do u think the age of consent should be lowered or raised?
Do u think the age of consent should be lowered or raised?
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age of consent should be raised to 68 years old.
i think its fine at 16-18 dont see any reason to change it
>not 69 years
Fucking leaf. Put down that reefer.
that is very old
Status quo is working, maybe something better like +-3 or 4 is ok. But 23 year olds dont need to hitting on 16 year olds.
Best sex I ever had was when I was 17 and she was 16. Nothing can ever live up to that
Age of consent should be raised to 18 nation wide. But, age of marriage should be lowered to 14 nation wide.
Nothing can compare because that was the last time.
Suck me, mummy!
in europe and canada yes. you cant be so islamaphobic as to tell yourself a brown man butt fucking your 10 year old daughter is wrong you need to let go of such bigotry. current year bruh
Males - 35
Females - 16
It is the truly redpilled way.
Nature gave us the age of consent, first ovulation
Men should be training in the wilderness for the first 30 years of their lives, living an ascetic lifestyle. They should then come back to society and marry a 16 year old provided by the government.
The age of consent should be up to the parents.
But if you want a legal term, I'd say 14, since thats when people become sexually active. And I think its wrong to see a 14 year old and an 18 year old have an illegal sexual counter because of their age.
Age of consent and voting age need to be raised to at least 21, possibly 40. Most people these days don't plan on becoming Adults until 40, if that. Sex and Voting are Adults only, kiddies.
kek dude if thats the best sex youve had you have had some shit sex
With parents' permission, a supreme gentleman should be allowed to court a girl no younger than 9, date her at 12, become engaged at 14, and married at 15 years old.
But we live in a nanny state.
Full on Reddit Invasion. I have never seen so many Pedos in one thread.
Replace dating with engagement. Dating was created by homosexuals to do degenerate acts.
The ones that live that is.
raised to 18 across the united states. It's rediculous to think people just say, Yeah shes 16 shes ready. No shes retarded at this point socially.
It should be 21.
>Status quo is working
Modern generations entering there 20's with the mentality of infant and birth rates are plunging. I would so 'no' it's not fucking working.
Wow, slavs look like that!
White male landowners over the age of 30.
It should be eliminated. A girl is property of her father, it is up to him when to have her married. All sex outside marriage is rape,a crime against the girl's owner.
>girls being sluts is good
Yeah, fuck off.
Women shouldn't have rights period. It is the father that should consent to a husband marrying his daughter.
Lowered to 13. I was 13 once, and I was horny as hell then.
Age of consent in Hungary and most of the Balkans is 14. The average age around the world is 15.
Only a few fucked up places are more then this and surprisingly in the DR where I am now it's 18 without exception.....and I just met a 17 year old model that is crazy for me and I won't go near here because I am sure they will decide to start enforcing this law on my gringo ass. Life is a bitch...
>I am a newfag, please rape my face
How could you think that accusing others of newfaggotry could hide your own blatant newfaggotry?
>shes retarded at this point socially.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Are you a girl? Sexuality is different between boys and girls.
L.O.L. this is a forbidden topic here. F.Y.I.
Lowered to 5
>What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Girls can easily be taken advantage of these days. Here in the west, a 16 year old girl fucking a 40 year old sugar daddy is not uncommon.
>Girls can easily be taken advantage
Grow up while knight asshole. Women know exactly what there pussy is worth no later then 15-16 and use it!
Are subhuman canuck leafs even considered white?
Women are dumb. Like the FYROM guy said, there should be no age of consent. A woman should not be able to have sex till they're wed off by their father.
Exactly, finally someone with some sense.
And the only problem with such a situation is if they are not married. A girl should have a man to support her.
Okay, so we agree then.
We should replace all age of consent laws with "one party consent" laws. Make it a lot simpler.
My gf told me one time she starting to have strong urges to get fucked at 11.Just saying.
>Amerimutt telling you which parts of the world are white
Mine told me how horny she was at 14
age of consent should be based on development, not age. and it should be marriage only.
Development doesn't matter, a man can have his daughter married whenever he pleases. If anything it should be based when the man arranged to be her husband can support her.
And of course a man can use his dauhte for sex when he still owns her before he ahas her married.
When i was 17, my friends 14 year old sister sexually accosted me, I was able to restrain myself, but I think it should be 14, she had the best rack I've ever seen.
If you're old enough to drive a car solo you're old enough to consent.
>implying cunts should be allowed to drive cars
Fuck no
you always pop up in these threads. no they shouldnt be married whenever the father wants (quite unfair if the girl has no input no? how can she have input if shes not even sexually attracted to men?)
and no you shouldnt be able to fuck your daughter. who the hell in their right mind would want to marry her afterwards?
Get married
The AoC should be 12
Girls on average hit puberty between their 12th and 13th birthdays. If they don't know enough about sex at 12 to make semi-rational decisions about what they do with their own bodies then they damn well should, because biology isn't going to wait until a more socially acceptable time. Whether or not it's a good idea for 12 year olds to have sex it doesn't change the fact that most of them want to. Many of them will actually do it. This basic assumption of 'natural innocence' on which age of consent laws were based is fantasy.
Sex is such a personal thing that the choice should always be left to the person whose body it is where possible, like consenting to medical procedures. The government shouldn't have the right to tell even someone as young as 12 what they can legally do with their bodies or who they can do it with. As for age-gap laws, we might find it more creepy if a 12 year old is fucked by a 40 year old as opposed to an 14 year old, but objectively is 40 year old dick any worse for them than 14 year old dick?
