Are we shounen now?

Are we shounen now?

Other urls found in this thread:!kyZnmIQS!0IXomTzdapyfvRrro6d3RQ

A full-on fight between Roswaal and Puck will totally destroy the whole Sanctuary. I doubt it will be that huge.

Was this in the web novel or just the light novel?
And is this rem or ram?

>Puck out o fucking nowhere
I hate to admit it but we could be. Seriously who bright idea was it to take away everything that made arc 4 great or a massive fight scene? Definitely not Tappei's.

>Was this in the web novel or just the light novel?

Only in the light novel.

>And is this rem or ram?

Is Ram.

We really just have two options here. Either its impact is largely insignificant, making it an entirely pointless change that only distracts from the scene, or it makes a huge difference. Which distracts even more from the scene.

In other news, people seem to be saying that both of young Roswaal's eyes are now blue instead of yellow, which kind of fucks up the symbolism of the eyes.

>Roswaal's eyes are now blue instead of yellow, which kind of fucks up the symbolism of the eye
Well shit.


I hope vol. 15 will fix all the shit. Puck will be quickly removed, and Beako scene won't be shortened.

>which kind of fucks up the symbolism of the eyes.

Yellow eye represents original Roswaal, while all of his descendants tend to have blue eyes. Roswaal's habit of closing his blue eye, such as when he discusses certain matters, represents him acting fully as the original Roswaal rather than the descendant. The blue eye represents the part of him that is not the original.

Well, looks like the bodysnatch plotline is also thrown away for god knows what reason. There goes half of Roswaal's character right there.

No, I think he's still a body-snatcher. This just muddles what the yellow eye actually means. Because that would indicate that the yellow eye no longer stands for the unchanged original, while the blue eye is the new, but that the blue eye now represents the uncorrupted original.

Does the wn ever state something like that or did you just fanwank that shit

Why would they do that? Wouldn't it make more sense to have the corrupted fully take over the original at the timeline and throw the body snatch plot away? Now everything is all muddled and contradictory my goodness.

There are multiple lines about his eyes towards the end of arc 4, it wasn't exactly subtle

His original eyes are yellow. Every other descendant of his lineage has blue eyes. The ones who are possessed have both a blue and yellow eye. Roswaal has a habit of closing his blue eye when discussing or considering certain matters that relate directly to the shit he's been doing since 400 years ago. Near the end of Arc 4, he has lines where his blue eye is bothering him and he's frustrated at it asserting itself.

This leads to a very obvious conclusion.

Maybe in the LN version the yellow side is the more assertive one and is suppressing the blue side, the original side, then.
Did we get confirmation that Roswaal is still mainly trying to revive Echidna in the LN?

The yellow eye is the dominant one in both versions, I assume. The original being blue just changes the implications of this.

I like this idea. The blue eye represents original Roswaal aka the good guy while the yellow eye represents the current Roswaal aka the body snatcher.

Well its not really an idea more its something ripped off the WN.

Yeah, there are illustrations of him closing his left, his blue eye, even at the start of Arc 4.

All these LN changes are making me lose faith

I was accompanying Translation Chicken's releases but it's kinda slow so I checked a few chapters translated by an user. Can somebody spoil me on what happens after Subaru finds a Lewis clone?

But the body snatcher is the original. That's how it makes sense. The original who has curdled over the ages, clinging onto his past, while the blue eye is the fresher new one. That's how it makes sense.

You are asking for a lot of events.


Those two eyes represent two different personalities of current Roswaal aka the original one. Blue is Roswaal's good side (pic related) while Yellow is his corrupt and evil side (his yellow eye is new and Roswaal has it only after snatching people's bodies).

Too bad his good side is still pretty bad

A summary of important happenings them?

But that's inherently less interesting. It's the original Roswaal who went bad. It's that good kid who turned rotten. In the WN his eyes are yellow at the beginning. It only became a symbol of corruption because he himself became corrupt. That works well.

You're asking for a lot of events

>It's the original Roswaal who went bad
Never said it was someone else.
>It's that good kid who turned rotten.
That good kid did become corrupt in the LN. His yellow eye which is something he didn't have initially represents that.

>His yellow eye which is something he didn't have initially represents that.
And that makes it lamer.

We don't have the best wiki but
Ctrl+F "Her work finished, Lewes tried to leave"

No retard, shounen is demographic of manga, not genre. Re:zero is light novel and manga adaptation are serialized in seinen mags.

That reminds me, didn't Hector have blue eyes? All we know right now is that Hector kicked Roswaal's ass and nearly killed him a long time ago. But we didn't see how that meeting concluded. Roswaal might not all be 'Roswaal' in there. There might be some Hector in there too.

Thanks user.

I actually saw the wiki admin claim Fortuna wasn't in love with Petelgeuse.

That's not just silly but rude
>Q: Emilya’s mother was attracted to Geuse, but would she still love him if he switched bodies?
>A: Don’t be mis-spelling Emilia as ‘Remilia’ or ‘Emilya’ in front of me. Think about how rude that is. Just like it says, Fortuna is a person who judges based on what’s inside. During their long time together, there were even times when Geuse was a woman on the outside.
How much purer can love get

Yeah. I kind of doubt his reading comprehension at this point. The wiki admins kind of seem like they all have a stick up their ass and a rather autistic attitude towards rules and enforcing them in ways that don't make sense.

