The Illuminati Card Game mentions this book multiple times.
What do you know about it and the meaning behind it?
How are the two related?
Principa Discordia
Other urls found in this thread:
its one of the gateways to the illuminati. its their religion you little brainlet.
what's the appeal of tap dancing?
OP keep bumping this thread, I have a bunch of Discordian books I can share
ps how do I share files? Hold on I'm looking them up
In short.
You are not forced to take any path or decision in particular, and set of rules are that, sets of rules nothing more, nothing less.
Worth it for $35?
Thanks mate, I think most of the people here would appreciate that.
How did you come to that conclusion?
the law of fives is NEVER wrong
Doesn't anyone own physical books anymore?
Because the book the Illuminati card game is based off is influenced by Discordianism
BUMP found the files, just trying to upload to Docdroid
It's juvenile hippie shit, but there are some red pills.
It is the First Primer on Chaos Magik, and how we elected Trump. Now you know.
I AM The Source.
"How Not to build a cult" lol
It is also the Second Book in the Holy Scriptures of Guerrilla Ontology.
Hail Eros.
definitely some good intro matertial
The OG Red Pill.
after reading it i went to the bathroom
Ewige Blumenkraft und ewige Schlangenkraft
It isn't even babby's first redpill, it's pseud-tier "I'm deep" bs that barely rises above "lol loominarty."
tldr lol
Parody religion created by a couple of old hippies, including one which was in the Marines with Lee Harvey Oswald. Was redpills for normies back in 60’s/70’s. Combines reworked myth of Eris & Chaos with some Zen Buddhist hippie philosophy. Spawned Church of the SubGenius and Chaos magick, some early culture jamming.
Best way to see if a Discordian truly believes in Chaos is to ask if Trump is Eris’/ Chaos’ Candidate. Encountered a bluepilled individual who tried to assert Chaos is only creative and not destructive. Funny thing, PD actually talks about how ordered systems become moribund, decay, and fall apart.
Trump is Chaos Candidate; Eris told me so when I consulted my pineal gland.
The Parable of the Bitter Tea is Sup Forums
who in here is pope too? HAIL ERIS!
It's about being super serious about not being serious at all. HAIL BOB.
p.s. user its the thing that fixes everything.
shills are too stupid to understand it.
Hope you deliver.
yea but the book is essentially like downloading a new os into your brain. all RAW's work is like this. For what this site is I'm suprised I dont run into other people embracing slack.
All the years I've been here, I just knew this place was full of Fellow Discordians. In order to build, you must first destroy.
Also; Nothing grows without Fertilizer.
I wish more anons would educate themselves on this. whish there were some green texts about it. :/
praise dischord
"Chaos Magic for the Pandaemon"
ps anyone else totally ship Eris and Kek in some kinda girly hentai crossover episode?
Maybe KEK is telling us to redpill the anons and turn them into popes?
the illuminatus! trilogy is based on this as well. cool read.
The literal meaning of "Occult" is Hidden; Secret.
They must find their own way here. They must find their own Chapel Perilous wherein they Live or Die.
Physical books are almost always superior, but I'm not dropping $35 for a book without having some idea what's in it first.
I think it might be just what this place needs right now..
I have been waiting. I sense The Awakening.
Others will sense it. Prepare for the Onslaught, Gentlemen.
>culture jamming
its ripe for us to plant the seeds now. I agree.
And last but not least, the most powerful, 'zenarchist cookbook'
That's all I got. Use your new power wisely! May Eris keep you happy and at peace!
Yes. Chaos Magik is how we Elected Trump. There is nothing provable. All is Truly False.
Focusing through Kek, we raised our Egragore.
That which is last shall be first, and that which is first shall be last. Shadily Lace.
You have a point.. I got excited.
It's basically a philosophy-for-dummies version of eastern philosophy through the lens of some stoners from the 60's. It's nothing particularly reality-bending unless it's babby's first philosophy for you as it was for me. The humor holds up too, which is pretty amazing for a book written 50 years ago.
I haven't read it in a while, but here's the tl;dr
>the natural state of the universe is chaos, not order as other religions teach
>ignore confirmation bias
>no one has any comprehension of "real" reality, you're limited to interpreting reality through your human senses
>nothing is true, everything is permissible
>be agnostic about EVERYTHING
>chaos can be constructive, order can be destructive and vice versa
>dude weed
>playful jabs at western religion
>don't believe anything that you read
If you've spent enough time on Sup Forums and /x/, you probably don't have anything to gain from it intellectually, but I have a soft spot for it.
lol I bought it from Amazon and it was only like $10. Get wrecked, scrub.
