Did KyoAni nail Australians?

Did KyoAni nail Australians?

what the actual fuck

My perception of Australians is that they're all ripped as fuck in order to combat the dangers of the wasteland that they live in.

I mean they have snakes that shoot lazers beams from their mouth.

I meant poison!! I mean poison!!

why does the guy have like four lips?

Need more asians and muslims. We are basically Sweden 2.0
t. Ausfag

yeah thatsssssss what I thought you sssssssaid

I mean... yeah

next you'll be insisting protestants count as christians

I'm also an ausfag and I disagree. We have WAY more asians and way less Muslims than Sweden due to our close relations with Japan we get a lot of people moving here from there, south korea and china for various reasons.

We also have a lot of Greeks and most of our muslims are lebanese rather than middle eastern (it's a subtle difference but it's also an important one).

> Muslims

Nah, it's mainly just asians, and at least they work hard.

Or, do you live somewhere like Melbourne where shitskins are everywhere?

These days Australia is basically America with a hotter climate honestly. It's the same basic "developed nation that used to be an english colony that has become a huge cooking pot of races and cultures" type of thing.

Also the whole national guilt about screwing over the natives thing. Though honestly you could argue that it's worse here in Australia because our ancestors didn't even exterminate them properly so all of their descendants are everywhere being homeless, on welfare and constantly reminding everyone to feel bad about what a bunch of people did 200 years ago that no living person had any part in.


Where are the giant spiders and kangaroos?
They got some work to do still

>Giant Spiders
Actually it's usually the small spiders filled with deadly venom that you need to worry about.
Unless you live in an area with funnel web spiders, in which case check the bottom of your pool before you dive in because those fuckers are deadly, survive underwater for hours and sink to the bottom of the pool instead of floating where you can see them.

And yes they can bite while underwater.

The big spiders are your friends because they eat the little spiders that are super venomous as well as other bugs. Huntsman spiders are the biggest bros.

nail them with what? a side 2 space colony from orbit?

Love the perception of Aussies from others, meanwhile I'm disappointed at humanity because both of my room-mates are extremely and irrationally scared of moths. I can't comprehend this level of stupidity



Pssst, user.


Lel. But seriously, I wish I could move to Australia and help them get rid of their current state of governing. It's very strange to have a country full of such insane madmen being ruled by laws on par with Sweden.