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I can assure you, the Russians are to blame
400lbs of pure, unadulterated hacker.
The utter absence of critical thinking on modern society is making me insane
Hack the planet!!!!
Fucking of course the Russians are using their large population to try to infiltrate the political, media, and information systems of rival nations. It costs them nothing to fill a building with trolls and shills, and the payoff is significant. Definitely they do it whenever they can.
I estimate that about three-quarters of Sup Forums posts these days are Russian shills. We'll find out more about just how deep their efforts went when Mueller's investigation comes to a head.
Sup Forums needs to acknowledge Russian psy-ops and propaganda efforts more fully.
If you mean with "it": Trying to unraffle social cohesion of the western world, by setting up everyone against everyone (millennials against boomers. Atheists against Christians. Males against females, Left against right etc)... Then yes, I think the Russians are doing that through propaganda warfare.
America and Russia have always been interfereing in italian elections
What's the bottom centre flag?
They can't keep getting away with it!
My nephew had election on who was going to be class president this autum, the russians hacked that election too. The humanity he is only 8 years old
Italy, you say? Funny you should mention them.
>Operation Gladio is a NATO-backed paramilitary network established after WW2, originally inspired by fear of the USSR.
>Gladio was responsible for bombings, kidnappings and assassinations to such an extent that the network was publicly exposed in Italy in the 1980s and was the subject of a BBC documentary by Alan Francovich some years later.[1] The project was adapted in the mid 1990s as "Gladio B", using "Moslem terrorists" as a substitute enemy image for communists.
>Operation Gladio first came to light in Italy in 1990, after over 40 years of clandestine operations. Members of the project revealed that similar projects existed in most if not all countries of Western Europe.[2] These stay-behind networks were, in essence, super secret armies in at least 14 European countries, which were kept secret from the official governmental structures of the host countries – being controlled by other forces such as the CIA and MI6. They remained mostly dormant but were also involved in anti-communist activities including anti-democratic agitation and false flag "terrorism".
>terrorism directed against the people by secret armies funded and organised by NATO and answerable to deep state elements within NATO, MI6 and the CIA rather than the respective governments
Honestly after the dust settled and the race war ended, this is probably how the Aryan ethnostate would look
>I estimate that about three-quarters of Sup Forums posts these days are Russian shills.
Or so the Russians would have us believe...
Of course, they are the surge of the planet
>anytime the election doesn’t go my way
Teh Russians!
it's americans
everything is a fucking movie to them
this flag will go nicely in my collection
Americans should be more scared of China than Russia. Russia, even with Putin is an absolute shithole rampant with STDs and a lazy, passive populace. Their influence and military is a relic from the Cold War and they are only a shell of their former self. China, on the other hand, is a growing power with a united populace driven to advance themselves. They worship their Communist party and are bent on becoming a superpower. Russia is like the chimp who tried to challenge the alpha chimp (America) but got beaten nearly to death. China is the new and young chimp who wants to become the alpha.
There is only one race, the Russian race
i don't get this. why.
He is desperately seeking Nauru, and now he is sated in his desire.
tremble before me
I don't think that the possibility is 0 when groups like this exist too, I don't think they hacked anything but Russians spending resources to make propaganda in Italy online is pretty clearly happening. [spoiler]Not that I mind[/spoiler]
Hello Nauru, how are things in your country?