Why can not the white South Africans organize their civilian self-defense like an Israeli Jew,
Jews, after all, also live in the middle of a zoo with predatory animals, where even more dangerous conditions, and revenge literally for every murdered Jew.
Why can not the South Africans do the same?
Why can not the white South Africans organize their civilian self-defense like an Israeli Jew
This girl looks creepy as fuck. Fuck you.
If I do not get an answer, I will post cp
Do not force me to do this
I would like to see the CP. I would also like to know the answer to the question OP asked.
give sauce on this cutie
whoa this girl looks like a doll, wtf its creepy...
its like that one itou junji story where the little girl turns into a doll
Americans would spin the narrative saying the whites are genociding the blacks and would bomb them like they did in Iugoslavia.
They have been stripped of political power, where as Jews control Israel. There are also cultural differences derived from the differing histories of their peoples that play into this difference.
This is rassians Ciara Horan
It seems to me that the fate of whites SA is of little interest to anyone but the visitors 4ch
there are "astra krueger" posts monthly, a nigger larping as a white SA girl. make all your questions there and she shall answer
also make this thread when Europeans are awake... now the board is under amerimongrel control
You still have time,
But its not at all a lot.
For the same reason whites everywhere haven't done it, with the exception of Ukraine.
Also, if anything South Africa has probably the highest likelihood of organizing and cleaning out the nigger population. They have the AWB, a group of some of the most strongest whites there are, but it's just that a lot of whites there are too fucking blackpilled and don't even know the AWB still exists. Ever since the 1994 elections, they've completely gone underground and after the death of Eugene Terre'Blanche they had to switch their leader to another guy, Steyn von Ronge. From what I've heard about him, he's nowhere near as good as Terre'Blanche was, but the bottom line is they're still willing to go to war for the Boer people if their nation calls upon them to do so.
Also, read Government by Deception by Jan Lamprecht if you don't believe that the whites will win if arace war were to happen. He does the military calculations and everything and he accurately predicts what the outcome will be if a Johannesburg Night of the Long Knives scenario that van rensburg spoke of were to happen.
>why dont they defend themselves?
Because they are cucks. They have been virtue signaling and voting for their own doom since the 90s, probably longer. its sad but SA needs to implode so the example can be made.
bro i havent refreshed this hard in years
Enjoy your permaban, ruskie.
You are not fair
What the fuck is this soulless Chimera you posted
Because the Boer doesn't own every single propaganda media outlet to spin any warcrimes they would have to commit into heroic self defense
Life is pain, deal with it.
What happened here was that an alligator
Do you want to enter the club of admirers of the most beautiful girl in this world?
>Why can not the white South Africans organize their civilian self-defense like an Israeli Jew
Because that would be racist.
Jews are merely defending their homeland against antisemitism and if that means a few thousand Palestinian children have to die then so be it. But if the Afrikaners were to attempt to defend their land from being seized by the state that would be entirely unjustifiable because they're white and their government is controlled by black people.
Jews are everywhere in the world, specially in rich and powerful countries like Russia, USA, France and Germany.
And not only they have grat amount of economic influence but they hold public positions in important offices.
Therefore, even though most of the countries hate Israel, the Israelis can still count with the influence of the jewish diaspora to advance their agenda.
White South Africans are just farmers known worldwide for being responsible for the apartheid - the most raciss government. They don't stand a chance on international suport
Just to add. All this International community and global governance concepts usually just hold back nations to advance the (((liberalism))) agenda. The people? Well, screw them
Because they have around zero support worldwide for their national struggle, which they have officially already lost already in 1994 with the fall of apartheid, while we are educated to be blood-and-soil nationalists and have lots of material support.
oops :^)
Instead of fighting, they should be rescued from the danger. If not humanitarian mission is sent, think about a private effort to get them out of there.
Where's the best place to find lewds of (legal) Russian girls, rusbro got a thing for your crazy attractive and regularly crazy females.
Girls from Russia are fucking hot. Guess that is a upside of not eating.
Russia isn't as bad as people think, it just poor and has economic sanctions against it, but at least it doesn't have nigger population and the majority of russians are white
I love russia I prefer them to America, wish we were better friends
I want to give her a hug
based su4ka
They'll be fired when their identity gets discovered.
the white south africans have tried. it was so obvious they would try to take revenge that the south african government became proactive but let some of them try
white people couldnt be told no without some sort of backlash and whites walked right into it. this took the initiative from them and now every western nation knows if they try anything they will look racist for supporting the whites in south africa who actually tried to draw first blood
thats wahst missing from anything you will find in the west about this. its been back and forth but the recent bout was started by a few of the whites. they believed that europe or america would step in. not happening. that put all the others in a bad position.
Every bit of non-white blood spilt will always be in defense, nigger.
I wonder why they then calmly watch how the Libyans mock the Negroes and not announce their niggers intifada to them?
*pets burger on the head*
Yes my burger, an alligator with whiskers.
Because Jews have higher IQ than Whites.