Yes, 12 year olds aren't adults. But they are considered old enough to be held criminally responsible when they break the law, unlike, say, 6 year olds. How can a 12 year old be adult enough to be tried for murder, but not be capable of consenting to sex? The law already recognises the distinction between children and adolescents, so why can't the age-of-consent laws reflect this?
This doesn't mean that people under 18 should be able to do whatever they want. If the parents of a 14 year old don't want her seeing a 30 year old then they're perfectly entitled to get a restraining order. But if he saw her again he would then be arrested for violating a restraining order, not for rape. Parents are entitled to tell their children who they can and can't see if they feel it's necessary. But a 30 year old who has sex with a 12 year old shouldn't be labelled a rapist, and imprisoned as such, if the sex was consensual.
That is still too young
Damn pedophile...
Try 600 and we can try again
>no they shouldnt be married whenever the father wants
Why not?
>quite unfair if the girl has no input no?
No. Her match will be arranged for her when she's quite young, she'll grow up knowing the man she will marry. Of course she'll want to.
>who the hell in their right mind would want to marry her afterwards?
Why would it matter? He's not just some guy, he's her father just using what's his.
you know it's not the same everywhere. here it's 14 and I think it's fine
Women are stupid and should be considered property till they are 18. In which case she should not be allowed to consent until she is 18. Unless her dad wants her too then the minimum age would be 16.
Female consent should be nullified. They are property
Lowered, but increase the expectancy of virginity at marriage and all round sexual piety.
It should be 17 no question
It doesn't matter cause teens doing it anyway.
But it should be 21.
god you fucks are autistic
Why? That is literally the traditional way.
No it's not you absolute retard, it's your autistic dream way because you've never had a girlfriend.
For most of human history men did not get married until they were near 30, and women were married off young, you historically illiterate moron.
I'm sorry you and your family were not financially and socially successful enough for you to get married at your prime. Heres a tip m8, women don't want to get married to some autistic 30yrs old.
No it's not you retard. People married as soon as they were able, women usually married at above age 12 with men usually only a few years older. All that mattered was the man could support his family. This is how we practiced it in nature and how we practiced it in society until modern days. I know you autists think of some retarded loli paradise for your 35 year old self when you finally gain some self confidence.
>I'm sorry you and your family were not financially and socially successful enough for you to get married at your prime.
>Heres a tip m8, women don't want to get married to some autistic 30yrs old.
Thanks leaf, that is what I was trying to explain. That is basically human history in a nutshell. Not that the ignorant retards on Sup Forums would actually know that. I'm glad that we have exceptionally educated leaves to fill in the gap illustrate one of the many differences between now and the fucking Middle Ages. Thanks, buddy.
women should not be able to decide who they sleep with, that should be decided by her father and husband.
For some reason you seem to think that I am advocating this. I am not. A lot of things that people used to do were retarded. Just because I said that it was traditional does not mean that it was good, you triggered fuck. Nevertheless, what I am saying is largely historical fact. You aren't really refuting anything that I am saying. Women were married off very young and men were very often in their late 20's and beyond so that they would have some degree of established place for them to go. Also, I'm 22 so.
Tbh 21 Bc girls are still some what stupid as so are guys when it come down to fucking and not getting pregnant or stds
>adulthood postponed until mid 30s
>status quo is working
Alexander knows what's up.
>by tribal custom, or was a matter for families to decide. In most cases, this coincided with signs of puberty: such as menstruation for a girl and pubic hair for a boy.
>In Jewish oral tradition, men cannot consent to marriage until they reach the age of majority of 13 years and one day and have undergone puberty.
The same rules apply to women, except their age of majority is 12 years and a day.
>Roman law required brides to be at least 12 years old.[4] In Roman law, first marriages to brides from 12 to 24 required the consent of the bride and her father
> the Catholic Church drastically changed legal standards for marital consent by allowing daughters over 12 and sons over 14 to marry without their parents' approval, even if their marriage was made clandestinely.
> the Slavic traditions of patrilocality of early and universal marriage (usually of a bride aged 12–15 years, with menarche occurring on average at 14)
>in medieval Europe, accepted the age of puberty for marriage to be between 12 and 14,
>Before 1929, Scots law followed Roman law in allowing a girl to marry at twelve years of age and a boy at fourteen
>In France, until the French Revolution, the marriageable age was 12 years for girls and 14 for boys. Revolutionary legislation in 1792 increased the age to 13 years for girls and 15 for boys.
>Under the Napoleonic Code in 1804, the marriageable age was set at 15 years for girls and 18 for boys.
Should be based on biological readyness.
For intance : has it huge tits and very female big but => ready to fuck.
Should be age 12 on the condition puberty has started. This should probably be with parental consent in the sense the couple could support their family. 16 without parental consent.
Sex outside of marriage should be criminalized.
t. 17 year old angsty virgin alfred
This shit again?
>I was able to restrain myself,
And I bet you regret it everyday of your life...
only reason for consent age is to prevent minors prostitution
Fucking leafs...
they look so jealous
the governmnet should dictate who or if we have kids and with what, like the ROYALS do.
i mean that only makes sense right cause obviously every one cant think for themselves so.. you know we need whatever the fuck someone who's royal and also the only people who can think, probably getting all their information straight from the POPE who gets it from GOD himself.
>this is what I think
(((dat nose doh)))?
It should be changed to "State of consent" and then the should be when a person has at least two wisdom teeth.
I like your pic but those young girls just get knocked up by lil shits who tell em they love em.
I don't know but I want to drain my nutsack into this roastie, balticnigger.