What is Petelgeuse's real gender?


I mean male or female.

Earth. Juice is a spirit.

How do spirits reproduce?

They don't. No sex drive

They spontaneously manifest from mana.

So, will the early WN arcs still get translated?

They look like a couple to me.

We dunno we haven't heard from transcriber user for awhile.

I am a very low energy person, and not used to translating. I'm still familiarizing myself with it.

Actual thread

Oh, I nearly thought you go chased away or something. Take your time then. Also how is Remon?

why make this change? it's not just the symbolism that's changing, it's altering what's strongly implied to be an actual plot point.

No, I hang out here, inbetween trying to figure out some of the less formal wording Tappei uses. Comparing to short-lived translations of the first Arc, it seems a lot of it is regularly mistranslated out of laziness.

Its the 2ch memes that are what is causing trouble isn't it? Either way its good to know that you're made progress.

No, it's not the memes. More just how he likes to word ideas. It's not always clear how to translate them. I get the impression that his wording gets a little less awkward over time.

updated 4.5-9 and 5-9 up:!kyZnmIQS!0IXomTzdapyfvRrro6d3RQ

5-10 may be up tonight but will more than likely be up tomorrow.

also reminder (although inb4 bodysnatch plotline is scrapped and 70% of roswaal's character is gone):
>>A special short story mentions that Dona used a (mouth to mouth) kiss to buy Roswaal.

Can you give an example how he words himself in the fist arc roughly?

I salute to you discount user

also other new ln illustration

Thank you

>Arc 5, Chapter 9: The Value of A Songstress
Damn overpowered bards

It's nothing special. I just don't have very good reading comprehension. I have an extremely loose grasp that I try to refine further.

Thanks discount

What the hell? So with these two new black-white illustrations we have 12 this volume instead of the usual 10. They really loved this part of Arc 4 at least
Thank you

higher quality v14 scans:

all of them except for this one. it's like they're my shit taste.


I see, will best of luck.

Well, it should get quicker as I get a better grasp of the more advanced grammar. I want to make sure I'm not saying the completely wrong thing.

>no color for Hector so we can't make out his eye color
They're doing this on purpose

I swear an incredibly major plot point is being changed right before our eyes and we have no idea what's going on.

It won't be removed. They would have gotten rid of the eye thingy a long time ago if they seriously wanted it gone.
>Roswaal: I know a method to separate my feelings and results. So it would be truly unreasonable to blame you and such. Besides, the witch cultist attack was……
>Ram: ──Caused by you, right?
>Interrupting Roswaal, Ram gets to the main point herself.
>Her assertive way of speaking makes Roswaal close one eye. Being stared at by his yellow eye, Ram continued while leaning against the desk.


> The boy with his dark brown hair walked, perpetually listless, his head swaying. He was about the same age as Roswaal. The colour of his hair was almost black, with his bangs hanging low enough to cover his eyebrows, and his face attractive enough to be mistaken for a woman's. His drowsy, narrowed eyes were of a dark hue, his shirt white and pants black, and overall he was a person with a horrifically plain outfit.
>"horrifically plain" jester outfit
doesn't compute. BUT WHAT IF
>original roswaal has blue eyes, and hector now has yellow eyes
>the yellow eye is still the keikaku eye
>the line about the blue eye trying to assert itself is still there

>the "roswaal" today is half original roswaal, half hector
>roswaal fuels the obsession with echidna and hector is the dress sense/verbal tic/dark keikaku side
>"random changes are setting up roswaal/hector as a main villain instead of a random sub-antagonist

>"Is the Roswaal you mean someone with long, dark-grey hair?"
>BUT LATER "She sees a tall man with long navy hair, and a young man with hair the same colour."
>echidna was (along with ferris) allegedly a candidate for final boss at some point but that changed

tappei has no issue changing details on the fly to suit his plotting. it's not just the symbolism of the eyes, everything's changed

okay I'm done I'll go back to my translationhole now

Oh, here's a question. Where do you get the Chinese translations? I want to look through them myself.
they don't have arc 5 all the way done, I think they're missing 52-58 and most of 61-81.

I've found what I'm looking for. Thanks!

The truth of the matter is that he doesn't want to stop writing the WN, but the LN is starting to catch up now. Meaning they'll have to diverge into two different plots if he wants both to remain relevant.

>ln diverges at arc 6 with details in arc 4/5 being tweak to fit it's continuity and has a happy end to accommodate the anime because that's apparently happening
>wn stays the 11 arc course and is pure beautiful despair (optionally having a bittersweet end instead of a despair end)
please deliver tappei

also you're welcome to everyone who thanked me, those (you)s fill a void in my heart that I never knew existed

by searching individual chapters, I've found most of the missing 52-58 chapters. it's definitely still ongoing, so by the time time I hit 52 in a hopefully year they'll almost certainly be done. by then tappei will probably not be doing regular wn updates again.

