can drink as much alcohol as him.

No, they are doing something on Wano. That's why they left.

They are instantly dumping them already. Don't worry the will figh each other to be the main "vizanon"

Zoro's Asura Devil Awakening next arc, you heard it here first.