Reminder: Afrikaners are not pure whites, there is no reason to care if they get killed

They are a joke of a white people who are admixed with nigger, Asiatic Indian and Malaysian blood. I have seen 32 "White" South African kits. Yes, white kits, not coloured kits. All 32 of them had both nigger and Asiatic Indian ancestry, and only one lacked East Asian ancestry.

Their sub-Saharan African is about 2.5%, their Indian is about 2% and their Malaysian is about 1%.

Also, Afrikaners are invaders in African territory Just like Africans are invaders in European lands. Nobody forced their ancestors to move to Africa.

Other urls found in this thread:

ignore and sage

jew thread

Lol you're mixed with niggers too, kike.

I am not a kike and I am not admixed with niggers. I am 100% white.

I thought the opposite. They are probably the most pure of the white race out of anyone in the world.

They have always been racially aware sigh having to live around niggers, very few even racemix even after ANC took over. Nothing like the US

Fuck the dialogue, let’s slot some floppies

All those Blondie's.

I thot they were Dutch?

nope, there were no European women in the early phases of settlement at the Cape. the difference between them and the Cape Coloureds is just one of degree, they emerged from the same disgusting orgy of race-mixing

The racemixing is from the early days of the colonies when there was a bad sex ratio. Much like in Latin America. Just because they don't race mix nowadays doesn't mean they didn't race mix in the past.

I know that Afrikaners have created a fradulent history in people's minds where apartheid began in the 1600s. When in reality apartheid began in 1948. And interracial marriage was legal until less than a decade before apartheid began.

Be gone kike.

their language sounds like ridiculous baby-talk to actual Dutch people. it underwent partial creolization because most of its speakers were second-language learners (aboriginal Cape people and imported Asian, African, Malagasy slaves and their increasingly Europeanized descendants).

the Afrikaners are like Cuban “white hispanics” and what they are mixed with (including Capoids) is SO divergent from the rest of humanity that even 3% of that makes them quantitatively as alien as middle easterners.

God is punishing this sick mongrel race.

Why are we supposed to let these mongrels in as refugees?

Afrikaners are not like English descendants in the Americas or Antipodes. their ethnogenesis begins with a huge influx of non-European genes that diffused across the entire population pool. they can’t hide from this. they must suffer the consequences

Thank you. You're about the only person on this board other than me who knows the truth about Afrikaners. I've even posted some of their DNA results on this board and nobody listens.

I've seen some Afrikaner results that are even worse than that guy's.

Remember that it only takes a few generations for a quadroon's descendants to be as white as a typical Afrikaner is.

If Afrikaners can be accepted as white then why not quadroons?

We Americans average less than one tenth as much sub-Saharan African ancestry as Afrikaners do. Afrikaners also have Indian and Malaysian ancestry, while Americans rarely have Native American ancestry.

Americans average 0.37% non-white ancestry (0.18% nigger and 0.19% tree nigger) while Afrikaners average 5.5% non white ancestry. (2.5% nigger, 2% Asiatic Indian and 1% Malaysian.)

>Gail Mason
You just doxxed yourself, faggot.

Well said.

>Afrikaners are not pure whites, there is no reason to care if they get killed

the level of kikery on this board right now is astounding

Interesting. So basically Afrikaners are too dumb to speak actual Dutch? Due to their admixture with niggers, Indians and Malaysians.

Yeah. Like white Americans would have South Asian and East Asian ancestry.

I've already posted Afrikaner DNA results on here that show how non-white they are.

A nigger holding a white women?

Keep in mind that if a nigger hadn't fucked a pure white at some point, then Afrikaners wouldn't exist.

How would an American have East Asian and South Asian ancestry?

I want whites to be pure.


I have a whole lot of kikery.

>I'm 100% white
>greater Israel flag

Yeah nah

Can anybody find a white South African kit that actually looks very good?

Americans are a lot more white than South Africans are.

STFU you dirty lying kike

Fucking sage kike nigger. They deserve refugee status. And America should be more than happy to take them. Lord knows we taken every other color of person who got shot at in a land no one forced them to be in.

This is the way their DNA kits read.

It's not a joke or a lie. It's the truth.

They are not white. If they die there is no reason to care. They should not be allowed into America, Canada or Europe as refugees.

I wonder if those shekels are wortg it you piece of shit. The Afrikaneers are most certainly more pure than you. You're nothing but an obese 56% white Morlock who has no fucking ground to stand on when calling for white genocide just because some of them may have had a nigger great great great great grandmother

No they don't deserve refugee thus . Think about this. If they marry white Americans, then they'll be spreading non-white blood (including nigger blood) into the white American gene pool.

There's a reason why somebody with even 1% black ancestry used to be banned from marrying whites.

Refugee status not refugee thus.

There is no way in Hell this thread wasn't made by a Jew.

This thread was made by a 100% white person who only wants 100% white people in his country.

Let's listen to Amerimutts talk about being white lmao

I knew the poster had an American flag.
You are a disgrace OP.

Americans literally have less than 1/10 as much black ancestry and less than 1/20 as much non-white ancestry as Afrikaners do.

Why? Because I think that only pure whites have any business in America?

Seriously every single Afrikaner and Boer would be black under US Jim Crow laws. No joke or even a slight exaggeration.

Kike thread. Changing IP's and talking to himself.

digits incur me to sage the jidf cancer post by OP

>Their sub-Saharan African is about 2.5%, their Indian is about 2% and their Malaysian is about 1%


These are the facts.

It's true even if you wish it wasn't true.

Under Jim Crow laws they'd have to sit at the back of the bus.

Me and PyFH7AEx are the same person. I was originally on my computer and switched to my phone. Now I've switched back to posting on my computer. That's why I've changed IPs.

ZfXGDmJy is honestly a different person.

Afrikaners are one drop rule niggers.