We're facing one of the biggest media purges in modern times.
(((They))) are preparing for a blackout, to sweep the 2018 and 2020 elections.
How do we combat the biggest Tech Corps (Google, Twitter, etc) and create a future where we're no longer bound to these modern tyrants?
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Let Sup Forums do what Sup Forums does best. HAXXXX!
That's there perogative. A left platform, under a free market, should be allowed to ban whatever they want. they own the servers the videos are stored on so it's their call.
Plus AlexJones and white supremacists nuts don't deserve a voice.
Kill yourself you pro-censorship cuck
>AlexJones and white supremacists nuts don't deserve a voice
kill yourself
Couldn't be a fucking leaf
Been visiting dtube and bitchute. Only go to yoytube for music videos now. Stopped using google too. Fuck them, they don't believe in freedom of speech, they can't be trusted
This, people like him turned me into a communist.
My strategy is to redpill cuckservative normies on social media, when they inevitably get purged they finally understand the gravity of the situation.
Except this isn't just some small forum, it's an international town square.
What if you and others were censored and banned for rightly voicing your point of view on a supposedly "neutral" website?
There is not a useful hacker in existence nowadays, they all do petty crime or are hired by the govt
Use. bitchute.com
Pretty much this
Just make a twitter campaign
There needs to be someone on the inside willing to leak something so shocking that the government will have to intervene and make sure the social media giants are held accountable.
I'll get the Russians onto it.
that genie is out of the bottle
life uh...finds a way
This. Use alternatives
The platforms are there/being developed. It's a matter of consumer choice at this point. Will vote with your dollar (click)?
Let it come. In the beginning I was worried, but there are so many shit Anti-SJW commentary channels now. I'm a conservative but even I think this has gone to serious levels of cringe. We need a purge. Like noah's flood. The creators of substance will find a way back.
I do. Though like Twitter, we should occupy ground to fight against the Pozz, there must be a major reckoning to wake normies up.
We need a samson option.
I got IPFS going today.
I don't know if it's something I've got configured wrong, but d.tube is kind of shit having to reload the page half a dozen times to get most videos to work.
If it's just the platform is that buggy, it's got a long ways to go before it's ready to take the masses that leave YouTube.
Bitchute interface looks like a jewish psyop its so bad its almsot like it was done on purpose so the site fails miserably
This purge does not discriminate, only against right wingers.
And Sargoy lol
Ok leaf
>hurr use alternatives
That's stupid. If our guys get canned from jewtube and twitter then we must destroy those sites making them unusable for normies.
reverse engineer google, twitter, youtube, etc. and startup your own dekiked/uncensored versions
this desu
Facebook, YouTube, google is not the internet
also this
all because of this.
Yes, though they are monopolies.
Jewgle = YT
Corporate warfare? Truck bombs on private headquarters? Covert assassinations of upper management and CEOs?
>be smug liberal who "fucking loves science"
>can't draw for shit
>create xkcd
start rehosting every video you can on d.tube. link any video you want to share with a d.tube link. It sounds like I'm shilling because I am: I'm shilling against google, in hopes of getting as many people as possible to start using a single alternative service. Once another service gains critical mass, our job is done.
splinter them into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the wind
It would be more effective if there was a way to gain control of them and make them push an America First agenda. That way we would have a head start on undoing all the brainwashing that is going on.
should they bake the cake?
Theres an addon called adnauseam that you can get that not only blocks ads but also clicks on them, costing google precious ad revenue and ruining their reputation.
combine it with this script jsfiddle.net
The Jews are going for a full shutdown of all free speech outlets come 2018, 2020, and beyond. Only deepstate sanctioned "news" outlets like CNN, NYT, and the WaPo will be allowed to have any say so on politics.
Places like Sup Forums have proven that free speech and exposure are the ultimate weapons against the enemies of freedom.
overall they are probably more detrimental than their pros.
it's tricky because you have to balance out corporations and big gubment.
i think getting kikes out of these positions would help a lot though
the answer to this is:
stop fucking using their services
and spread the word to others
politcs FOLLOW culture
we have already made it alternative to not use thier services, we need to just keep pushing that
we need diversity of internet services, and we are already achieving that
sign up for gab
use hooktube, liveleak
stop using jewtube and twatter
they are jewish services, dont use them, for anything, dont link to them, dont give them a single fukcing click .... ever
and everytime you see one, say i cant use link it 404'd, or make fun of them, call them boomers for using jewtube
"a jewtube link ... only a boomer would link to jewtube... hahahaha"
make people think they are losers just for using
laugh at it, mock them for using mainstream media
i hope they really do purge everyone on the right and those on the left who defy the establishment as well, it will unify and galvanize us where we can defy political pendulum cycles. this will make us strong as fuck. hope the enemy is this stupid. we don't need these tech companies, they need us, they will all die as they drive us away and we build our own better iterations and people eventually flock to ours. burning books and witches DOES. NOT. WORK.
>Plus AlexJones and white supremacists nuts don't deserve a voice.
Agreed, all they do is spread hate propaganda and get people caught up in identity politics, which needlessly divides the population. Youtube should be more viewer-friendly and people should not be exposed to hatred and bigotry.
>my gf's reaction when I told her youtube was banning alternative and alt-right channels this morning, the post.
I'm still pissed.
>what about Natural News?
>never heard of them
They're all like this now.
i hope they purge everyone on the right so we all stop using thier shit service
report e-celebs that are right wing, and any conservative channel
join the purge
i want them all driven off
turn them into nothing but an echo chamber and fucking minecraft videos, brainless shit for people who want a fucking lobotomy by TV
should we push to ban normie-centrist tier channels to redpill normies?
