They say 6 die in hologrug but me only ever see 4 in first place. Me think big nose tribe lying
take it to
you've been reported.
Underman be angry cause he no able kill bird with rock throw
longnose tribe say grog tribe let in 4 sand coonas each winter into cave. i say it too much. they say grog tribe give 5 bear skin each week becuase hologrug
>Ernie shows Bert
wow you sure told me!
"Shut up xenogrug, long nose tribe pay undergrug good money for no use pointy club"
hilarious memeing my friend
holobunga fake, me not believe they kill 6 long nose tribe? 4 tribe ok 5 tribe maybe 6 tribe? too much, holobunga fake.
stop making fun of frugs or we wave white hide
now longnose tribe demand short nose tribe take in sand boongas to their cave? no. sand boongas OUT!
xenogrub go bash rock dumb grug long nose tribe suffer in holobunga gib 5 bear pelts within 7 nights or long nose tribe will take your cave
Grug get shell for each tell other Grug no talk
Go way Tribe Shareblue
I'll give you goygrubs a few minutes before i shoah this thread because i'm feeling generous today, always remember your are in MY playpen
long nose tribe fake, long nose tribe say "ooo short nose kill 6 of our tribe, now we demand our ancestral cave back!" now all long nose tribe do is take land from sand boongas, now sand boongas raid short nose tribe. short nose tribe chieftan say "sand boongas are new short nose tribe!" grug not believe. grug vote alternative for cave party
Hooknose tribe go way for grug friends turn number from 6 to 7
long nose get OUT! you not fool me! GET OUT! get out before grug smash you with ROCK!
You reply lot in thread even though say hate thread. You just phoney like leaf tribe
>taking the time to type this nonsense
>long nose tribe use Grug's shiny rocks to pay for cave drawing called Black Sabretooth Tiger
>make dark tribe think they big strong
>dark tribe steal Grug's wife
>internal rock service take Grug's cave for alimony
>grug get small tribe on weekends
here is actual picture of you long nose call you "good goy"
these are underage faggot containment threads.
>inb4 b-but y-your here too
this grug think
grug stupid grug think sand coonas take over short nose tribe. sand coonas not take over for atleast 50 winters. you are xenogrub, me and long nose tribe visit you tonight with sharp stick. some sand coonas flee from angry sand coonas be better short nose and let in sand coona
heres an actual picture of you, only atm you're laughing hysterically as you type "grug" again
bring it, you think you can threaten grug with sharp stick? i club you and long nose tribe back to 194000000 BC
>me no be fun so try to kill other fun cause me dadug no like I have mate with other Grugs so me be sad and angry
Me see through lie
this is you good goy, back to the long nose cave with you
keep telling yourself that, summerchild :^)
>9 cave painting still no point
What Grug mean by this?
they say this what the new short nose tribe look like?
>this is you
but the last one was me? you're really struggling aren't ya?
Clean you cave
why clean our cave when we can take short nose cave?
You call what you want grug, nose tribe, tribe share blue, run off like water on leaf, but you call lover of other grugs you see how he does, how he hurt, Grug been found out
>still no point
I've made my point, but i understand that a grug fan would struggle to read.
i think he smart grug. short nose tribe need follow strong grug. long nose tribe say you follow long nose tribe they gib every short nose tribe 1 boar a day. i think they smart. i dont like grug in big cave long nose tribe say we chase them with stick
LOL like jews amirite??? but you said long nose tribe!!! XD
this is only strong leader grug need. make cave great again!
Trug make Cave great again
You no need hide what inside
trug make cave great again indeed
>when your running out of grug references
Longnose tribe ARE sand niggers. The intelligent ones are 80%+ white ethnicity.
Its not even debatable.
redrock grug on flat cave theory
>when you no say what mean
Grug only like woman you go Snail Tribe for other grugs
this sand boonga same as long nose you say?
Is that baby ruth jack?
Red berry me on isis
we need bow and club to defend ourself againt sand boonga who come into our cave without asking, we smash them, make cave good again
this grug smart he think like big cave grug make me chieftain and i give every grug big cave
holobunga not happen, holobunga long nose tribe lie, long nose tribe always lie
Really ooga grug booga
basically bug grug responsible for giving money to isis, fuck bug grug
Holy shit. Im dead
Leftygrugs cannot make fun paintings
Leftygrugs want to share all meat that they did not kill
Leftygrugs think only big tribe can build trails
We will throw leftygrugs from mammoths
Awoonanuki take grug in sky cave. Grug's poo-cave hurts.
australia grug very xenogrug. he hate grug. i think he part of long nose tribe
It's the holobunga you dumb cunt.
as a moderate grug and father of 15 children i believe you, holobunga fake, how can we punish long nose tribe for lying?
I leave Sup Forums for one weak and it's autism has multiplied by a factor of 4.
wtf is this grug crap? dumbed down wojack posting for easier mass consumption?
Just make sure you all remember you're only PRETENDING to be retarded...
>Grug had chance to invest in wheel
>grug fomo at peak
we must destroy sand coonas and long nose tribe from short nose tribe cave. we not start planting seed or short nose tribe die
we take long nose tribe shiny rocks away. they not live without shiny rock
get out cave! belong to short nose tribe, now i destroy the cave painting our ancestors make, and move to grug france
you think wise short nose.
catholic grugs steal boar from grugs. holy grug meant for every grug.
>wtf is this grug crap?
a containment thread for hysterical teens, i see how it may be amusing for teens, getting the "grug" character to regurgitate things they have read on Sup Forums or making different grug characters, but it really should be on /bant/ or Sup Forums
these threads are SO funny. Whoever makes these are the only ppl to make me laugh in years
grug think this grug is projecting, upside down grug is fat
yee yee grug can drink stone soup to that
We can only have super srs threads on Sup Forums or some shit. Everyone complaining about it is just pure reddit
0.1 boar has been delivered to long nose cave
shut up you stupid smelly
It is an effective means to digest large data into easily consumed material for these millenials.
It's like giving a quick rundown on a quick rundown.
very nice
Grug superpower by 10000BC
Send mammary gland
Good evening, Detective Potato
Grug see cave painting that said rockler took big noses to fishing pond. There no hologrug, why cave painting lie?
holobunga fake i was there
kek, well said
oh yeah?
painting REAL my grand dad grug made painting. xenogrub give 5 boar for questioning holobunga
Tea Tribe no be round with no help in second rock war
Grugposting good fun for pass time in cave!
Greetings, brother from the Northlands. You are right not to trust the Tribe of Long Noses, for when we exiled them from our lands they stole sacred vessels of gold and silver from our temples and said we let them borrow them. It's even written in their stupid book.
Pharaoh Kwazee Weweweuz Obongo III
i hope a kangaroo fucks you to death. this stuff is hilarious, kind of like your personal life.