Why do leftists preach gun control while hiding behind their armed guards?
Oscars: Celebrities Push Gun Control Surrounded by a Wall of 500 Armed Officers
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How hypocritical can you get?
Only shitlibs and teenage girls like these people.
>Why do leftists preach gun control while hiding behind their armed guards?
Because the need for armed guards stems from too many brainlets having easy access to guns.
>thinking CPAC wanted a no gun zone instead of the fucking venue needing to save its own ass from liability
wow people are dumb
>armed officers specifically trained and tasked to protect civilians from other civilians with guns
its a pol confuses gun control with god knows what the fuck you retards are thinking
watching the stream right now, ill keep it on for another hour or so. its fucking hilarious. its about as lowkey "FUCK DRUMPF" as Sup Forums trying to not post sam hyde during a happening.
If there were absolutely no armed guards, you could walk in there with an armload of homemade pipe bombs and do a shitload of damage.
You don't need guns to slaughter people when they're packed together in large groups.
The bigger irony is the percentage of those fuckers movie posters shows them holding a gun. Matt Damon is a good example of this
>only armed officers should have firearms to protect overpaid actors/actresses lol fuck everyone else's 2nd Amendment rights
celebrities need to be executed.
>You don't need guns to slaughter people when they're packed together in large groups.
And yet they are still the weapon of choice in even mass killings. Go figure. Bombs and cars just aren't as popular.
I think they believe it’s fine if the person is trained.
>only armed officers should have firearms
>the rest of that drivel
where did it say they were rationing the world's supply of armed guards you retard? Does being famous no longer make them citizens. Why am I replying to an obvious shitpost.
And civilians can't be trained properly. Unless they're working for a lib
>armed officers specifically trained and tasked to protect civilians from other civilians with guns
Like in Florida?
They wouldn't need armed guards if we had gun control
define training
>implying that these clownworld (((celebrities))) deserve to have tax-payer funded protection
>implying that the rest of society should be stripped of personal protection rights
What an authority ass-licking bugman you are
There were armed guards at uk concerts
Are you implying the uk doesn’t have gun control?
>Cops are evil monsters that hunt blacks for sport
>Only cops should have guns
Just proves dirty sand niggers are superior to Brit police
>>Cops are evil monsters that hunt blacks for sport
>this desperate for an argument
who the fuck are you quoting?
>lol enacting laws will totally stop lunatics from finding black-market firearms and committing mass murder using them
How retarded can one person possibly be?
>"Listen America, we don't need guns, we have our brave men and women in law enforcement to protect us."
>*pans out to the 500 cops surrounding them*
>"they are just a phone call away to protect and serve you, to protect your freedoms. When guns are available to everyone then nobody is safe! I have never needed to use a gun to protect myself, I have 24/7 armed security and live in giant mansions in gated communities. Please, get rid of Guns and make our kids safe again America!"
>crowd erupts in thunderous applause, cut to shot of Robert De Niro standing and crying, with Obama behind him.
I'm guessing none of them are pushing to take away police officers' sidearms
>Using that Orwellian state as example for anything?
The brits have brief in between tyranny periods.
France has gun control. What happened at the Bataclan faggot? Bet they wish they had armed guards huh.
>lol enacting laws won't stop anyone from obtaining a firearm to commit a crime
This is how stupid you sound. Some people break laws, so why bother trying?
Why do leftists preach gun control to prevent the death of children while demanding the right for abortions?
Guns are scary and loud, abortion is something we can't take away from the basketball Americans as it is their primary means of birth control.
Because niggers, dumbass.
Save us gun control!
Because a fetus isn't the same thing as an infant, toddler, or teenager. If you're in a fertility clinic that's burning down, baby on your right and a vial of 500 embryos on your left, and you only have time to save one, which do you choose?
I'm genuinely surprised they haven't scrubbed Kevin Spacey from that picture.
Imagine being such a brainlet that you underestimate the black market. I can only wonder how your mother gave birth to you without resorting to the good-ole' post-birth abortion.
as soon as anti gun regulations are put in place they will become popular. The killing wont stop so maybe we need to figure out why people want to kill each other instead of just banning guns.
Election and this photo brought me here. I just look at these motherfucking whore millionaries and felt like they were laughing at me right in front of my face in their bunkers.
Hire Mexicans to move those goal posts?
They're more important than you, sweetie. They need protection but you don't.
Because armed guard are a well regulated militia?
It would only be hypocritical if they all carried their own guns and refused any guards.
Right, because Cruz would have had the wherewithal to use "the black market".
um sweaty no mmmk?
Only hypocritical if they carry AR-15s with bump stocks
You're having a breakdown lad, relax
Its not a quote faggot. It's a choose one scenario, but the left commonly espouses that. Besides the supreme Court ruled cops have no obligation to protect you. Green text isn't only used in quotes you should know this.