>people should not be exposed to hatred and bigotry
I can literally smell your vagina from here.
Reeducating people to support their country is the best weapon against a tyrannical government, even if the method of doing so is from a government power grab. The globalists are working to create a population of suicidal nihilists that will surrender their countries so they can be dissolved into a global superstate. A nation of nationalists would have the passion to stop that from happening.
just stop, leaf.
day of the rake won't spare you.
so where do we migrate to? all alternatives are pretty shitty and lack content
yep, the libs rewrote the rules now they're gonna be fucked hard until they live by them
When isp's start charging people for specific websites, don't put jewtube on your plan. The end of net neutrality will destroy the brackets influence over normies
The best response to the overt politicization of major tech companies is to enforce the Sherman AntiTrust Act
In theory, couldn't ISPs throttle, or even refuse to host sites like Google as punishment for censoring conservatives? I know the FCC chairman seemed pretty pissed at them for doing that and then saying that they want a free and open internet.
what about the chinese one? Youku?
we can build a new tube and lock in the datas using chainlink block chain technology.
we can make new super computers that somehow run maximally efficient and build a new energy grid with chainlink blockchain technologies and clean energies and super computers with autistic people.
and take the power out of corp hands and put it into the public hands, like bitcoin..
>How do we
>a) moving somewhere else
>b) decentralizing media control by creating multiple venues for independent media/content and letting them duke it out to create a better iteration of what youtube is perceived to be
>c) not relying on the "biggest Tech Corps" to brainwash into using their platforms
honestly, we use youtube because we're human. we think we can 'take it back' when it was compromised in the first place.
c) making it hurt by incorporating crowd sourcing platforms that bring in more money than google ad revenue/ possibly incorporating that same ad revenue platform through other venues and means
idunno, people are lazy
Fuck with the algorithm. AI is just based on statistics and a reward system after all. The people in elsagate did it. What's stopping Sup Forums?
You have to remember the mods and admins only allow the elsagate stuff because they support it.
I use adnauseum as well. It literally clicks on every single ad in teh background. It doesn't open any windows and you never know it is doing it. But since you are clicking on every single ad they can't develop any sort of profile on you because it looks like you are interested in EVERYTHING. It's the opposite of adblock. It is spamming their system so much they can't get any useful information about you. I still use adblock as well.
The left is fucking up with this.
If they were smart, they'd have waited until end of summer to start the blackout just prior to Midterms.
Instead, they're jizzing their full load early, as they always do, which will end up backfiring because they didn't have the patience to wait for when they could have done the most damage.
Fucking liberal retards, none of them have the fortitude to wait to strike at the best time, but that's a good thing, because their impatience is their ultimate downfall.
Yep all google sites are purging.Even Live Leak erased it members.
adblock and adnauseam conflict with each other, so only use adnauseam.
also, fucking DUI lawyers in Arizona are paying like 50 bucks a click, should tell them they are getting conned.
When was the last time Sup Forums HAXXXXXed? Do they even remember how?
I'm still waiting on someone to wipe credit debt clean, fight club style
can you still get strikes and get banned if you dont monetise your videos?
wtf is there any sauce on this?
I wonder what Sup Forums thinks about this..
nice try reddit trying to pin shit on us again are you?
The Russians, you say...
>Google co-founder: Sergey Brin, born in Moscow in the Soviet Union, Jewish, mother is a researcher in NASA
>23andMe CEO: Anne Wojcicki, Russian/Polish descent, Jewish, ex-wife of Sergey Brin (have 2 children together)
>YouTube CEO (former executive at Google): Susan Wojcicki, Russian/Polish descent, Jewish, sister of Anne Wojcicki
>already been actively censoring political videos last year, when they had the stormfag witchhunt thing
>old tech
>shitty coded
>far too laggy and corny to use
they killed their product even before it was completed
You need a unified platform every one agrees with then boycott them. Use meme magic to convert and see the death of jewtube.
this was why people wanted the end of NN, but they forgot to mention Jewgle and Comcast are on the same team
Anons need to look into anti-trust laws and class action lawsuits for this situation to improve any.
For less than $50 you can buy a shovel and a pair of Kevlar snips and start cutting the fiber.
Am i fucked for agreeing with the first part of this leafs statement though?
>create a future where we're no longer bound to these modern tyrants?
We need a containment version of pol, then a sub containment version for the original bunch.
We are going to have to bite the bullet in some way to allow more normies on, but I'm not going to look you in the text and tell you we should have open borders.
Since they're a global corporation, they should bake the cake. But if they were a small local business, I could really care less if they discriminated against fags.
Stop using them and find alternative. For example d.tube
Someone in another thread claiming to be an insider said they jumped the gun, in part because the SPLC.
SPLC wants the purge to happen now, thinking sorched earth tactic now will do more damage than if they wait too late. Basically if they purge conservatives now, then not only do they eliminate a huge chunk of the people to speak out against the SJW death kult, but they also silence those not caught in the purge by putting the fear into them that they will be next to be deplatformed.
Also, there is talk that Facebook is not onboard the Google/Youtube and Twitter purge bandwagon. Something about how Facebook knows how utterly unpopular what the two have been doing is and how Facebook would rather keep playing both sides rather than going full tilt leftie and risk pissing off a huge chunk of uses.
Peter Thiel save us!
I'm injecting an SQL packet but debugging is going to take a while.