We Never Learn/BokuBen chapter 33 soiler

Fumino chapter!!!!!!!!

Title: A Tormenting "X" It Becomes When Genius and Predecessor Gather

Text-Based Spoilers:

Rizu, Fumino, and Uruka all joined the cram school that Nariyuki and Asumi is attending. However, because of how much more advanced the course works were, all three of them basically reverted back to their "incapable" form, while Asumi is stuck with them clinging to her in tears.
After the courses ended, they were about to parted ways with Asumi on the way home when a rainstorm came. All of them ended up in Kominami Clinic to shelter from the rain.
Asumi's Dad: "To think that the boyfriend my daughter brought home for the first time is such a fine young man. I'm truly relieved."
Upon hearing that, Fumino immediately dealt a blow to Nariyuki's stomach, followed by a lecture. As that happened, Asumi somehow developed a rivalry (in love?) with Fumino.
During closing hours at the Maid Cafe, Asumi asked Nariyuki who's the one. Nariyuki replied that he's busy with exams that it's not on his mind right now. Asumi then followed up with what about after the exams, to which Nariyuki was at a loss for answers.
On the omelet rice that Asumi treated Nariyuki to, " this bastard" was written on it in ketchup.
Translated by: LadyRuneReader

Shouldn't Fumino and Rizu easily ace half the stuff at the cram school while falling apart on the other half?


oh shit, new girl is decided to crash the yuigabowl with no survivors

>Upon hearing that, Fumino immediately dealt a blow to Nariyuki's stomach, followed by a lecture.
Beautiful. Just beautiful.

Crashing New Girl indeed.

Depending on how hard they fail, it could be a huge blow to their confidence.

>/lit/ chapter.
>new girl still gets the most screentime.

Well, I will take it. It's something.

I think it would actualy be nice, the meaning of a genius should be the capability of adaption, and not just adquire knowledge "magicaly"...funny that in the last chapter Azumi said it about the guys who lazy around cram school.
I mean in their speciality they could go from a low score (things they don't know) to a 100 once they learn it, the genius part play as they only need to read it once or with the least effort necessary compared to any "normal" student, but that doesn't mean they can't fail in their field.

Why is the MC boy the most moe character in this harem manga?
Isn't that wrong?

Boys can be moe too, user.

He's a total moeblob though

Ed Balls.png

I'm liking Asumi.

>Fumino immediately dealt a blow to Nariyuki's stomach
huh, I never saw Fumino as someone who would do this, not that I'm complaining, but that could mean a couple things:
>she already has enough confidence with Yuiga to scold him
>she was a little jeally
or both, generally violence for the sake of ramming in your head that a character is tsun is shit writing, but in this case it actually means character development, because I never expected Fumino to act that way, but at the same time is not OoC


Easy with the cancer, reddit.

Honestly my favorite.

This series gets spoilers faster than OP, BnHA.

Probably is just that they are close to do it, she isn't tsundere and we are not at the point where she would feel jealous about it yet.

Pure undiluted shipping war autism

more like she's surprised/pissed off, i imagine her inner monologue after Asumi dad talked kind of "what the fuck is this shit?"

I assume so. Her own feelings haven't really blossomed yet, so right now she's torn between supporting two friends as we saw in the sleepover chapter. Yet "he's bringing in another girl"?

Otters, when will they learn?

It's standard romcom shenanigans, you're overthinking it

She's certainly way better than what she could've been. I'm still sailing aboard SS Kirisu, headlong into the abyss

>Fumino immediately dealt a blow to Nariyuki's stomach, followed by a lecture. As that happened, Asumi somehow developed a rivalry (in love?) with Fumino

Asumi saw the 3 girls and she is only jealous of Fumino because she saw how Yuiga is with Fumino
then she asks him who he prefers
it is obvious that she noticed something between the two

this is the first time we get spoilers this early, normally we have to wait for gook scans

No, I think we got early text spoiler one other time, so this would be the second time.

>Nariyuki replied that he's busy with exams that it's not on his mind right now
So are people still mad at Uruka for respecting his wishes?

>Fumino immediately dealt a blow to Nariyuki's stomach
So are we gonna ignore the fact the author finally had a heroine use violence?

>So are people still mad at Uruka for respecting his wishes?
Yes, because she didn't have the courage to ask the obvious question, which Asumi did, curiously enough: "Asumi then followed up with what about after the exams, to which Nariyuki was at a loss for answers."

>So are we gonna ignore the fact the author finally had a heroine use violence?

/lit/erally the worst.

Autist girl is the best as seen from some of the last chapters.

/fit/ is a close second.

>So are we gonna ignore the fact the author finally had a heroine use violence?
We Nisekoi now

>Autist girl
Rizu? Fucking rude.

Rizu does indeed seem to have some degree of autism, though.

yes, because he would have folded. And when she tries again later when exams aren't on his mind, he won't fold.

user, she literally struggles to get a grasp on the most basic human emotions.

