Should I read Naruto?

I tried to watch it nearly a decade ago but I was put off by the horrendous pacing (if memory serves it took them eleven fucking episodes to beat pic related and his assistant) and I dropped it on the twentieth episode. I know full well that the series went quite a bit down hill, but is it worth it even just the sake of the allegedly good beginning and the impact that Naruto has had on Sup Forums culture?

Yeah, the manga's pacing isn't so bad. At least to my 15 years old self back then.

no, it's just your typical battle shonen shit with powerlevels retardation, muh friendship wins everything, a tryhard hero and an "edgy" rival that makes no sense


t. hasn't read it or watched it.

"powerlevels" dont show up still super late, the friendship thing isn't even in it, tryhard hero is literally not a criticism at all and the edgy rival has reasons for edginess and does make sense.

watch naruto kai

It shits the bed at the very final antagonist, probably because Kishimoto didn't know how the guy they had been fighting could realistically be defeated. But it was still nice.

>has had on Sup Forums culture
Look newfag. You're almost 20 years too late to the party. The fact that you had to preface this post with that is why you'll never not be a newfag.

Shitty memes and pictures come across every day of every week, 24/7 69 days a year and you're here worrying about naruto. The fact that you actually care enough to know the history, the epistemology of Sup Forums "aw jeez i sure i hope i can understand the true nature of Sup Forums Sup Forums hehexd" or even that it exists as some secret club you weren't to be a part of cause you haven't seen Naruto buttfuck a Sasuke dakimura for 700 chapters.

Jesus christ. Grow a pair, you stupid pussy.

Don't dismiss everything about Naruto. There are golden nuggets of moments that can only be achieved with Naruto's length.

did your mommy hurt you again?

You're such a fucking pleb if you unironically hate the only good parts of part 1.

OP here. Point taken. Truth be told I nearly said something like "anime culture", but I couldn't think of a non-shitty way to say it.

I blame the anime's pacing, am I wrong to do that? Regardless, that exam arc that I've been told is supposed to be great doesn't kick off until after the point which I dropped it.

watch naruto kai, its like 4x faster paced with the fillers and random flashbacks cut out.

Odd, I honestly thought that was some sort of fanfiction.

It's not going to tell you shit, m8. Naruto isn't a big part in the grand scheme of Sup Forums, just another manga/anime that got really popular. What made it special are the people, those vehemently shitposting about it or those who genuinely believe it's some pillar. The point is Naruto, just like every other avenue, has people that like it, that don't, that don't care.

If you're going to read it because you want to learn more about Sup Forums culture, it's not going to teach you shit. If you're reading or doing anything in your life that finds its empirical roots in Sup Forums, then don't bother cause you'll find yourself just as stupid and directionless as you were when you started. Do it if you're actually interested. If you wanted to wade through hundreds of episodes or 700 chapters + Boruto, you might find it worth it.

Like someone above said, it has, more or less, cemented the mainstream archetypes since it's so old and so popular. If you like battle shounen, then go for it. The lore is decent and the story is pretty good though it gets pretty mind-numbingly stupid once the final arch takes place.

Just read the manga and watch some of the better fights if you find the pacing to be that bad.

It was good before the Sasuke retrieval arc happened.

It's way better than No Hero Academia and that shit is hailed by the newfags on Sup Forums.

You should probably stop around time skip. Maybe read through Kakuzu and Hidan and then drop that shit. I finished Naruto recently and the final third of the manga goes from boring, to ass pulls, to anger inducing.

>skipping the best arc, 5 kage.

5 kage isn't that good but that one hot kage might be worth the skim.

Sure, go ahead. You can read the whole thing in a week. Curious thing about Naruto is that it was made on brillaint ideas and premises, but handled so fuckshit terrible, it becomes a hilarious trainwreck in the end. So whether you can perceive the actually good ideas behind it or only see the mess that it ended up as, you'll have good times. Although you did drop at the pinnacle of its actually good writing (which being the very first arc, you can see my earlier point), but it also did have almost One piece anime level of terrible pacing, which they tried to fix later by having more filler episodes than story ones, and you can guess how well that worked.

No read a real book nigger.

Just watch Boruto instead. Knowing that Hinata won I don't even know why wants to read the Manga anymore.

Everything has its flaws but I found watching the whole thing minus filler eps to be worthwhile. I dropped it for like a decade but recently rewatched the whole thing, and it definitely has good emotional appeal for the non-jaded.

Not really, but it's better than watching the anime, even if you disregard all filler.
>dropped it on the twentieth episode
Land of Waves is the best what Naruto has to offer. There's only like a couple of other moments that are equally good.

Naruto isn't horrible, but it isn't good either. There are decent moments, and for a long running battle shonen it admittedly managed to keep things relatively interesting and never really stagnated, but the plot and characterisation are just almost always lacking.
Power creep is big, yes, but it feels significantly less bothering if you think of everyone as battlemages, which they truthfully always were, rather than traditional pop-culture "ninjas".

>You can read the whole thing in a week
No fucking way.

It's only 700 chapters. You can easily read a hundred chapters in a day.

Reading is for faggots, anyway. How am I supposed to watch manga at 1.25x speed?

Don't read.Watch the fucking show.
Naruto is not HxH or One piece where the manga saves the show

Go on?