Are you ready?
War is Coming
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what's the appeal of tap dancing?
nazis play fighting in the streets with antifa while they get shot by cops?
let me get popcorn
Civil War and WW3, its bound to happen, lets hope it becomes a reality
Honestly? Not really. So much I haven't adequately prepared for.
No it's not, fuck off neck beard
I deeply believe that I was born for this. Hail victory.
Shit was guaranteed decades ago the problem is organizing whites. The moment whites start their own in-group preference with identity politics the entire system collapses because it's designed around whites just giving up ground.
The gas lighting was never meant to be permanent, only long enough to create a force big enough to counter whites when they eventually resist. The (((elites))) planned this all for a reason. Neither Revolution, Civil War, or WW3 is a "surprise" for them as people would love to believe.
your whole movement is like anonymous back in 2006 2007. youre going to grow out of this newfag shit and think how cringe you were back in the day.
After seeing the vid of that green beret bleeding out in a desert in west africa, I can safely say I'm not ready to die in a war
"The train will not come The train will not come The train will not come"
Power changes quickly, my friend.
You keep making these honeypot threads.
I don't disagree, but why even come to Sup Forums if you're gonna call out LARPers? That's 80% of the board.
>implying we have to do anything
What "movement"? It's about the masses. What they do once they start taking their own side is outside everyone's hands and ambitions. That's where the lulz comes in. Who knows whats going to happen once the general whites stick up for their own interests and start to fight back, but it's going to be entertaining at the very least.
Nobody wants to control that because it's not hard to figure out how its going to end.
We tried to warn you.
well good luck with your genocidal bloodbath final war
the earth will be unusable once it's over anyway
>War is Coming
Not until they suspend the first and second amendment.
Sorry Paco, it's only going to get worse for you.
I can FEEL it
>Are you ready?
Not even close
Shit has changed. It when from some weird anarchy movement to the new full blown Fourth Reich. Me, and my friends can't wait to genocide all fucking Niggers/Jews/Muslims and finally eradicate the left.
What a cringeworthy fuckin gif, you should be ashamed for thinking that is cool. Before you call me a shill, let me mention that the JQ needs to be addressed and we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
>Leaf flag
goose step into the abyss like the million of souls hitler sent into the east to never be seen again
Nice, another chance to kill le epic nadsis and rape their mothers and sisters.
> Colombia
Yeah. I gues you're totally doing that, aren't you?
I love it when subhumans try to talk tough.