See the sleepover chapter for pure autism.

I wonder if that Sup Forumsnon completed his big budget sequel

Link to chap 32?

It's in the archive.

Link to the archived thread?

Its in the link

use desu, nigger


Thanks for teaching me. Now I know how to do it for next time.

/jp/ saved this series

Dopes Asumi like Nariyuki?

Too early to tell, but she definitely appreciates his help and holds him in some esteem. That's more than sensei.

sensei respects him, and she feels comfortable around him at least to some degree, but now it looks unlikely that she will join the bowl, being a cakefag is suffering
I want another sensei chapter, damnit, we haven'r even seen her in over a month

We have to believe, user.

>engineering maths 1 course
>easy stuff, mostly highschool repetion
>Suddenly homework where I have to scourge answer from someones pro-grad work
Jesus christ, this is going to get rough,aint it

>/lit/ attacking the MC



So the harem will stay at 5? Is sensei the only one without shippers to back her in story. The other maids, the giga niggas, and her father. Fumino has a secret network. Rizu has /chem/ and Uruka has the swim club girls.

>he other maids, the giga niggas, and her father.
Reference to Asumi.

>tfw when principal ship /sensei/ with yuiga since Yuiga is about to graduate soon anyway.

>the other maids and the doormen
I thought they wanted her to study better. That is why they invited him afteralll.

>tfw the principal wants Yuiga to thaw Kirisu sensei's frozen heart so she can stop being a stick in the mud

Yeah, that's how it starts.

Just wait until her apartment is closed by the government due to becoming a health hazard and she has to move in with Yuiga. She'll meet his family and become besties with momyuki who will start shipping her with her son.

her being that messy in her home is a nice contrast with her professional persona

>who will start shipping her with her son.
So a less lewd "Nande koko ni sensei ga!?"

>You will never pull sensei's panties down and fuck her face down in her trash

Sensei is for tender loving in bed while facing each other.

/lit/ is life, i'm so happy

She is probably looking out for Sup Forums and /sci/, so she'll lecture Yuiga for having something with Asumi or something like that

He's her boyfriend.

I can't wait to see her have an emotional breakdown while she tries to convince herself she's just acting that way out of concern and not because she also likes Nariyuki.

>cant be a tutor for a sensei
>teaches her love and handholding instead

/lit/ acts like he's her boyfriend without them actually dating.

When are we getting that delicious /lit/ + Sensei chapter.

She's endgame.

I don't think my heart could take it.

>best girl wins

Stop the presses.

/lit/ is like his sister, she won't win

No, I want a /lit/ chapter for her alone.

>Uruka prominently on the cover
And here I was hoping for sensei again.

That would be good too.

I like how you can see Sup Forums's friends in the background.

The second volume had /chem/ loitering in the back, ogling Rizu. Will the fourth volume feature Fumino's agents?
Oh, who am I kidding, it's going to be Komi.

>Upon hearing that, Fumino immediately dealt a blow to Nariyuki's stomach, followed by a lecture.

>Fumino internally: HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!

Of course not, we'll get another girl in 20 chapters tops.
We have to get another male character too so he can take one of them in the finale.

Kobayashi-kun could keep Fumino.

I wonder how far is Fumino from becoming self-aware of her status as a heroine in a romcom.

Doesn't he kinda want to fuck Sup Forums? Get better taste, boy

>Title: A Tormenting "X" It Becomes When Genius and Predecessor Gather
Sensei was the Predecessor, right?

The only person for Kobayashi is Nariyuki

>We have to get another male character too

>New boy starts acting really close to Yuiga
>Kobayashi turns yandere

it also had a nice shot of sensei's perfect ass

>harem of boys on the sidelines.

Make it happen.

Yes, please.

Kobayashi can't marry Nariyuki. He has to marry me

I wish... I think it refers to Nariyuki's other students.

'k, let's see:

>Ch. 25 &26: Uruka BTFOs herself.
>Ch. 27: Rizu and Kirisu's cockroach fun times.
>Ch. 28: Underwear chapter with all the girls.
>Ch. 29 & 30: Rizu's fakeout kiss.
>Ch. 31 & 32: Komi's introduction
>Ch. 33: Fumino and Komi's quest for Yuig'a heart

Seeing how things are going, we'll probably get an Uruka chapter again. Unless Komi becomes the new Uruka and we get more chapters with her for the next month.

I wouldn't mind a proper introduction that lasts from 3 to 5 chapters, the problem with Uruka is that her introduction lasted 3 months in which each chapter just rammed into our faces how thirsty Uruka is without developing her personality at all

Is Asumi going aggressive?

Komi pleases old men for money!


So it seems.
It'd be fun if she developed feelings for Nariyuki rather quickly and made blunt advances on him, much to the dismay of the other girls.

when is umimi sensei getting introduced?

For once this is not an overstatement.

There's already fanart of her? Damn. Guess we can expect a few more appearances from her in next year comiket.