Fuck he's actually gone this time. RIP
George Lopez passes away
first the queen now george lopez!
not big if true
Leafposting to distract from recently legalized bestiality, I see.
Fuck please be true
Please be real.
This would be taking the Trump curse to a whole new level.
good, now toss his corpse over the wall
Fake. Fuck off.
is that the guy from i love lucy
Does posting lies on the internet make you feel good about yourself?
you have completely legal beastiality in like 4 states, sod off
I will donate a brick for the wall in his honor
Only in america do you have so many shitskin actors
I really don't give a shit. He didnt belong in america to start of
No its the guy from mind of mencia
That's to accomodate leafs when they come to visit. You're welcome, I guess.
i wish. that indio is an embarassment to la raza.
I like this guy back when he did George Lopez and Lopez tonight. I actually met him in my towns book sighing with his new book. I wish I could go back to waking up before school to watch him and the black truck company owner
I want to believe!
Really? Good. Fuck that piece of shit.
Next is OP for this thread
Don't scare me like that senpai
fake and gay
What changed to make you not like him anymore?
George Lopez Show Actor Jack Blessing Has Died At 66.
George himself is not dead
you will be missed thoughts and prayers