If there is a will there is a way.
Ever been to a gun show, retard? Pretty easy to buy a rifle without a background check. Bought a mosin nagant a few months ago from a private individual. No background check needed.
I shoot the kid with an AR-15 and buttchug the embryos to absorb their power.
ban gun shows!
>The killing wont stop
But it will be much harder, which is better than where we are now.
>A fertilized fetus inside it's mother with a chance at life is the same as a frozen embryo in a tube
We've been over thay shitty argument before, the correct answer is to leave both as the baby is probably a nigger abandoned by its subhuman mother
>Preach about taking away guns so only cops have them
>The same cops they want taken away for shooting Trayvon.
He's right though. Drugs are illegal as are guns in prison and, they still can't stop it.
Not arguments
>Ever been to a gun show, retard? Pretty easy to buy a rifle without a background check.
There won't be gun shows if guns are illegal, brainlet.
For the sake of the hypothetical, we'll say each and every embryo will be carried to term. Or just a a quarter of them.
>it will be much harder
You're more likely to get stomped in the head until you die as opposed to getting shot.
You're not here to argue, you're here to spread negativity as an outlet for some insecurity you have
It's not healthy. Relax.
Trayvon wasn’t shot by a cop
But niggers don’t know this
The 2nd Amendment will never be totally infringed, you absolute mongrel.
>if guns are illegal
Good luck passing that amendment kike
>You're more likely to get stomped in the head until you die as opposed to getting shot.
Spoken like a low t manlet
Pity you have no real argument to make, so you resort to (((psychology))).
anyone who really wants to kill will figure it out, it is not like they just one day decide they are going to do it, they plan it out. The attacks will just change to knife, acid or bomb attacks.
No real argument, so you resort to "that will never happen".
>we live in a police state!
>on the police (and Trump's admin) should have guns
But that is my point, these idiots want things that contradict each other. It's just kinda obvious that these people are being led around by their feelings on shit they don't get.
I told you, this isn't an argument. Relax man. This is neurotic behavior, it's killing you.
So teens like Cruz will become master bomb makers? Nah. And let him have his knife or acid. He isn't killing 17 people with those.
That makes it easy to pick the embryos over a living child but still we must ask how many are niggers.
A better parallel would be saving a pregnant woman or a woman with a newborn child and, assuming all are white, there really isn't a correct answer as two humans die.
The argument is literally good fuck luck you dumb hook nosed oven dodger it will not fucking happen so yeah good luck wasting everyone’s time crying like the faggot you are because you will not win.
I have had an argument. You just don't like what I'm saying. Guns won't be banned. Illegally obtained firearms will be used, no matter the laws. Faggots like you will be the first to be hung in the event of a 2nd civil war.
>"But what if we magically poof away all the guns in america :^)"
Hang yourself you fucking retard
Every "mass" shooting or heavily publicized shooting that has happened in the US in the last couple of years has been allowed to happen specifically to push gun control. Especially the most recent of them. Watching the way the kids are responding is like watching a b-movie, the acting is that obvious.
did you even see the picture you absolute mongrel.
Ellen is the only celebrity i actually like.
You seem pretty upset yourself. Afraid of a logical argument?
How many people did mcveigh kill?
He'll die before hand, humans can't live like he does
He's basically afraid of talking with people
You can murder 17 people with a truck like muslims do, or IEDs, like muslims do, or toss acid like muslims do.
Remember the Boston Marathon bombing?
Afraid of earnest conversation? Of course you are, because you live dishonestly. And it's killing you.
you people seem to be in complete denial that some people act on their own accord and that some people want to do bad things.
I don't think you realize how dangerous street fights can be. Even pro fighters can lose street fights. Not to mention packs of nigger spice and hajis. Why do you think antifa attacks in packs? It's a proven tactical advantage. Niggers also use this method for home invasions.
nobody watches this stupid shit.
fuck outta here with that shit boomer.
>being this triggered.
"It's not going to happen" is not an argument when we're discussing whether it SHOULD happen, microbrains.
Here we have strict gun control. Thanks to that only cartels have guns while regular citizens don't.
Because everyone is a former marine with munitions expertise.
Should we kill all the kikes like you?
Will we
Probably not
Thanks to U.S. guns, you dumb beaner.
Ah yes the marines where you build IEDs
There are bad people doing bad things on their own, they just don't get media coverage.
You know, life would be better for you if you relaxed a bit instead of meeting everyone with bitterness and spite
You’re such a fucking homo, if Mexicans could actually defend themselves the cartels wouldn’t be anything
>thinks I'm the one being trolled