Give me Slack, or don't!
shadilay brother.
thank you brother
Thanx !!
Any other books anons that are versed in this topic care to recommend?
I have no idea where to start
obviously the Illuminatus! Trilogy, should be mandatory on Sup Forums before larping
Illumatus! triligy
no but this is the pop version of that, those books look good but its not where the thing talked itt is
anyone catch the first 10 seconds of dialog where they directly call out normies? HO-LEE SHIT the kids on here are going to eat this up.
The writing of the book was staged though, it never actually happened.
"I don’t believe anything, but I have many suspicions.”
This should be written on the wall in every class room.
I know of it. Theyre a.joke masquerading as a religion and a religion masquerading as a joke I think.
literally read it online
Chaos magick
Works by jacking off
Sup Forumsacks would be naturally adept at it
Cum to think of it, kek probably started as a tadpole in somebody's crusty sock
What about this cap?
Have any of you read the books this guy us recomending?
The SubGeniuus Hour of Slack if you can find it broadcast anywhere
imagine how different the world would be if people started thinking..
you sure?
The kybalion is good. alchemy in general should be something you should have a firm grasp of. this will take many listens.
you can also listen to this -
subgenius/discodianism/RAW/etc was pretty eye opening pre-internet (kids have it easy these days.. imagine dark ages before Sup Forums..)
that said, I never took any of it "seriously", and I assumed most people who were actually into "magick" hard core like the stuff in that
cap were just larpers..
who knows, tho, I could most certainly be wrong.
Magic is the imposition of will onto reality.
dude/ you must be new. check out the Illuminatus trilogy.
So, it's basically pic related?
hail eri... oh ya IS
i have this idea we are in a matrix
but not like robots put us there more like a naturally occurring matrix or god put us there
what read
Whoa an Erisian thread in Sup Forums? Count me in.
Didn't know there were other Popes here, thought y'all were greyfaces.
It's basically a religion disguised as a joke and a joke disguised as a religion.
HailHailHailHailHail ErisErisErisErisEris
slack is the only true element.
its (((qabalah))) dressed down for atheist goys
You can never begin to understand how bad things really are. There is a battle being waged between a group that wants to convert humanity into one sentient being (cicada) and the other group who wants to control it to continue their human sacrifices to moloch (saturn). Then there is the resistance, which is what this book is apart of. Good luck finding us though。Maybe you can find who the real Egghead Dude is :)
The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot
So where do Popes hangout these days? All the old chat groups are pretty much dead and the Facebook group is just cancer.
I will second this.
I like RAW, but honestly his philosophy isn't very complex or useful. It's basically "I think, therefore I am" for hippies. You can't be sure of anything, you're limited by your senses, everything might be bullshit. It's a little deeper than that, but not by much. It's kind of like Camus when he says the universe and life are inherently meaningless. That's cool, but now what? It's a jumping off point, but you'll need other philosophers to tell you something a little deeper than how things are.
Never read it, but RAW took pretty heavily from the Principia so probably.
i read the kybalion, its good but in my experinece theres two "branches" i see of people interested in this subjects, on one side are the ones who take it seriously and think there's magic behind it, on the other side are the ones who see its there and try to make a somewhat functional use of it without the larping involved in the believer circles
the human experience at the root of both "branches" and desu of all esoteric things is paranoia, the active manipulation of it in one and in others is what magic is, subjective illusion
all variants of functionalization of rituals around it are systems built around contained chaos, where "the universe is allow to speak through coincidences", after a while messing with this things you start getting a sense of personality behind "the messages"
The interest in weaponized paranoia is a running theme in the XX century, in fact we are living the aftermath of it
I started my own religion in 2005. I know late to the game... but it was fun. I called it COD. cult of "my name" actually had merchandise and all kinds of shit attached to it. Wish I still had the website. Lots of good jokes about fish and religion.... we are all popes,
I think its time for us to show up ;)
Another oldfag lurking discordian.
Neat to see this thread up.
Read the Illuminatus Trilogy, cabbages. All the shit going on in the world was a joke taken by a few people of taking tinfoil Playboy write-ins and combining them into a "real" scenario.
They wrote the script. Now we're the actors and pawns.
using desu in a spiritual discussion. you have either too much time or not enough on Sup Forums
I own a copy, it’s basically hippie bullshit in-jokes and puns. It’s also ‘all rights reversed’ so it’s free reign to copy and republish.
Looking at the posts it seems I've followed discordian principals already.
i refuse to stop using desu and senpai, fuck the police